Ryan/Jon WolfePack Addicts Pics #1

Whoops! :eek: I missed the theme name :eek:

I'll be posting my fav eppies. Just have to recollect my thoughts back into my brain and manage to do it before Mystic River :hugegrin:
oh dear, my eyes, my brain...
ok these are my fav episodes (those I've seen and found pics)
Sudden death



Fade out
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Some very nice pictures,of course that made it hard to choose.
I have a tie for our first place runner up:
BDS picture: WISC
I always felt this was a heart breaking pic because of the torture Ryan had gone through and that he was let down by the team,no one had his back.

Also loved this one from "Curse of the Coffin"This episode was such a great team episode and Ryan was just perfect in it.
Did that just move?

Our winner is lal with:
Ryan is great with children and I wish we could see it more often.
Handing Ryan over to you lal .Have fun!
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thank you :) i had a nice surprise to wake up and find This handsome guy waiting to come in ] the next theme i want to see Ryan with others members of the team :)

Max 12 in 28 hours :)
Newcomers are welcome :)
Happy Hunting :)

now i'm off , to spend some time with my guest :)
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hi loving the pictures everyone :)i will be popping back in later :)
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