Ryan/Jon WolfePack Addicts Pics #1

After much pain, drooling and deliberation, here are the results:

In 3rd is BlueDiamondStar with: Boyish. (I've always loved that boyish look he had in season 3)

In 2nd (and the very nearly winner) is greatfan with: New Cast Member. You gets more points than I can count for not only fitting in two adorable pictures of Jonathan/Ryan without breaking the rules, but for giving me some lovely new information on our boy. Good job! :thumbsup:

And in 1st is Kaunis Mies with: Smoothed Over. I'm sorry but as hard as I try, I simply can't say no to that look. :adore:

*Hands Jon over to KM* Congratulations and thanks everyone for participating! I can't wait to see what the next theme is! :D
Woo gosh didnt expect this seriously but thank you MiamiStyle for passing Jon over and my day was horse crap until Ryan turned up here and for the next theme i would like :

Best Ryan Scenes from seasons 3 & 4 in about 36 hours.

Meanwhile myself and Ryan are watching CSI:Miami

Enjoy the theme
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I'd be damned if I resist. My fingers defo not standing at line :lol:
And so as usually one-by-one (still no tabs on this browser)...
All the hottest Gun Porn:
I'll kick your ass
Come out!
Ready to shoot
(Uh it was hard. Internet failed on me few times but I managed to deal with it. I seriously hate that server problem pop-up note that's hunting me lately)
Forget the gun...I just love seeing his left handed self. 'Lefthandedness' turns me on :blushes:
Oh Country he's just too perfect to worry about anything :lol:
Btw I was confident enough to even join my friend to veterinary courses just to have the reason to get the lab coat myself. She just got her second one. I'm bit jealous b/c I really want one for myself. I'm starting to think that I should better try biology instead of IT studies. That lab boat image will hunt me forever :lol:
Wow wait new theme already? Whoosh that's for a day off the phone.
Ok quickly gathering all the coherent thoughts left. *onto picture hunt lol*
Yup this gotta be an awesome evening :adore: ;)
Ok here it goes:)
Ryan scenes from season 3&4
Adorably Lovely
Really Cute
Ahh this thoughtful look
Oh that!
Looking deep into your soul
Oki now I'm done. You can take a look lol ;)
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Remember that Addicted to Speed stated we are to keep discussion to a minimum in this thread unless it pertains directly to the pictures we are posting or the theme and I think we should do that.It keeps the focus where it should be.Thanks.
Oh Country he's just too perfect to worry about anything :lol: Btw I was confident enough to even join my friend to veterinary courses just to have the reason to get the lab coat myself. She just got her second one. I'm bit jealous b/c I really want one for myself. I'm starting to think that I should better try biology instead of IT studies. That lab boat image will hunt me forever :lol:
I didn't know people had an attraction to lab coats :) to each their own. I only mock the guy now because he is a giant ass :guffaw: