Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

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Ditto! Merry Christmas to the best fandom out there!! Love you guys! :)

And we got a Christmas present with that new trailer! :)
Re: Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

OK, so the trailer was AWESOME! I've always enjoyed Jon Togo's acting - not to mention that he's not hard to look at :lol: Love the guy! So....when is it coming out in theaters? I want to try to take some of my friends to this to show them how awesome an actor this guy is, aside from Miami.

On another note, Miami doesn't know what it has in Jon, IMHO. They need to give him way more storylines that have DEPTH - not stupid girlfriend issues/love triangle stuff. I appreciate what they did w/his gambling thing, but seriously, Delko and Cal and Nat have had way more development than Ryan. We need to see his family life and get some more background info - just a nice "Ryan" focused storyline w/no unnecssary drama would be nice.

Oh, and when I went onto the movie website, there was something on the bottom that said "edited by Ryan Wolfe" - was that for real? :lol:
Agreed, miamirocks. His acting is so incredible and it's evident in this movie... I really hope TPTB see this movie.

I've always felt like they don't want to go into Ryan's character more because they don't want to keep up with it. Like why didn't they show Uncle Ron in the tornado episode? But they showed his neighbor?! And we've never seen any of his family. AND when they had to search his apartment, TPTB made sure not to show many details at all. All the shots were close up so we couldn't REALLY see what it looked like. What's the deal?
Re: Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

Agreed, miamirocks. His acting is so incredible and it's evident in this movie... I really hope TPTB see this movie.

I've always felt like they don't want to go into Ryan's character more because they don't want to keep up with it. Like why didn't they show Uncle Ron in the tornado episode? But they showed his neighbor?! And we've never seen any of his family. AND when they had to search his apartment, TPTB made sure not to show many details at all. All the shots were close up so we couldn't REALLY see what it looked like. What's the deal?

Totally, Hollyyo! I really am sad we never saw Ryan's uncle, nor do we know much about his personal life (he has a niece (if TPTB remember that they wrote that way back in Season 5), so he must have a brother or sister...but not much else is known). I just don't get why we get Delko's whole lifestory, while Ryan's storylines are wasted on lame plot twists and getting him into trouble :confused: I think he's the better male lead (next to H) and we need to see his past come out more - let's meet his brother or sister or SOMETHING! We even met Nat's sister! Ryan needs some POSITIVE development - not this juvenile "romance" crap. :(

Oh, and just to reiiterate my last post - does anyone know when "Identical" is coming out in regular theaters? Like I said, I'd love to see it in the movies and bring some people, but I don't know when it's coming out - anyone know? :confused:
Because "Identical" is an indie film,we don't know when it will be released in theaters. It does sound as if it's getting closer to some type of release though. Some indie films have limited runs in select theaters so you have to keep an eye open for a theater release.

I've always wondered why we have never learned or seen much of Ryan's background,family etc.I swear it seems as if the writers or TPTB just rather not give us much of anything when it comes to Ryan.
Re: Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

TPTB is just too stubbornly stucked into other storylines that making one for Ryan seems too hard for them. But it's just me.

And the season 9 finale's tomorrow :D
Re: Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

Holy freakin' bloody badge!
Gee wanted Togo dream got embarrassment dream:brickwall:
Wanted to see Ryan in my dream? Got it. But still...

Who'd thought that Mayday can cause such a dream:eek: Yikes!

First it's scene from my old school's class. Then suddenly I'm rookie CSI being instructed by H (standing on the grass with whole team right next to Ryan!). Then we separate and go after one suspect. And I from all had to choose go with Calleigh and Eric (!!!!!) into that building when wander off and chase after him (!!!)
And then I'm chasing a guy and pull out my gun (from left side? why in friggin' dream I'm carrying my gun on left side when I'm right handed?:wtf:)
And then I shoot the man (!!!!) he falls and I try to stop the bleeding (though the blood looks more like ketchup to me) and call for backup/help through the radio when a dispatch voice tells me I didn't use the correct language for calling assistance (meaning that I should've use coded police language) *headdesk*
What a CSI dream *facepalm* Had to tell someone. So embarrassing:alienblush:
That's what you get when want only Ryan, you get E/C + embarrassing feeling upon waking up:mad:

I hope that didn't mean I'd be rubbish cop/CSI. I mean after all the years with CSI how could someone be rubbish at that thing? :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

LOL very vivid indeed:lol:

duh! *facepalm* Of course it was! And especially when he looked exactly like he looked on Mayday:brickwall::guffaw:

And speaking of Mayday....
*jumps up and down*

So awesome, so awesome, so awesome:D
Glad you are getting to see season 10!
We are waiting for new episodes right now.We saw a rerun episode last week,and will see another on Sunday.
Re: Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

Oh yes. I am feeling so hyped by that and now there's a chance my mom could watch the show too as it changed timeslot to earlier hour (from 10/11pm to 8/9pm because they decided to start White Collar on 10pm).
But I'm so happy. Sadly they don't seem to like the idea of putting reruns. I'd wish Miami earlier seasons rerun instead of endless season 6 or 7 reruns.
I guess I should try out tv3 forum again since they somehow tend to follow up my wishes sometimes:lol:
Re: Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

Wishing everyone happy, awesome, event(Ryan;))ful, successful and joyful New Year! :beer:
New episode coming up Sunday,yay. You can see the promo in the spoiler thread ,and yes Ryan is in the promo.
Re: Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

I so love to catch even a glimpse of Ryan in promo's. It makes me jump up & down (when nobody's watching, of course:lol:)

Can't wait for evening to come.
Gotta share episode with mom (if she won't decide Miami's not worth watching like she decided yesterday with H50, though she'd be more excited if House was first on Miami *headdesk*)