Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

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Re: Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

Did he blow her off to help H? It seemed alittle unclear that bit.

I have a feeling nobody will ever know... not even the writers, :guffaw:

I loved the character of Molly and really wished they would have developed her more instead of throwing her into... (wait, you're not at that episode yet. I won't spoil it.)

I'm thinking the reason that we haven't heard anything more about the character is a mixture of the writers wanting to give more attention to *other storylines* and the fact that Leven is doing "The Hunger Games" now. Even when she was guest starring on Miami, she was off doing a ton of other projects. Miami was probably the last of her priorities.
Re: Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

Did he blow her off to help H? It seemed alittle unclear that bit.

I have a feeling nobody will ever know... not even the writers, :guffaw:

I loved the character of Molly and really wished they would have developed her more instead of throwing her into... (wait, you're not at that episode yet. I won't spoil it.)

I have seen all of season nine. i am just rewatching the DVD. So i do know what happens :)
Re: Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

Did he blow her off to help H? It seemed alittle unclear that bit.
I don't really know, they made it seem like he did. I mean he was about to go with her to get coffee I think and then Horatio stopped him and after that they made it seem like they never went out.

Leven is in The Hunger Games? My friend is obsessed with those books and movies. :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

Ok I'm missing a beat right here. And dunno what's the talk about *facepalm*
Would ya share a lighters with me?:lol:

Oh and what? Leven in Hunger Games? What she's playing then? *frown*
Well I kinda read third book and now I'm hunting for the rest of them to catch the plot correctly.
Re: Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

Did he blow her off to help H? It seemed alittle unclear that bit.
I don't really know, they made it seem like he did. I mean he was about to go with her to get coffee I think and then Horatio stopped him and after that they made it seem like they never went out.

Leven is in The Hunger Games? My friend is obsessed with those books and movies. :lol:
I don't know if you would call it blowing her off,but he apparently opted to help H. We will never know if they went out or not and I doubt we ever will hear anything.
I really didn't mind Molly mostly because she was a recurring character and I knew if anything did happen with Ryan,it wouldn't be too intrusive.

Oh and what? Leven in Hunger Games? What she's playing then? *frown*
Well I kinda read third book and now I'm hunting for the rest of them to catch the plot correctly.
She is portraying Glimmer.
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Re: Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

Ohh righty. Now just gotta more info on those Hunger Games. Hopefully sometime soon, it this century preferable, the library will be opened. Bit frustrating to wait every weekend if my friend's pc will be able to pull several hours off.

Well didn't mind Molly at all. She seemed funny and friendly. Well as much as I've seen her. There're still some episodes till season's finale (About Face tonight).
I actually ordered the first book of the Hunger Games yesterday. I keep hearing that it's awesome and way better than the other fantasy crap out there now.

Anyway.... How are you guys liking Ryan's screentime this season? I think it's pretty good compared to a couple of other seasons, but at the same time they aren't giving us muh depth to his character. Of course, Togo does a lovely job of showing there is more than meets the eye to Ryan Wolfe, but we still don't know much about Ryan.
Would you rather have more backstory to Ryan and less screentime... OR less backstory and more screentime (which is what we've been getting lately)?

Of course we'd all love a balance of the two, but the show can't be all about Ryan. Maybe they should do a spinoff like Frasier from Cheers. :p
Would you rather have more backstory to Ryan and less screentime... OR less backstory and more screentime (which is what we've been getting lately)?
Maybe I'm greedy.I really don't see why we can't get a nice balance of both without it being all about Ryan.It all comes down to quality writing.
The writers have done a good job of sneaking in some facts like fear of heights,that he isn't a fan of nature(remember the leech) he was bullied as a child ,that he was or is a star gazer , doesn't appear to have a good relationship with dogs , he has a nice ,neat home,and he would risk everything to save a child etc. However,we know next to nothing about his family or his relationship with his family,things like what made him choose his career etc.
I do love that there for the most part is more screentime but I would like there to be more quality to it if that makes sense.
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^ That makes perfect sense. I too would like a mix of screentime and character info. But if I had to choose I would probably go for screentime, as tptb soon seem to forget the charcter stuff they have shown- ocd anyone!. Glad to see he has been getting a decent amount so far.
We are on s9 here- thanks everyone for the Molly info! It did seem like he blew her off, and its a shame that she hasnt been back this season, but good for the actress she has a full time gig. Although I cant say I have ever heard of 'the hunger games'

Holly- I would love a Ryan spin-off! A whole show about Ryan would be perfect.
Re: Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

^ That makes perfect sense. I too would like a mix of screentime and character info. But if I had to choose I would probably go for screentime, as tptb soon seem to forget the charcter stuff they have shown- ocd anyone!. Glad to see he has been getting a decent amount so far.
We are on s9 here- thanks everyone for the Molly info! It did seem like he blew her off, and its a shame that she hasnt been back this season, but good for the actress she has a full time gig. Although I cant say I have ever heard of 'the hunger games'

Holly- I would love a Ryan spin-off! A whole show about Ryan would be perfect.
True,tptb do forget character stuff until it's convienient to use again if ever.
I still don't think Ryan blew Molly off,I think there was at least one episode with Molly after that incident and they seemed friendly enough, unfortunately we have to fill in the blanks like we do so many other things.To me,blowing someone off is done deliberately and sometime with the intentions of hurting or embarrassing that person,which we know wasn't Ryan's intention.
I think Ryan feels so indebted to H that he will most likely drop everything to help if he feels Horatio needs him.
The actress that portrayed Molly was so busy with other projects,I was surprised she was able to do several episodes for Miami. She was so busy that I knew any "flirtation" wasn't going to lead to anything.
A spin-off would be great,but it would have to include Natalia.
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Re: Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

I don't think he blew off Molly. He just wanted to help H.
I love the screentime he has been getting and i do wish we knew more about him.
A spinoff show would be amazing!! And i agree greatfan, it should include Natalia. :)
Re: Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

I don't think he blew off Molly. He just wanted to help H.
I love the screentime he has been getting and i do wish we knew more about him.
A spinoff show would be amazing!! And i agree greatfan, it should include Natalia. :)

Aw, a spinoff would be awesome. They could leave the lab and become well respected P.I.s or something, ;).

Samantha goes out into the field with Ryan. Samantha belonged to a college group, and has some knowledge into the fraternity world.

What is it with Ryan and taking lab techs out in the field? lol.
Re: Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

I didn't really think he blew her off, like I guess what I meant before was just that he didn't end up going out with her at all. I know they never said if they did or didn't but like greatfan said we'll probably never know, but I don't think they did. From the way I remember that scene happening, to me it seemed like Ryan still would have gone out with her that night, but that she could tell he wanted to help Horatio and she understood why and everything. They never said anything (I don't think?) but I think Molly was just kind of like, okay, I'm fine with you helping H. I think she was still disappointed but not mad or anything.

Would you rather have more backstory to Ryan and less screentime... OR less backstory and more screentime (which is what we've been getting lately)?

Of course we'd all love a balance of the two, but the show can't be all about Ryan. Maybe they should do a spinoff like Frasier from Cheers. :p
That's a hard one but I kind of agree with greatfan. I know we're all Ryan fans and we're all on his side no matter what but he truly doesn't get enough of either of these. I mean if I was a big fan of Horatio I wouldn't go around complaining he doesn't get enough screen time because that's just not true and I know it, no matter how much I would love him. :lol:

And I don't really think ANY of the Miami characters have that much backstory given (compared to other shows especially after ten seasons) but compared to Ryan they do. We know about Horatio's past (killed his abusive father because his dad killed his mother, he was an undercover cop, had a kid with Julia he didn't know about, has a brother, a nephew, a niece that was spoken of like twice, etc.) Even with Calleigh we know she has an alcoholic father, and Eric's whole thing with his mom coming from Cuba and his dad the Russian, plus Marisol etc. :lol:

What do we know about Ryan... really nothing compared to all that. We've seen pictures of his parents for about five seconds in one episode and that he MENTIONED a niece once that suggests a brother or sister, and that's all aside from the little things about Ryan himself that they've stuck into episodes (everything that greatfan posted). Those things are interesting but when they're just random and TPTB don't even remember them half the time it's not that great.

*shrug* I don't see why we can't have half a freaking season dedicated to Ryan the way we always have for Horatio, Calleigh and Eric.

Not to mention Natalia who has been there since season four and is pretty much in the same boat as Ryan. All we know about her is her ex-husband. Walter is still new in my eyes, and he gets PLENTY of screen time so eh, not worried about him.

/long post
Yeah, I agree with all of you. It would be awesome if we had both options, but unfortunately it always seems like one or the other. I get that Horatio is the #1 character, so he's going to have more personal stories. But every other character has had some family drama or something. If we got like 2 or 3 angsty Ryan centered episodes per season I think that would be great. Eric had all that oddball family stuff going on and was staying in a strange hotel etc etc. And they did drag that out for half a season. What if Ryan got that much story? I feel like more people would have an opportunity to see how great of an actor Togo is.... And he is like the king of angst..... WISC confirmed that. He did such a spectacular job in that episode... Every single shot he was in you could see what Ryan was feeling...I know I say this all the time, but his acting is superb.

A spinoff with Natalia in it would be AWESOME!!! They could solve crimes and then talk about who they are so we could finally know!!! Hahaha...
"Ryan, do you have that trace sample?"
"Yes Natalia, it was positive for aluminum. By the way, I had a dog named Skippy when I was a kid!"

Ok. It's late. So I apologize for slight stupidity. :p But a Ryan/Nat spinoff would be soooo cool. They could call Horatio on the phone or something when cases got confusing. Lol!
Re: Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

^^I totally agree!

A spinoff with Natalia in it would be AWESOME!!! They could solve crimes and then talk about who they are so we could finally know!!! Hahaha...
"Ryan, do you have that trace sample?"
"Yes Natalia, it was positive for aluminum. By the way, I had a dog named Skippy when I was a kid!"

Ok. It's late. So I apologize for slight stupidity. :p But a Ryan/Nat spinoff would be soooo cool. They could call Horatio on the phone or something when cases got confusing. Lol!
Omg that is hilarious!!