Lots, and LOTS of Ryan screentime tonight, WolfePack! And to top it off, it was QUALITY time. The episode its self was pretty amazing as well.
We learned a few things tonight, first things first, Ryan looked hot. Oh wait, we didn't learn that, we already knew.. :lol:
We learned that he likes to stargaze... and that he was buillied ("Seeing stars now, Wolfey?" Epic!) . Poor baby, then to top it all off, Eric laughs when he says his colar bone got broke (okay, who can blame Eric, I giggled too!). He's to adorable.
As for 'Molly' well, she wasn't on long enough to form a strong opinion of her... but I did think Ryan's awkwardness was entirely TO freaking cute. Loved the way he rambled on and on...
And the last scene was my favorite. The team bought him a new telescope? Its like the CSI of the older seasons! I think that was the cutest thing I'd ever seen on an episode! "He's a congressman." Oh Ryan, you never stop making me laugh!
Just loved it. All of it. Can't wait for next week... looks promising for more Ryan goodness!!!