I know you're talking about before they found Ryan, but I'm just saying this. I think Calleigh WAS worried when he came back, about what had happened to him since she could see that obviously something physical had happened to him. She did ask Ryan at least twice what happened and every time he had to lie. That's the only reason she gave up asking him, she probably figured she was just going to get the same answer. And yea, she did say that Ryan was acting the way he had when he was gambling, but come on. He used to gamble, and if she thought he was acting the same way as then she would just assume he was doing it again. Not saying it was Ryan's fault because he was lying, he had to lie, but also if Calleigh was getting the same answer from him every time she asked we can't expect her to keep asking. She trusts Ryan and trusted that he was being truthful.
Eric was the only one really who never said anything to him and didn't seem bothered at all by Ryan being missing. But really, since when have the writers made it seem like Eric cares that much? Nailed maybe? Sure he had the whole biological father thing going on and everything, but still.
And like GNRF said, it's really the writers we should be mad at. :lol: But hey we watch the show and even though it's not real, it's more fun to talk about it like it is. xD
ANYWAYS, I really hope that they give Ryan more screen time this season. Like, a lot more.
I actually really like JT as an actor (not just because he's hot ) and I wanna see him more! If I'm being honest, I still watch Miami because I like it, but if it keeps going the way it is I'll only be watching for Jonathan Togo, since he doesn't seem to do anything else.
My rant is over now.
Eric was the only one really who never said anything to him and didn't seem bothered at all by Ryan being missing. But really, since when have the writers made it seem like Eric cares that much? Nailed maybe? Sure he had the whole biological father thing going on and everything, but still.
And like GNRF said, it's really the writers we should be mad at. :lol: But hey we watch the show and even though it's not real, it's more fun to talk about it like it is. xD
ANYWAYS, I really hope that they give Ryan more screen time this season. Like, a lot more.
Especially because of Eric leaving. It will piss me off more than anything if this new guy Eddie whatever gets more screen time than Ryan and Natalia. He already seems to have the whole second episode to himself, with Horatio.
My rant is over now.