At the end of Target Specific, they either show Ryan being kidnapped and tortured, or just snippets of that as a foreshadowing to Wolfe in Sheep Clothing. Well anyway, point is, Ryan gets kidnapped and tortured till he complies with his captor to hide evidence on the murder, Billy is added incentive. Billy never appears to sustain any real injuries or such, he's just kinda sitting around waiting for his superhero, H, to save his ass. It looks like Ryan does a pretty good job hiding some minor evidence and contaminating a Shirt, but it's not like Calleigh or Delko don't notice something's up. For now Ryan shakes it off and keeps quiet, but H is already on the kidnapper's trail because Billy's dad, Mark, mentions that billy never showed for school. So H is all: "hmmmmmmm must go investigate!" So apparently H knows, but Ryan still thinks it's his little secret. H goes on his super secret manhunt, and finds a suspect affiliated with the kidnapping or whatever. He also finds the place where Ryan was held and tortured, and roughs up the suspect he's caught in order to get the name/location of the actual kidnapper. H then finds and kills the kidnapper to save Billy. This makes sense because if Ryan shot the kidnapper, it would definitly look like a revenge killing, and that's not what we want in terms of him salvaging his job. ---->MY ANALYSIS: With all this, my best opinion is that Ryan doesn't do horiffic, outlandish damage, and it's not like it'll blind side anyone. H actually knows what's up fairly quickly, but he keeps it to himself, knowing Billy's life is in danger. H proceeds to go out on a manhunt, something he is a little famous for already <3. I think that manhunt of his conjoins with Ryan's misconduct in a way, and kind of helps in tossing the CSI rule book out the window. (okay, you taint the evidence, I go try and kill the kidnapper and torture his accomplice, and we're almost even) In the end H saves the day, and I am assuming he will bring the team together to gather evidence of the blackmailing, torture and kidnappings in order to save Ryan's job. I have not heard nor unmined too much that will imply Jonathan togo leaving the show, it feels like he's just getting warmed up, to me! There are some actor paycheck issues going on, but I think our beloved actors and actresses are making enough, don't you? (like three million a year is good.) PLEASE NOTE, that some of these spoilers may not hold true, and some details may have never made it into the final cut of the episode.