Ryan/Jon #19: Fresh Togo

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Nailed- definitely my fav episode. The whole ep runs so smoothly and is very well acted, and of course it helps that there is a ton of Ryan. There is a few eps to choose from though, I really like curse of the coffin, urban hellraiser, legal. Any ep with plenty of Ryan moments.
I saw an ad for a book the other day called 'togo and nogo' think its some childrens book. Made me smile. I will have to look it up!
Love all the pics guys. :lol: I dunno why but I always found it funny when Calleigh says "I'll help you." Then proceeds to open one side of the dumpster and stand there while Ryan jumps in and sifts through garbage. :lol:
so many :drool::drool: pics so i feel it's already Christmas :lol:
i totally adore the one from One Of Our Own when he shows his nice back:D i love men with muscular back :devil:
and the other from the safecracking scene...that mark above his lip still drives me crazy :drool:

one more week guys... ;)
and the other from the safecracking scene...that mark above his lip still drives me crazy :drool:

one more week guys... ;)
The freckle? I unno, I call it a freckle. It's cute. :lol:

6 days, 6 hours 37 minutes for me! :eek:
is it a freckle? okay, i'm tired, i didn't think, just wrote the first word that came to my mind in English :lol: it still looks good

i watched a tvshow today and there was the girl in it from Cyberlebrity, and i immediately thought of Ryan ,his buttoned down shirt and the whole epi and lost track of that show:guffaw:
Well it's definitely not like that mole that Stetler has. XD Yea, freckle. He has one on his neck too.

*wonders if it's scary that we notice these things*
Well it's definitely not like that mole that Stetler has. XD Yea, freckle. He has one on his neck too.

*wonders if it's scary that we notice these things*

Stetler's mole lol, i don't really pay too much attention for Stetler...but i remember that clearly :lol:

i don't think it's scary that we notice these, but the fact that how hard and :drool: we look at the screen to notice them can be frightening to some:lol:
and i also don't wanna see myself from the outside when CSI Miami is on, i'm sure i :drool: from the beginning just can't recognize it, i concentrate too much on the fact that Ryan maybe comes in the next scene:guffaw:
HAHA His face on the one with the nail gun pointed at him!! HAHAHAHA! LOL!

Stetler's mole makes me giggle.

I never noticed that freckle Ryan(Togo, whatever) has until it came up here. Now I feel a little obsessive.

But not alone. That's always good. :)

Thanks for the pictures! Hold on, they're loading me in the ambulance for a heart attack!
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