Ryan/Jon # 18: Why can't we cap our dreams?

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OMG i lovvvvee rats,
I just lost my rat, he died :( it was a Dumbo rat and all they do is honestly, kiss....
the only thing I found with rats is that you have to clean their cage about twice a week once they start getting older or else it doesn't smell to lovely.

Rabbits are sneaky, but if you get the right kind of rabbit like a Holland lop are extremely nice, and ive had those rabbits since I was like 4... but now I have a lionhead, they can be tempermental but over all nice, they take care of themselves, and she loves to be around people.... !

and just a random question
does anyone know if it would be allowed if i posted my fanfic as an actual script only without all the camera angles and expression and movement logs in them?
Ive contacted a couple people about it but they have yet to reply back.
^ Sorry, I don't know the answer.

I look forward to see the scruffy Ryan episode.
The bad thing is that he has so little screen time in the first few episodes.
I think it's time for another Ryan-centered episode.
It's alright, someone actually contacted me about it!

Ah i know i loved when ryan had a little bit of facial hair.
Ah I know, i vote for another episode that focuses on ryan!
Ryan and the facial hair was indeed a good thing. I saw an ep the other day with the young Ryan and was like darn he is cute...but goodness he needs to learn some more things. So i'm glad there is a mix of sweet and innocent with the mature and down to earth Ryan. :)
When I first saw Ryan with the facial hair was pleasantly surprised. It looked pretty good on him lol :)

and I absolutley agree that they need to make another Ryan centered episode that would be excelent if they did! :)
I think we need another "Ryan centered" episode too. What should they focus on this time? I think they should go back to his eyes. Its like he got "nailed" in the eye but its perfect now. He should have like a slip up with evidence or something because he couldnt see well. I definitely dont want them to go back to gambling. But as long as its about Ryan, I dont care that much about what exacly they are focusing on!
Hm, maybe the episode could focus on another injury or something. not like a serious one, but one that will focus mostly on him throughout the EP.
I will have to keep thinking!
ILuvJonathanTogo said:
He should have like a slip up with evidence or something because he couldnt see well. I definitely dont want them to go back to gambling.

That's not a bad idea, but I wouldn't want it to end up like other episodes where he makes a mistake and there's all this animosity towards him. He just got his job back, so it would suck to have him jeopardize it all over again.

So yeah, I definitely agree with you on the fact that they shouldn't go back to the gambling thing. I'm sick of everyone being mad at him...
WolfeWhistle said:
ILuvJonathanTogo said:
He should have like a slip up with evidence or something because he couldnt see well. I definitely dont want them to go back to gambling.

That's not a bad idea, but I wouldn't want it to end up like other episodes where he makes a mistake and there's all this animosity towards him. He just got his job back, so it would suck to have him jeopardize it all over again.

So yeah, I definitely agree with you on the fact that they shouldn't go back to the gambling thing. I'm sick of everyone being mad at him...

I mean in that episode where he got fired and at the end when he said "I did this for everyone in here" (or something along those lines) it was true basically.

I'm glad he got his job back.
Or even if like the episode focused on him because lets say a friend was involved with a crime, or an old case was brought back up that he worked on for the most part and the guy started again whatever crime was committed previously.

I don't know I'm not experienced with creative writing, all I know is that ryan should have a little more air time :)
too bad with the strike we're not going to get anything on Ryan for a long time. MOnday will be it for months..and months. I'd say this whole season of tv is probably trashed due to the writers strike. It's going to take months before they get something written up then months before its filmed.

I'd like to see another ryan centered ep but not focused on him messing up. Though I am a major angst whore I don't want to see him get hurt either, or go back to they eye injury, unless his eyes are just weak and he needs to wears glasses. I want a HERO ryan..Ryan saving the day..Ryan saving someone's ass or better RYan taking off his shirt and running into the ocean to save someone drowning...ok,I'm done!!
I agree the strike is going to keep us from having fresh Ryan, but reruns aren't so bad. Plus that special thinger Jon does on the S5 dvd is a good time and very worth watching.

And Hero Ryan is just what Miami needs. H is getting old and soon he's going to retire....the best replacement has got to be Ryan. He's the smartest, and now after all that crap, he's got his head on straight. It's hard for him to leave a corner without a search, he's definetly the one to fill the shoes.

And shirtless is also another needed element. I seriously thought that when he was the bodyguard he'd atleast be in the water somehow, but no such luck. Perhaps they can having him running on the beach and there is a cute kid drowning and he'll rip off his shirt an save them. Another Hero Ryan moment. :D
I just want this strike to end, i think its time the industry does something about it. I mean they DO do A LOT of work so i can understand why they are doing this!

haha i totally agree about a shirtless scene, but sometimes i dont think it will happen unless there was an injury just because him walking around shirtless doesn't seem to be his character, or any CSI for that matter.
But I guess there isnt any harm in wishing and hoping!
And shirtless is also another needed element. I seriously thought that when he was the bodyguard he'd atleast be in the water somehow, but no such luck. Perhaps they can having him running on the beach and there is a cute kid drowning and he'll rip off his shirt an save them. Another Hero Ryan moment.
I also thought that when he was watching out for that girl, that that was a really good oppurtunity for them to give us the shirtless scene! Ive always had the fantasy that he jumps into water to save a girl. Argg! They missed their chance! Oh well, hopefully there will be another perfect situation soon.
Inge! Happy birthday! I've only just seen that. :eek: *throws confetti*

I agree that I'd like some of the old stories to be followed up. I didn't like how his eye was better and that was it. Maybe there should be something to acknowledge that it happened? I like him in glasses, so maybe he could get glasses? :p Also, I'd like a little more acknowledgement of his OCD. Maybe he could be so thorough at a crime scene that he discovers the piece of evidence that everyone else overlooked, and that breaks the whole case.

I hope the writers strike breaks soon. We need more Ryan! Do you think they'd do the whole number of episodes for this season, if it takes a long time to get the writers back, or cut it short?
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