Ryan/Jon #16:Obsessive Togoholic Disorder Support Group

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First of all, welcome LemonJelly06 :D I already know you from the Jorja/Sara thread, and it's nice to have you here. Together in the OTDSG ;)

I think they will have him in the promo pics. I mean, why not? He is a main character. And that's why I think sooner or later he is going to have to come back to the lab. It doesn't really make sense to keep one main character out of the lab storyline, or it will become less crime show and more about their lifes. Can't you tell I am trying to get everything I can to believe in Ryan coming back to the lab, even if it doesn't really make good sense?! :p But he is gonna be in the episodes, so I can still take it.

Those pictures are great :) Thanks for posting!
*huggles Dani*

I believe he will be in the promos. He's still a character. Just not a CSI ( :lol:). And I agree. Sooner or later he'll come back. We'll just have to wait and see.
I'm keeping my hopes up. He WILL be back! or CBS is gonna have a mob of fangirls at their door! :) if they even think about taking jonathan off the show we'll be after them so fast they would forget of even thinking about taking him off! and plus he hasn't been on the show that long so they can't take him off! :)
Well all - I am leaving for vacation tomorrow.....I will be gone a week....

So have fun and play nice while I am gone! LOL

Yes Steph - JT came on in season 3.

Here is a pic for the day!

OMG!!! EEEE! So much hotness in that pic!! CSI Kat!! Thanx for that! :)

Here I have one cuz I haven't posted one in a while!

He He i think he's wearing makeup! :) but still just as sexy!
I just saw episode 10-7 season 3 today! omg ryans line "I happen to think potassium iodide testing is very sexy." was indeed very sexy when he said that! :) soooo hot!!
I almost forgot what Ryan looked like! I haven't watched CSI:M since spring! I turned on the tv and the first thing I saw was his smiling face...I started crying. I feel horrible! So, to make up for my mistake...I LOVE you,Jon/Ryan!!!
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