Ryan/Greg #3 - Welcome to Gutterville! Population: Rising!


Woot woot new thread people! Congrats! :thumbsup:
Throws confetti :beer: to everyone and Welcome to Gutterville!
Be prepared to use this :drool: and this :censored: a lot.

Here is the link to the old thread http://talk.csifiles.com/showthread.php?t=52185

A great manip pic from Irma (Silhouette) to start the thread :drool:
Oh, wow.
This caught me off guard. c:
I was looking for the other one, and then I saw your post and then I was all 'whoa!' x3
I was too busy reading greg/ryan fics x.x;;
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Re: Ryan/Greg #3 Welcome to Gutterville! Population: Rising!

Woohoo!! Thread #3! Throws confetti! I seriously cannot believe we got this far. This is totally cool for 2 CSI's that have never met. We do need new topic to discuss though.

So let's do what Sue suggested and discuss the possiblity of marriage - which would include the vacation to San Francisco and possible a honeymoon.
Re: Ryan/Greg #3 Welcome to Gutterville! Population: Rising!

Wow I missed a bit tonight...yay for new thread!!

Hmm marriage would rock...but it would only legally be recognized in places that do same sex marriages...San Fran, somewhere in Mass., and one other place I can't remember...probably Vegas but don't quote me on that. The other states would only recognize them as a couple, and there are a few states that won't even do that. :scream:

A nice outdoor ceremony would be nice, just the close friends and family. Keep it simple and quiet they aren't guys who would have a huge to do about anything. Then go on a nice vacation to the Bahamas, where it's sunny and sandy. :D :drool: :censored:
Yay new thread! :beer:

(I was going to bring fireworks too, but lost mine n the Crash of '08 :scream:)

I don't think that gay marriage is legal in Vegas, but for some reason it seems like it should be. I think it's legal in Massachusetts and New Jersey. Let's say that hypothetically gay marriage is legal nationwide. My first thought was that they would get married in Vegas. It's close to Greg's friends, and I can see him being into something showy. BUT, the more I thought about it, the more I can see them getting married on a beach in some exotic location. Maybe Hawaii or the Caribbean. There would just be a few close family and friends, and it would be a sunset. Then they would spend a month travelling to see the places they always wanted to.
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Yeah, that makes sense FieldMouse. [=
I could just see it now... It would be the most adorable wedding ever. ^^

And I would've thought that Vegas would have been the first to legalize it. x3
But I think Michigan took that spot, and then San Franny. c:
Wooo congrats on the new thread guys! :beer:

*throws confetti and hands out cookies*

PHHH! I love all the wedding ideas! They all seems so :drool:

I should really have something for you guys but I'm a little busy right now, I'll be back later with a little surprise I hope!
Hey Sophia! Good to see you in here. Did you see all the manips that I posted at the end of thread #2. They are great! Wish I could manip that good.

Michigan - what does Michigan have to do with gay marriages?

It would be an adorable wedding and a very hott honeymoon!
Hey Sophia! Good to see you in here. Did you see all the manips that I posted at the end of thread #2. They are great! Wish I could manip that good.

Michigan - what does Michigan have to do with gay marriages?

It would be an adorable wedding and a very hott honeymoon!
Michigan was the first place to legalize gay marriages. :scream:

At least, I think it was. xD
Nope I think just Boston and California. I have had friends here who have wanted to get married and cannot.

So - another topic (we may have discussed this). Since we have talked about them getting married....what about possible adoption?
i missed the thread opening. i'm a lousy shipper.

Yay! third thread ! this is huge for a crossover pair. it's amazing you've gone this far.

Anyway, if they would ever adopt a child they should a girl. We could watch them freak out when she's growing up !
Hey Sophia! Good to see you in here. Did you see all the manips that I posted at the end of thread #2. They are great! Wish I could manip that good.

I saw them Kat! They were awesome! I know I don't post much here but I do lurk around ahahaha

Anyway, if they would ever adopt a child they should a girl. We could watch them freak out when she's growing up !

^*giggles* adopting a girl, can imagine what that'd be like for them?!? PHHH madness!
Hahahahahahha I can just imagine Greg saying, "Oh, Ryan, I wish I could quit you!" and then Ryan going "...why are you quoting Brokeback Mountain?" xD That would make for a funny scene... :guffaw:

And I think they should adopt a little girl. :3 That way they could help her with boy troubles... or attempt to help with girl troubles (if she turns out to be lesbian). xD ...Oh, God, that'd be hilarious. :lol: Greg and Ryan trying to help their daughter get her very first girlfriend. xD
So - another topic (we may have discussed this). Since we have talked about them getting married....what about possible adoption?

I would love to see them with a little girl. Greg would teach her to be a little rebel, and Ryan would teach her to be responsible. I could picture Ryan laying on a beach watching Greg give her the first surfboard lesson.