Hey everyone! Great to see the thread moving so nicely. :thumbsup:
Welcome to the thread, Shazza/Sophia . :beer: Hey you made our population really go up!
I think both of them would make a good parents and together they would really be great raising a kid. Ryan would be the strict one to help mold the child into being neat and tidy, rub his ocd off on it. While Greg would be the one that would teach the kid about the fun stuff. NOt that Ryan would be a total stick in the mud, he'd would be a fun dad but I see him more serious. I also see Greg being able to handle a teen ager better. Which one would explain to a teen age daughter about puberty and her monthly dues as a woman...
So far it is only Massachusettes and Cali, and I'm not even sure if it's only San Fransico or all of California, that has legalized gay marriages. I know in Mass. you have to be a resident of Mass. to get married, as to where in Cali you don't. SO everyone is flocking to Cali to get married.
Welcome to the thread, Shazza/Sophia . :beer: Hey you made our population really go up!
I think both of them would make a good parents and together they would really be great raising a kid. Ryan would be the strict one to help mold the child into being neat and tidy, rub his ocd off on it. While Greg would be the one that would teach the kid about the fun stuff. NOt that Ryan would be a total stick in the mud, he'd would be a fun dad but I see him more serious. I also see Greg being able to handle a teen ager better. Which one would explain to a teen age daughter about puberty and her monthly dues as a woman...
So far it is only Massachusettes and Cali, and I'm not even sure if it's only San Fransico or all of California, that has legalized gay marriages. I know in Mass. you have to be a resident of Mass. to get married, as to where in Cali you don't. SO everyone is flocking to Cali to get married.