Ryan/Greg #3 - Welcome to Gutterville! Population: Rising!

Greg as a school girl...:rolleyes:
I think your right, Ryan is too shy to go overboard dressing up. I think the gangster outfit would suit him fine. Something a bit more conventional. Greg is into all that mob stuff, so he would jump at the chance. Although he would look pretty cute as a school girl :) Ryan might be like 'Im not going out with you if you are dressed like that' But Greg would make it up to him, later that night...:devil:
Okay so I thought this was "population rising"

It's been entirely too quiet in here, and granted I've been really bad about it myself. Thought I'd at least attempt to get some posting going on in on here again. I've seen different fics showing how they boys might have gotten together. What's everyone's favorite idea of how they ended up meeting. At school, a conference, childhood friends..? I like the thought of them bumping into each other at a conference. Each of them sneaking peeks at the other across the room, not realizing that the other is doing the same thing. Then maybe they get stuck in the elevator alone together for a couple of hours. ;)

What about everyone else? C'mon....
Steps in for a few minutes!! *waves to everyone* HI there! Come on, Missie is right, the name isn't fitting the thread. The populations is going the wrong way!! :brickwall:

My fav is one of them transferring to the other's lab. At first they don't get along, territory thing, they fight over evidence and cases...hmm much like ryan and delko LOL..but then one night ryan decides to check out the town and just happens to run into greg at a bar...an unlikely bar that straight men would go to.....then the fighting stops and the :censored: starts. A conference would be kewl too, but then they would have to have a long distance relationship and that would suck. I also like Greg moving to Miami, just cause two guys on the beach is more fun than two guys gambling in a casino, plus Ryan has a gambling problems so Vegas wouldnt be a good place for him.
I like the conference idea, but Twiz is right- long distance wouldn't work. Greg would get bored! Maybe if they met at a conference, and then shortly afterwards a job came up at Miami and Greg could be like, 'well that hot guy works there, so thats where Im heading!'
Greg and Ryan working together on a case, ohh I wish that would happen. I really want a cross- over, although I would get way too excited, and my flatmate would think I had gone mad!
*dusts off the cobwebs* Heeelllllloooo, is there anybody out thereeeeeeee?

I would love to see a cross over with miami and las vegas, only if they let ryan and greg work together. I know they would never have them being too friendly with each other, like we'd like, but just to work side by side would be awesome. I think TPTB would have them not get along though. It seems they like making characters hate each other, or well anyone that works with ryan hate him, at first. A good case would be a body washes up on the beach in miami, and the vic is from las vegas and maybe the death is similar to a case the las vegas team had been working. So we get ryan and greg at the beach, the hot sun beating down on them. ryan in a tight purple shrinking t shirt, greg in a whity tighty t shirt. Greg is telling him about surfing, says he'll teach him, then they spot something large floating in the water and both have to go into the water to retrieve it...now we have 2 tight wet clingy t shirts, wet jeans sticking to their bodies.....dream on!
*gulps hard* The thought of them both in tight wet clothes :censored: I would :drool: very hard at that. Sue - what are you doing to me???

I would love to see them in a cross over together in any way TPTB would let us see it.
wet t-shirts? 'goes into a lovely daydream'...
They would have Greg say some wierd thing, or act Kooky, and Ryan would be like 'okayyy...' They probably wouldn't have them in any scenes together, but we can dream.
What was it Jon once said about how he was mistaken for Eric Szmanda, and that if they ever met the world would explode or something? I cant quite remember what he said.....
Geez, it ALWAYS comes back to those wet t-shirts, doesn't it? :lol: Doesn't matter where the conversation goes, but always ends up back in the same place.

What was it Jon once said about how he was mistaken for Eric Szmanda, and that if they ever met the world would explode or something? I cant quite remember what he said.....

Solitaire I think that's from an interview CSIFiles did with Togo a while back. The link is here: Interview

I think this is the quote, you're thinking of:

[Szmanda] is great. I think he's a handsome guy. I haven't met him. I think when we meet it's going to be akin to Elvis meeting Nixon. We're going to both implode--our DNA is too similar!
I think Jon and Eric would get along great in RL. I could see them becoming best buddies, if they ever met. Which I'm sure by now, they have. I mean it's been 4-5 yrs now and I think their sets are on the same lot at CBS, right? Anyways, we have seen that Togo has a very odd sense of humor, "the penis show" and we know Eric does, "Secret funtime shows" They are really a lot alike and I think they may implode if ever face to face.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!! :beer:

How would our boys celebrate Thanksgiving? Would they want to spend it together, or maybe head to their families houses for it? Thanksgiving is kind of a time for families, so maybe they would go together and visit each others families. If they did it alone who would do the cooking? I think it's been said that Greg is a good cook, right? I could see them in the kitchen, fighting over how to stuff the turkey, I could see Greg with big rubber gloves on, with his hand up the turkeys pulling out its guts. They would make a pumpkin pie together and maybe have fun putting the whipped cream on it. Of course they wouldn't use all the whipped cream on the pie, but I'm sure it would get used :censored:
OMG!! I haven't been in here since like... FOREVER o_O
Sorry I've let RL taking over... I've just graduated today (YAY!! :D) and I have work now (also moved closer to work so I'm living on my own, and the new place has no internet :eek: I don't know how am I going to survive... lol... at work there is, but can't really open Ryan/Greg thread with all the hot goodness in here right? What would my boss think of me if he sees me looking at hot manips while I should be working??? But who knows, maybe he's secretly a shipper too :D). Whoops. Long update. Just in case someone here misses me :D Now back on topic...

I can't believe it's thread #3 already! :eek: Last time I checked it was still the beginning of thread #2. Wow you guys grow FAST! Population: Rising indeed! :lol: Oh now that reminds me... HELLO to all the new people!! :D

Ooh, thanksgiving. It'd be fun to see them cooking together. Ryan with mitts, holding the turkey in the pan... Greg trying to get the oven door open, which somehow, got stuck :lol: (wait, turkeys are cooked in the oven, right? :confused:) and ooh, I can so totally see them have a kitchen fight! lol
And then like all scenarios including food... later they can feed each other and lick each other's fingers (and maybe other parts too) :devil:

Jon and Eric, I'm sure would get along well in RL. Haven't they meet yet anw? I've lost touch with CSI for a while so... maybe there's a lot that I've missed.

Hang on... did I just read 'wet t-shirts'???? o_O
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Silhouette, OMG you're back! I so missed you. Welcome back to the board and we have all missed you. Congrats on graduating and living on your own. That sucks about not having any internet. ;( I hope you can sneak on here now and then, I miss your hott scenerio's. You have the greatest imagination. I hope you have been doing well and best wishes for the New Year in case I dont see you again.

Q's for everyone. How will Greg and Ryan celebrate the coming holidays? Christmas and New Years? I can see a huge party going on for the new year and I bet they make a new years resolution to experiement more on positions. hehehe

Yes! Wet t shirts on the beach. Nice thought, huh?
I can see Ryan joining Greg to visit his family. Since Greg is an only child and it's been mentioned that his mother is worried about him, dotes on him, etc. etc. Ryan would want to reassure Mama Sanders that her baby boy is doing just fine as a CSI and as his boyfriend.

Then I see the two Jetsetting to Miami for New Years. Not necessarily to go clubbing (though I do think that might happen a little) but maybe have a New Years Dinner on the beach, maybe some scuba diving. Just a fun laid back holiday for the two.

Wet Tshirts on the beach? How about no tshirts on the beach?
Thanks Fieldmouse for that interview link. I would imagine that Jon and Eric have met in RL now. That must have been a strange meeting.

Wet T shirts or no T-shirts? :drool: Im not fussy!

What would they do for Christmas? Happily I think you are right, Greg's Mum seems to overprotective to let him spend Christmas away from his family. And Ryan's family seem non-existent :rolleyes: So I reckon they would go to Greg's. Ryan would be determined to make a good impression and would panic and do something silly. Then they would sneak off somewhere to spend some time alone......:devil:
*I stole this from Heather, the other new mod.*

Hey Guys, I'm Steph, thought I should introduce myself as one of the new mods and to *sigh* go over the rules here in Shipper Central.

Most important, all posts must contain at least three lines of posting. Good posting about their relationship, experiences, etc...
Second, no bashing of other ships/characters/actors. We want to make this a fun place.

Most important, have fun. Again, we want to make this a fun place to post.

The rest of the Shipper Central rules can be found here.http://talk.csifiles.com/showthread.php?t=52009]here
Hi there Steph, :beer:
Glad to have you in Shippers heaven. We try to be behave in here, but sometimes our minds get a little dirty :censored: but deep down we are all :angel: in here.

Heather, I think your right about them going to Greg's for Christmas. His mother would probably be upset without her little Greggo at Christmas. You're also right about Ryan not having a family :( I could see them both wearing santa hats for the day and some matching santa boxers, hidden under their pants. Maybe they would hit the egg nog a little hard :beer: and run around in just their hats and boxers. Oh what a wonderful Christmas that would be!!! :adore: