Rory Cochrane

WOW..It's so great!Thanks for the interview.
Rory is best,I still hope he can come back.
And about's really disappointing.
It really makes my heart hurt,I miss him so much.
My God. i was so angry when i read that he wanted come back every once in a while.

were the writers really that angry at him that they couldn't figure out how much we'd love them if Speed was kept alive and we'd get to see him?


sorreh, being a bit spiteful here, Speed was one of my favourite characters.
I'll be going to see Rory in "right at your door" when it's out here. for once the UK gets to see something first!
It really is a shame that the producers had to act like five year olds because someone wanted to leave the show. However, Rory's happy and I'm happy for him.

It really is great that finally the UK gets to see something before us Yanks and Canucks. :p I'm sure the movie will do very well over there, and hopefully it will do just as well in the US and Canada. :D
TPTB were probably trying to send a message to the rest of the cast, along the lines of 'make sure you really want to leave'.
I can kind of see both sides. I would have loved to see Speed return and it would have been cool to see him interact with Ryan and work with the team. But, on the flipside, I see how the writers might have wanted to use the opportunity to show how dangerous this job can be. I wish they hadn't made Speed look careless though. He easily could have been shot in that situation even if his gun hadn't misfired.
I understand what you mean Top41. I too, also wished they hadn't shown Speed as such a slob. In reality he wasn't, but the writers insist that he was. I just don't see how a simple mistake made the year before can make someone a slob. But they're the one with the power, so they can do whatever they want.

I would have liked to see him come back for a few appearances here and there, and really, it couldn't hurt the ratings. But they still went ahead with the whole 'Speed's a slob let's kill him' thing so in the end it was their decision. :rolleyes:
^Yeah, I didn't like that they partially blamed his death on him. I did like the episode "Dispo Day" because it showed how easy it can be for an officer to make a mistake like that--that made sense. And I know they were probably going for continuity when they showed that Speedle's gun wasn't clean when he was shot. But it did undercut his character, and didn't really seem to represent what we'd seen of Speed in "Dispo Day." After seeing that episode, I was pretty sure he'd learned his lesson. So I think it would have made more sense for him just to have gotten shot in the jewelry store or maybe have a faulty gun or something, rather than for it to seem that he still wasn't cleaning his gun.
Yeah, considering how remorseful he was, and how much he blamed himself for Hollis' death, there is no way he still wouldn't clean his gun after that...but TPTB insisted on making his character a slob and make it so that most of the audience will think "Well, he should've cleaned his gun. It's his own fault that he died" I mean, seriously...

And they could've made the gun misfire by no fault of his, because it was faulty, as Top said, that way it explains Lost Son and what happened on Dispo Day, which they accredited to him not cleaning it. Or they could've had something as simple as him not being able to reach for his gun in time...I mean, that makes a whole lot more sense...
carlz31 said:
Yeah, considering how remorseful he was, and how much he blamed himself for Hollis' death, there is no way he still wouldn't clean his gun after that...but TPTB insisted on making his character a slob and make it so that most of the audience will think "Well, he should've cleaned his gun. It's his own fault that he died" I mean, seriously...

Maybe TPTB thinks we are simpletons. :(
"A Scanner Darkly" opens in the UK this weekend, for those of you over here. However, very few places seem to be showing it. I've been having a Rory revival recently - I'm rewatching CSI Miami and the like, so this was a huge surprise when I visited. I'm just happy that we can still see Rory at CSI Files every so often, and like everyone else, I'm devastated that he could have been brought back and TPTB decided not to go ahead with that.
I don't know, I dont really want to see Scanner Darkly. Even if Rory is in it, I don't like the fact that it's animated, and I don't like the storyline. It seems soooo confusing. What I do want to see is Right At Your Door. That movie looks amazing, and the fact that Rory is starring in it makes it even better. I think it would be a movie I would see even if Rory wasn't in it.
ilovegrissom1 said:
I don't know, I dont really want to see Scanner Darkly. Even if Rory is in it, I don't like the fact that it's animated, and I don't like the storyline. It seems soooo confusing. What I do want to see is Right At Your Door. That movie looks amazing, and the fact that Rory is starring in it makes it even better. I think it would be a movie I would see even if Rory wasn't in it.

I guess I view it differently because I'm really interested in Rotoshop and what it can do. Vector graphics are a really popular artform online, and I've done them myself a few times. They are really hard work, depending on how detailed you make them, so for me, I'm interested in the technical details behind this film. Plus, from a fangirl point of view, I think the film is generally being well received and could become a cult classic, which won't hurt Rory's career at all. (Empire Records anyone?)

I'm going to say it again - top banana, Kristine. Another awesome interview, and you made my whole week with this one :) I'm just thrilled that we get to keep up with what Rory is doing :D
I was also very interested in the interpolated rotoscoping technique as well. It proved very interesting to the movie, and the added effect was so intriguing, but it didn't take away from the plot. - A lot of people thought it would be a gimic so that the movie would do well, but in reality, the effect added to the movie and made it that much more interesting to watch, even if some people found the plot to be confusing at times. I would take Rory's advice though - You need to see it twice to really understand the movie. It's just really deep, and dark so it's absolutely aimed at a more mature and sharp audience.

I thought it was an excellent movie, and it stayed true to the novel. The acting was top notch, everyone worked very hard on the film and it turned out great. :)

The only downside I could think of was the fact that the movie went a little too fast for my taste. The plot seemed hurried at the end, but it still gave the impact that Phillp K. Dick was trying to carry out through his novel.

All in all, Rory was very wise to participate in this film. It's entertaining, makes you think, and the added humor just makes it a great movie to watch. ;)

This is one of the reasons I'm excited for Right At Your Door. Rory's choices have been very well thought out regarding the roles he chooses, and he hasn't made very many mistakes career wise. - Plus the movie seems extremely interesting despite it's topic, which nowadays is pretty contraversial. I'm looking forward to this film, and of course anything else Rory will be seen in over the next few years. (Not only because I'm such a hardcore fan, but he seems to pick the most interesting roles) :D
I'll probably go see it.....if I can find it here in the US lol But Right At Your Door seems like a really really intresting movie. I think Rory is an amazing actor, and he can definatly pull that role off without making it seem too cheezy, because as he said, if it was anyone else, of course they would let their wife in, because you love them. Well, I think Rory will do a great job in making it believeable. Maybe one day, he'll be one of those really well known stars such as Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt....he definatly has the looks lol.