Rory Cochrane

CSI Files

Fans of Tim Speedle were chagrined when <font color=yellow>Rory Cochrane</font> decided to leave CSI: Miami at the beginning of the show’s third season. Cochrane retuned to his film career after leaving the CSI: Crime Scene Investigation spin-off, and he took the time to talk to CSI Files' <font color=yellow>Kristine Huntley</font> about his two 2006 films and his newest gig.

CSI Files: Your CSI: Miami colleagues speak very highly of you. Do you keep in contact with anyone from the show?

Rory Cochrane: Yeah, definitely. <font color=yellow>Adam Rodriguez</font> (Eric Delko) and I just had dinner last night.

CSI Files: Do you have any regrets about leaving the show?

Cochrane: Not really. I know people love the show and some people still come up to me upset that [Speed] was killed off. But you have to do what’s right for you. People are very sweet and kind and will still come up to me in airports and want to have their picture taken with me because of the show, which is cool.

CSI Files: Would you have preferred to see Speed written out in a different way?

Cochrane: Yeah, absolutely. I had asked the people in charge to not kill me off and that I would like to come back and do a few episodes here and there, but they said, you're leaving and we're killing you off. It was their decision.

CSI Files: Would you ever do television again?

Cochrane: I wouldn't want to be a regular on a series again, but I'm doing a <font color=yellow>Ridley Scott</font> miniseries, which is six hours long. I'm just not cut out for doing TV all year long. It's good for a lot of people, but it's not for me.

CSI Files: What's your newest project?


To read the full interviews, please click here.<center></center>
Aww, yay! It was so nice of Rory to do that interview :) thing I did notice though was:
CSI Files: Would you have preferred to see Speed written out in a different way?

Cochrane: Yeah, absolutely. I had asked the people in charge to not kill me off and that I would like to come back and do a few episodes here and there, but they said, you're leaving and we're killing you off. It was their decision.
OUCH!...I mean, get real can't keep actors around forever, and if they truly cared about him like they claimed, they would've honored his wishes and not started pouting..."No, You wanted to leave, so we can disgrace your character as much as we feel like. Well if you wanted your character to still have dignity, you shouldn't have left. Humpf." *pout*
I mean, COME ON!...and if they had honored his wishes, his fans would've been a whole lot happier, and he could've come back to do a few episodes, but of course, TPTB couldn't possibly let that happen because it might mean that the fans are actually happy :eek:

Well, at least I can now actually blame the writers for Speed not coming back, because I know that it's actually their fault...*mumbles*

But now Im really excited for Right at Your Door (which I'm still hoping that will come out here *crosses fingers*) and A scanner darkly which I'm going to see the day it premieres :D
CSI Files: Would you have preferred to see Speed written out in a different way?

Cochrane: Yeah, absolutely. I had asked the people in charge to not kill me off and that I would like to come back and do a few episodes here and there, but they said, you're leaving and we're killing you off. It was their decision.

Ah! You mean I could have had my Speedle at least every once in awhile?


I knew there was a reason I that Miami was always my least favorite... Bleh.


*realizes I am way to obsessed*
EDIT: Very happy about the interview.

-I'm glad the new miniseries will be filmed in Canada, and will be six hours long. :eek: Exciting.

It's great to see that Rory is doing what he loves to do, and that he's happy and I'm excited to see what else he has going for him in the next few years. ;)

But isn't this great? I haven't hear a peep about him for a few months so, so this is great news. Hoepfully we'll get plenty of updates from either imdb, or CSIfiles. It's great that the good people here are still keeping track of him. :D *bigs sigh of relief*
I was bummed to learn he wanted to come back and would have, but the writers decided to kill him off. It would have been cool to have Speedle guest appearances. If they had made a bigger deal of his death, or if it had had a bigger impact maybe, but...I would have rather seen guest apperances from him.

A Scanner Darkly is great, and I agree with his assessment that you have to see it twice--I want to see it again! Right at Your Door sounds amazing and I can't wait to see that!
-Now that I've calmed down...

I agree with you Top41 about how he wanted to come back. It really saddens me a little because I would have really loved to see him come back for guest appearances. *sigh* But I guess he's meant for bigger and better things. (..I didn't think it could get any bigger than CSI:Miami but I blame Ann Donahue) But since he has said that he would like to do a guest appearance, perhaps TPTB could find some sort of flashback to stick him in. :p (I can still hope)

But I'm also excited for Right At Your Door. It sounds like a really great movie, and from the reviews that I've read, it looks like an amazing movie. I really can't wait to see it when it comes to theatres-hopefully for a wide release.

And I've had the pleasure of seeing A Scanner Darkly. It really was a great movie, and the entire cast did an excellent job. :)
That was a great interview. It is a shame that the writers chose to kill him my opinion they were just spiteful at the thought of him wanting to leave the show. I think it is also great that he keeps in contact with the cast of the show as well as doing his other projects. I wish him the very best for his future.
Thanks for the interview! It's great to hear that Rory's keeping busy and has projects coming up!

Must add, you're definately a lucky girl Kristine- interviewing all the hot CSI men!! :D
^I gotta say, that definitely does not suck. :lol: :D

I was excited to hear about Rory's new miniseries--I kind of wonder which channel will end up picking it up! It's coming from Ridley Scott, so it seems like that will be kind of a big deal. They're just starting the production on it, though, so I'm guessing we won't be seeing it until 2007 at the earliest.
Alright, this just made my day a whole lot WORSE

5 mile run on the beach
workout afterwards
having a nice little rasberry from my legs rubbing together while running
Finding out that Rory could have come back


*slaps forehead* Okay, I know this isn't what is the case, but from the outside looking in, it seems like they didn't want him on the show. They didn't have to let him out of his contract and they DID NOT have to kill him off.

Kristine, if you ever talk to Rory again, tell him we all miss him, and we love him dearly.
Calm down Jess, we'll get through it. :lol: *hugs Jess*

And I am really excited about this miniseries too. I've been waiting two years to see him on the small screen again, and it looks like I got my wish. :D

I wonder how big his role in the movie will be. Rory is very well-known in the acting community, so perhaps he'll be getting substantial role in the miniseries. Either way, I can't wait. :)
Well it doesn't look like Rory has a huge role in the miniseries, but he'll still be there and it still looks like it'll be interesting! :D Thanks for the info ThisIsMe :)
It's so nice to hear from Rory and to read what he's up to these days! :) I definately miss the wonderful scarcastic Speed..hehe.
I read the interview and was (like everyone else) annoyed that the writers killed him off (don't get me started on how pathetic his write out was) when he would of been happy to come back for guest appearances. Nevermind, miami's loss is another's gain. All the best Rory!
ThisIsMe said:
Did some IMDb searching and this looks like it might be the mini series he's talking about- "The Company"

Ah, cool! It looks like it's going to have a great cast. I remember when the book it's based off of came out--it's huge! No wonder they went the miniseries route.