Rock/Alternative music

Hi Everyone :)

I love Rock favorite groups are HINDER, Daughtry, Three Days Grace, Crossfade, 3 Doors Down and of course..Aerosmith
Rock music is my favorite, too. But I tend to listen to a lot more Southern Rock, considering that I'm from Texas. My favorites are Lynard Skynard, Led Zeppelin, Kid Rock, and ZZ Top. But I also like to modern Rock artists, I'm really big into Nickelback, Hinder, Our Lady Peace, and John Mayer.
The Mars Volta, At The Drive-In, Supertramp, Alkaline Trio, David Bowie, Gary Jules, Iron & Wine, Neutral Milk Hotel, Van Halen, and the Arctic Monkeys are all some of my favourite, more popular Rocl/Alternative bands.

Dead Rat Marionette Theatre and Rio Bent are my favourite local bands of that genre.
Here's a couple more from me:
Mercy Drive, Saliva, Sevendust, Fozzy, Black Sabbath, The Who and countless others that I'll share when I get a chance.
Does anyone read AP(Alternative Press) magazine? I really enjoy it, i love cutting out pictures and making collages on my wall :lol:

For anyone who doesn't know, it's a magazine that features different, punk/indie/techno/ska etc. bands. Fall Out Boy is on this month's cover. :)
So, has anyone heard the new FOB album?
I have and even though I was never a fan of theirs I must say, I love it.
This Ain't A Scene video is good, I like how they make fun of the whole Pete pictures incident. xD
Thnks Fr Th Mmrs is so catchy. xD
And Golden is just sweet.
Yeah, I think almost everyone loves The Who. But my favorite band has got to be either Led Zepplin or Dave Matthews Band (DMB isn't really rock though).
The Who is awesome. Their music is old, yet so modern. Talking about seventies music, what do you think about the Clash? I think they're awesome. They mix all kinds of styles, like reggae and punk and their music is very pleasant listening to.

And I'm so happy! I'm getting Yours Truly, Angry Mob (the new Kaiser Chiefs album) for my birthday :D. Btw, has anyone heard the new Maxïmo Park single? It's so awesome, very Maxïmo Parkish.
speedleishot said:
my favourite band is defiently panic! at the disco

eeee!! me to- they are so awesome. Last year the came to seattle and i really wanted to see them, but the tickets sold out the day they came out. so on the day of the concert my friend and i waited outside ( and it started to rain and hail!) and we finally got tickets 10 mins before the doors opened. The concert was amazing.

No, i havent head the new Maximo park song, what is it?