Rock/Alternative music

Do you know the German punk band "Die toten Hosen" (The dead trousers) :lol: ? They make punk music for over 20 years now. Wow!!! :eek:
At the moment I'm lovin the Depeche Mode! Have you guys heard their new song "Precious" on their album "Playing the Angel"? It's spectacular! tehheheh
does anyone know if the Saturday Knights are good? i've only heard of them but i have no clue if their music is good..
The band that I'm in love with at the moment in No Doubt. I have their Tragic Kingdom album(which is their best one IMO) and I added their greatest hits album to my Christmas wish list. They have so many amazing songs from Just a Girl to Don't Speak to Simple Kind of Life to Underneath it All to Hella Good. I love their mellow songs and Gwen Stefani is a fantastic lead singer. I hope they release another album soon.
I have their Tragic Kingdom album(which is their best one IMO)
Ohh that is a excellent album my favourite song on the album is 'Spiderwebs'! :D I love No Doubt, I also loved the cover they did for 'It's my life'
^Ooh Tragic Kingdom is FULL of excellent songs. I love Spiderwebs as well and I also love Just a Girl, Sunday Morning, Excuse Me Mr & Don't Speak. I actually lost the album though. I'm planning to buy their greatest hits album and the Tragic Kingdom as well again. I hope they release another album soon and go on tour...I've never seen 'em live.
Yay I LOVE No Doubt so much esp the songs simple kind of life and bathwater.. Gwen Stefani's solo stuff is amazing too I love her album I'm always playing it! I love the Tragic Kingdom album too its one of my all time faves I also hope No Doubt release another album soon as they rule!

I love loads of other bands mentioned earlier like fall out boy, Green Day (I'm obsessed with Jesus of surburbia), The Subways etc you people got good taste!
Anyone like the Used? I just got into them recently their new album kicks ass!!
Yay I LOVE No Doubt so much esp the songs simple kind of life and bathwater.. Gwen Stefani's solo stuff is amazing too I love her album I'm always playing it! I love the Tragic Kingdom album too its one of my all time faves I also hope No Doubt release another album soon as they rule!

Ooh Bathwater is such a fantastic song! I always have to sing along to the chorus. Simple Kind of Life is amazing too...and so is pretty much all their stuff. I've never meet anyone who likes ND and's always one or the other. That's so cool! Anyway, I hear ND may be heading into the studio soon to record a new album. I hope that's true!