Robert David Hall / Doc Robbins Society

I've noticed that not alot of posters give credit to Dr. Robbins. He makes a big contribution to the show. So here, the Dr. Robbins Society!!!!
Re: The Dr. Robbins Society

Yeay, Robbins can be so cool. I liked him so much in Iced. We saw a new face of him: the sarcastic one :D
Re: The Dr. Robbins Society

everytime Al comes on screen I yell 'The Doc Rocks! He should have his own show!' - the man is seriously funny, brilliant and, my favorite thing, he's more than a match for Grissom. Love him!
Re: The Dr. Robbins Society

One of my favorite teasing quotes from Dr. Robbins is "If you just want sex, you can hire a hooker." lol!!!!
Re: The Dr. Robbins Society

I love Doc Robbins! I'm glad this topic was made

GRISSOM: Hi, Doc. Tell me something I don't know.
DOC ROBBINS: Okay, in third grade I dropped out of karate because a kid half my size made me cry.
GRISSOM: About the body, Al.

^^ That was from memory, sorry for errors!
Re: The Dr. Robbins Society

Wait...hang on a minute...when I checked the forum about half an hour ago, wasn't this thread just titled 'The Dr Robbins Society'? Where'd the 'bring your own corpses' come from? :confused: Or am I just going insane? :confused: :eek:
Re: The Dr. Robbins Society

Oh, sorry, I didn't know that - I thought only mods could do that. So if you start the post, you can change tht title of it? :confused:
Re: The Dr. Robbins Society

Yes, the actors seem to have great acting chemistry together.

I think that too, from the moment they first appeared together, it was like they knew each other all their life.
Re: The Dr. Robbins Society

I love the chemistry between Doc & Grissom. And Greg & Grissom. And Cath & Grissom.

Gee, Grissom has good chemistry with lots of people :p