Aww, thanks for the reviews.
And you're welcome Lilly and Anni! *huggies*
By the way Anni, you crack me up. :lol:
And sorry I haven't updated in a bit, but RL and icon making stole all of my time. :lol:
Miami Lab, 8pm
Calleigh: *staring at pictures*
Speed: *walks in*
Calleigh: Hey.
Speed: You're still here?
Calleigh: Couldn't sleep.
Speed: ...You'd be in bed by 8?
Calleigh: Why are you still here?
Speed: I just got in actually. I was at the airport.
Calleigh: *sigh* I have been going over this case in my mind a hundreds of times and none of it makes sense.
Speed: What do you mean?
Calleigh: We have nothing.
Speed: Well I have something for you miss Duquesne. *hands over paper*
Calleigh: What's this?
Speed: Karden, that lab tech's phone records.
Calleigh: *looks down at paper* Have you seen it yet?
Speed: No.
Calleigh: *pulls over laptop* I'll run all the names.
Speed: It might take a while.
Calleigh: I've been here a while. *types*
Speed: *nods*
Computer beeps
Speed: Wow, already?
Calleigh: Yeah. Pablo Martino.
Speed: What's his connection to all of this?
Calleigh: He was popped for a B&E back in '99 and he was charged with armed robbery in 2004. *double clicks mouse* He allegedly stole 50 thousand American dollars from a Colombian federal building March 15th, 2004. He then fled to the United States and was last seen in Fort Lauderdale.
Speed: *looks at Calleigh*
Calleigh: Guy wants to make a profit on the black market with rare blood, it makes perfect sense. *clicks file* He was also suspected in a bombing of a federal building in Colombia and he specializes in car bombs. He blew up two police officer's cars after they each gave him a ticket on different occasions. This guy's scary.
Speed: *grabs cellphone*
Calleigh: What, what's wrong?
Speed: He's in Fort Lauderdale.
Calleigh: The file says he was last seen there.
Speed: No, Lori's looking for the same guy.
Calleigh: Really.
Speed: She's been chasing him for months and the place she works for has been after him for years.
Calleigh: So he probably knows about her.
Speed: A guy like that, I'd guarantee it.
Calleigh: I'll call Horatio.
Fort Lauderdale, 3 am
Horatio: Speed, did you get a hold of her?
Speed: Her phone must be turned off.
Horatio: Okay let's head over to the nearest research lab, that's where he'll be headed with the blood if he hasn't already gotten there.
Calleigh: Nearest one is down the street.
Horatio: Okay let's go.
Research Lab, upper level parkinglot
Horatio: *pulls out gun*
Calleigh: *pulls out gun* Five vehicles. How do we know which one is his?
Horatio: *tilts head* Speed.
Speed: Yeah.
Horatio: What kind of car does Lori drive?
Speed: Honda Accord.
Horatio: *walks over to car* Is this hers?
Speed: Yeah.
Horatio: You sure?
Speed: Yeah.
Horatio: *looks inside car*
Calleigh: *kneels, looks under car* ...Horatio.
Horatio: *peers at Calleigh*
Calleigh: A bomb.
Horatio: Alright let me ask you another question, where's Lori?
Calleigh: Inside?
Horatio: *walks to back of car* I don't think so.
Calleigh: Why?
Horatio: Martino drives a Tahoe and it's not here.
Speed: *walks over*
Horatio: *stares at trunk* Anyone have a key for this?
Calleigh: Horatio it's been at least five hours. Her air would have run out by now.
Horatio: We have to do this quickly but efficiently, the car could blow.
Speed: How?
Horatio: New cars have a trunk release on the inside.
Calleigh: Then why didn't she use it?
Horatio: *points to side of car* Blood, she was knocked out.
Speed: The tail lights. They pop right out. We could release the trunk if we could get the tail lights out.
Horatio: *nods* Do it.
Speed: *kneels, grabs tail light*
Calleigh: That bomb could lead us to him.
Horatio: Right now our priority is the trunk.
Speed: *rips out tail light, reaches inside*
Calleigh: Is she in there?
Speed: I can't tell. *reaches* Uh! Damnit I can't reach the release lever.
Calleigh: Let me try.
Speed: *stands*
Calleigh: *kneels, reaches inside*
Trunk pops open
Calleigh: *sigh* I make it look easy.
Speed: *runs to trunk* Lori? Lori! Lori can you hear me?
Horatio: Speed, grab her.
Speed: *picks up Lori*
Horatio: Move.
CSIs run, car explodes, fire breaks out
Calleigh: *covers head*
Horatio: *throws shades, grabs Calleigh*
Calleigh: *runs to Hummer*
Speed: *lays Lori on ground*
Lori: *grabs Speed's hand*
Speed: *looks down*
Lori: *coughs*
Speed: *smirks* Hey.
Lori: *opens eyes* ...Aren't...You glad I didn't say goodbye?
Speed: You are one lucky girl, I'll give you that.
Horatio: *places hands on hips* That was a nice car.
Everyone: *looks at Horatio*