Road Trip - CSI:Miami - "Crazy Eights"

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You don't need any fancy adjectives, Anni. :D

Yay! Long live the Wubba! :) And thanks for the reviews. :D


Bio Lab, Miami

Calleigh: *places picture on table* We found these inside Violet's mini van.

Whitford: They look like our standard viles.

Calleigh: We have evidence that she was carrying mink blood inside of them. Do you know of any reason why she would be doing that?

Whitford: She...Was supposed to transport them to a freezer in Everglades National Park. We have biologists there who are monitoring the mink population. They needed blood samples.

Calleigh: Well someone intersected those samples.

Whitford: *staring at paper* You have..Seven viles here.

Calleigh: Yes.

Whitford: A standard carrying case is nine.

Calleigh: ...Nine.

Whitford: *nods*

Calleigh: Do you know of anyone who would want those samples?

Whitford: Minks are rare. If their blood got into the hands of someone who knew what to do with it, then who knows what could happen. People use it as bait blood, some might be able to generate poisons to kill off the population, medical research, anything.

Calleigh: Medical research?

Whitford: We recently discovered that mink blood has some properties to fight types of cancer. It was in the prelimenary stages of testing though. The thing is, this is a rare animal so we wouldn't be able to release information to the public until we were sure of our findings.

Calleigh: Who else knows about it?

Whitford: Everyone here.

Calleigh: Anyone outside the lab?

Whitford: I don't follow my staff home. I can't help what they say to their friends and family no matter when they signed on the dotted line.

Calleigh: Thank you. *leaves*

Miami Lab

Calleigh: *walking* Hey Delko did you find the daughter?

Delko: Yeah, she was at school during the murder.

Calleigh: Can you confirm that?

Delko: Already did. There was a track meet and there was at least twenty witnesses.

Calleigh: Well I spoke to the manager, looks like our suspects are all in that lab unless someone spoke out of school.

Delko: Where's Speed?

Calleigh: Um...He was with Lori the last I heard.

Delko: Great, thanks. *leaves*

Calleigh: You're welcome.

Holding cell

Lori: *wipes eyes*

Door buzzes

Delko: *walks in*

Lori: *sits up* What are you doing here?

Delko: I was looking for Speed.

Lori: He's not here.

Delko: Were you crying?

Lori: *laughs* I'm not sure whether I'm crying because I'm upset or just because I can't feel anything else.

Delko: I heard about Alena.

Lori: Great, are you going to shove me into a wall too?

Delko: No. She's safe. I have her again.

Lori: Good. Because I'm a crappy babysitter.

Delko: I'm just glad you didn't leave her alone in the apartment.

Lori: You know I know you're only being nice because you got some from me but my dad will probably kill both of us if he saw you in here.

Delko: Probably. Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks for keeping her safe despite what happened.

Lori: Anytime.

Delko: *leaves*

Lori: *leans head against wall*


Delko: *walking*

Speed: *leaning against wall* Hey.

Delko: *stops walking* Look, I wasn't going back for seconds so you can just stop while you're ahead.

Speed: I wanted to apologize.

Delko: For what?

Speed: For jumping down your throat about it. You're both adults, you can do whatever you want. I guess I just got defensive, not for my sake but for hers.

Delko: I can appreciate that.

Speed: Look, no hard feelings about it. I know things with you and Jess haven't been heaven lately.

Delko: We're working things out.

Speed: Good.

Delko: I'm sorry for talking to Calleigh behind your back.

Speed: Well my back wasn't technically turned so it all worked out.

Delko: *laughs*

Speed: And look man, I'm glad you got Alena back.

Delko: I am too. She's everything to me.

Speed: *nods*

Delko: I'll see you later.

Speed: Yeah.

Delko: *walks away*

House, 7pm

Jess: Alena! Dinner!

Alena: *runs over, jumps into chair* Okay momma. What are we havin'?

Jess: Roast.

Alena: Ew.

Jess: But there's cookies after.

Alena: YAY!

Delko: *walks over* Looks like a great meal.

Jess: *smiles*

Delko: *kisses Jess* How was your day?

Jess: Great. I cleaned the rest of the house.

Delko: I already did it.

Jess: You missed a few spots.

Delko: Of course I did. *sits*

Alena: Can I have cookies now?

Delko: No.

Jess: I think she's earned it actually.

Delko: Really?

Jess: Yeah.

Delko: Okay but it'll ruin her appetite.

Jess: Ah who cares. Life's too short for roast.

Delko: *puts cookie bowl on table*

Alena: YAY! *grabs cookies* All for me.

Jess: Pfft I think not. *grabs cookie*

Delko: I might as well have one too. *grabs cookie*

Holding cell, 7:30 pm

Doors buzz open

Speed: *walks in*

Lori: *opens eyes*

Speed: Come on.

Lori: *sits up* Where?

Speed: I managed to talk them into letting you come home tonight. It's your first offence and you're a cop's daughter so this is your one get-out-of-jail-free card.

Lori: You'd...Take me back in?

Speed: My offer lasts another 30 seconds.

Lori: Is Anni there?

Speed: She just got home.

Lori: Oh...

Speed: Look, she's not trying to be your mother but she would appreciate it if you showed a little more respect around her. She is my wife, afterall.

Lori: Well if you love her, then she can't be all bad.

Speed: *smirks* Come on.

Awwww, I cannot get over how cute Alena is! Poor little thing had to put up with being separated from her parents, Lori’s drugs and all of that; I’m just glad the family is all back together. And eating cookies! Yum! :D

Omg, cardboard boxes and helium balloons! Seriously, do you know how much fun those things are when you’re like five years old? You can pretend you’re an astronaut, or in a car, or in a castle, or… yeah, get back to being 19 Nicole. :lol: Katie’s a riot she manages to keep things hilariously ridiculous amidst all the drama. Don’t ever change Katie!

I’m glad Anni’s out of the hospital, and I hope everything goes well with her. :) Lori, geez, now you’re doing drugs? She’s a very complex character; I like it. And she needed that disciplining; she’s an adult, but she’s acting like an immature teenager with her whole “I want to do whatever I want” and “I’m not your favourite kid” stuff. But at the same time, she’s very confused; I think the deep down, she’s doing all of this for attention and so that if she does untimely leave, she won’t be forgotten, as she feels she has.

Yay, Speed and Eric are friends again! And the plot thickens with the mink blood; is that really true? If this were the show, this is where the commercial set would be, keeping me sitting at the edge of the couch waiting to see what happens next. Do hurry back!
*points his finger at Speed and jumps up and down* He smirked!! He smirked!!! His smirks make the ladie swoon, but lately his smirks have been few and far between. Good to see them back. :D OOOH! I want a cookie! *makes Alena share* :lol: And Poor Lori? I dunno....I guess...

Update Soon. :D
Aww, thanks Geni. I feel like you deserve all the accolades I can muster up!

Yay! Everything is where it's supposed to be! Lori is going home, Alena is home (aww come on Jess, one cookie won't hurt:lol:) and Speed and Eric are friends again! And I'm out of the hospital... that's a serious yay!

But, the mink blood *gasp* is that true? Who would've known that those little fur balls were so dangerous??? However, cure for cancer??? The plot thickens indeed! ;)

Fantastic :D as always, Geni! Can't wait for more!
Well 98% of the time my facts are based on actual information obtained from various sources, but for the mink storyline, I've taken a few liberties. They are endangered, and they do live in the freshwater marshes of the Everglades, but they don't cure cancer. :p

bird_of_flame, I love your interpretation of Lori's character. :D

I should have another chapter very soon. :)
Thanks Geni. (You don’t mind if I call you that right?) I swear, my parents think I should have gone into psychiatry because I go around analyzing people like Freud. Now all I need is one of those couches… :lol: It’s always fun to take liberties when writing stuff; heck the show does it all the time, except you make it believable.

Yay, an update’s coming soon! :D
^ I don't mind at all. :)

And aw, thanks. I hope I'd make it believable but it's not always the case since this is the RT afterall, and the unexplained is always happening. :lol: Well at least crazy things are always happening.


Trace Lab, next day

Calleigh: *walks in* Hey Tim.

Speed: Hey any luck with those bullets?

Calleigh: The bullets came from a .45 Smith & Wesson. Casings at the scene match so there was only one gun. How are you doing with the accident reconstruction?

Speed: *pulls over laptop* Eric might be the car man but he doesn't know jack about crime scene sketches. *types* I pulled up 3D versions of both vehicles and the corresponding buildings, lamp poles and trees. They go along with where you pulled the bullets.

Calleigh: And this is the car?

Speed: Yeah. From the body hits on the mini van I determined that the car was coming from the right side and the mini van was driving through the middle of the intersection. That also coincides with the witness statements.

Calleigh: So for him to actually shoot the driver, he had to have shot through the front windshield.

Speed: The driver side window was rolled down so he could have aimed it forward but that caused him to veer out of control. I don't think the plan was to hit the van.

Calleigh: Bullets were scattered so he obviously didn't have a clear shot, okay so that makes sense if he was shooting out of the driver's side window.

Speed: The one thing I couldn't explain was these blood drops located here. *types* And here.

Calleigh: They're...Pointed down the street, like someone was running. The bad guy could have been shot. Did Valera run it?

Speed: Yeah results came back this morning. *hands over paper*

Calleigh: *looks at paper* Mink blood.

Speed: Dead end.

Calleigh: Well not necessarily. The manager of the bio lab said that there were only seven viles.

Speed: So?

Calleigh: So he said a standard case is nine.

Speed: The shooter stole two viles.

Calleigh: And probably dripped blood from the broken viles onto the street.

Delko: *runs in* Valera has results back from inside the shooter's car. Airbag deployed and left skin samples.

Calleigh: Do we have our man?

Delko: *smiles* Yup. *hands over paper*

Calleigh: *looks down at paper* ...We meet again.

Bio Lab

Labtech: *typing*

Calleigh: *places blue paper on desk*

Labtech: What the hell is that?

Calleigh: That's a warrant to search your desk. Mister Karden.

Karden: For what?

Speed: Evidence.

Karden: *frowns*

Calleigh: Please step outside.

Karden leaves

Calleigh: *opens drawer*

Speed: *looks around*

Calleigh: *reaches into desk*

Speed: I'm glad I work at our lab.

Calleigh: *laughs*

Speed: You find any viles?

Calleigh: None so far.

Speed: If you stole a bunch of rare blood, where would you keep it?

Calleigh: ...Freezer.

Speed: We don't have a warrant for the freezers.

Calleigh: We can still see them.

Speed: *looks over* Yeah but if we go over there, it'll look like we're searching without probable cause.

Elevator door opens

Calleigh: *turns around*

Guy: *starts shooting gun*

Calleigh: TIM!

Speed: *ducks*

Glass door breaks

I was laughing for the past twenty minutes because I had gone back and was reading the fourth and fifth threads (I’ll catch up soon); so much funniness. :lol:

OMG!!!! I’m sorry, I’m hyper off coffee today. But, wow, ok calm down. I knew that lab tech guy was trouble; he was all shifty before, and it’s always the shifty ones… or the ones that are overly helpful in the beginning. Anyways this mink blood must really be something if people are willing to kill over it; then again, it can cure cancer (in this universe).

Oh noses! :eek: Somebody’s shooting at Calleigh and Speed! Oh man oh man, I get nervous when Speed’s involved in a gunfight; bad things happen. :( Oh, please be ok Speed! *hyperventilates* You sure know how to write suspense; update soon Geni!
Oh wow thanks for the updates, first off. And on a Tuesday. How nice of you!:D

Oh man I hope Speed remembered to clean his gun... :lol: Or Cal can just be fast. I know deep down they'll be okay but I'm still nervous. Of course. They probably are in the freezer, but what about the fridge? It wouldn't freeze the blood, but keep it cool and hide it. Look at me, I sound like a criminal.

I think Lori is really trying to get attention. She left because she felt Speed didn't care about her, and now she wants that love she ran away from. I feel bad for her, but she needs to really get it together.

Photobuckets giving me a hard time, so I'll upload the Wubba clay monster imitation later. :D Thanks again.
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMGGGG!!!!!! *prays Calleigh is alright* Speed...I value Calleigh more. ;) Geni sure knows how to build suspense. :lol:

Update Soooooooooooooon :D
Look at all this suspense! I love it when you do case files, Geni! They rock more than anything in s4 combined! Oh, and here's where I have to say it,...>Please let Speed be alright!!!! And Calleigh too! ;)

Great job, Geni!
bird_of_flame! Yay you're reading the earlier threads! They were so much funnier than this one. :lol:

And Lilly, awesome pictures!. :lol: I'm cracking up so much right now, lol.


Bio Lab

Calleigh: *pulls out gun*

Guy runs away

Calleigh: *looks around*

Speed: *stands*

Calleigh: *staring at door*

Speed: Is he gone?

Calleigh: Yeah.

Speed: What the hell was that about? *wipes glass out of hair*

Calleigh: I don't know. This whole floor just became a crime scene. At least now we'll be able to search the freezers if any bullets went that way.

Speed: Cal.

Calleigh: Maybe if we find them we can figure out who was shooting.

Speed: Calleigh.

Calleigh: Maybe the lab tech had a partner.

Speed: Cal.

Calleigh: Yeah?

Speed: You're bleeding.

Calleigh: What? Where? *looks down* Oh my God. *touches stomach*

Speed: Looks like a ricochet.

Calleigh: And now I'm evidence. Great. *lifts shirt*

Speed: What are you doing?

Calleigh: I'm pulling it out. My stomach is nothing you haven't seen before.

Speed: Why don't you let the paramedics do that.

Calleigh: No, I need to get the evidence collected quickly. I can't wait around for an ambulance.

Speed: Cal, you're more important than the evidence. Besides you could make the wound worse so leave it.

Calleigh: *nods*

Rick Stetler's house, Miami Beach

Stetler: *walks onto driveway*

Horatio: *gets out of Hummer*

Stetler: *shakes head* Go home, Horatio.

Horatio: *walks over* Mind if I take a look around your house, Rick?

Stetler: This is low, even for you. You're fishing and you need a warrant which you won't get because you have nothing.

Horatio: The last I recall, you invited me to your home. *lifts tape recorder*

Stetler: You taped our conversation?

Horatio: Call it fishing.

Stetler: This is rediculous.

Horatio: Five minutes Rick. You're welcome to watch.

Stetler: You're going to search my entire house in five minutes.

Horatio: I don't need to search your entire house. You see it occured to me Rick that your house is built on a hill near the beach and that means you have a basement. And the only reason someone purchases a basement in Miami is to keep something cool or they need the storage and I don't take you for a packrat type of person.

Stetler: *frowns*

Horatio: *walks into house*

Stetler: *follows*

Inside house, basement

Stetler: See? Nothing.

Horatio: *shines flashlight*

Stetler: I didn't hide invisible cocaine in my house.

Horatio: You're right and that's because...It's not invisible. *looks up* You thought I was stupid enough not to look up?

Stetler: ...

Horatio: *opens cellphone* Yeah Eric, could you get down here please? Thank you.

Stetler: So it's bags strung up in the rafters.

Horatio: Bags of cocaine.

Stetler: You don't know that.

Horatio: Yeah you're right. You're just...Hiding cat food and icing sugar.

Stetler: Is that sarcasm?

Horatio: You're under arrest, Rick.

Bio lab, one hour later

Paramedic: You should be fine ma'am, it's just a minor injury.

Calleigh: Thank you.

Paramedic: *walks away*

Calleigh: So what do we have?

Speed: *walks over* Freezers are empty.

Calleigh: So he stashed them somewhere else.

Speed: You still think he had a partner?

Calleigh: Well the guy who came in here wasn't him so obviously. *sigh* Then again the guy wouldn't have wanted to destroy the viles.

Speed: So someone else is trying to get those viles and have them destroyed.

Calleigh: Yeah. Destroy the viles of blood and you destroy the profit.

Speed: *nods*

Calleigh: I just wish we could find the damn viles.

Speed: Are you okay?

Calleigh: I'm fine.

Speed: ...You sure?

Calleigh: *smiles* Yes.

Speed: *stares at Calleigh*

Calleigh: *smile fades*

Speed: It's okay.

Calleigh: What? The fact that I was just the target of bullets? It's not okay.

Speed: Okay.

Calleigh: I'm supposed to be a CSI. I should be able to handle this.

Speed: Well you are handling it.

Calleigh: Don't tell Horatio. I don't want him thinking I'm not all right because I'm fine.

Speed: *nods*

Calleigh: I am!

Speed: Okay! I didn't say you weren't.

Calleigh: Don't get all worried about me.

Speed: Fine.

Calleigh: Thanks.

Speed: ...

Calleigh: ...

Speed: So how are things with Colton?

Calleigh: Good. Really good.

Speed: Good.

Calleigh: ...How are things with Anni?

Speed: Just fine.

Calleigh: Good.

Speed: You're sure you're okay?

Calleigh: *rolls eyes* Yes.

Speed: Just making sure.

Awwwww. I'm not really sure why I started out with Awww but anyways. Holy Moly things move fast in the RT. Speed and Calleigh are getting shot at. Rick has cocain on his ceiling. Tsk Tsk. Speed and Delko made up. He got to eat cookies! That's not very fair. I want cookies!

I'm glad Calleigh is ok...well somewhat ok. This can't be the end of Rick can it? I mean he's like the favorite bad guy. lol. Anyways, I shall wait and see what happens. Updatesoon please.
What a great update! Nice follow through with the shooting and subsequent search. Too bad Calleigh got shot, good thing is , it's not bad. Calleigh's a tough chick, she will survive.

C'mon, Rick...You knew Horatio was on the case, yet you still did idiotic things like string up coke in your basement and try to match Horatio in his sarcasm. Tsk tsk, as katie put it. But I am going to second Katie's question, that can't be the end of Stetler, can it? But then again, it's not like the RT gang doesn't have a crap load of enemies anyway...

Nice ending with the small talk with Cal and Speed... You know it gets awkward when they start asking about each other's love life. That was the funniest thing to me!

Excellent as always, Geni!
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