Road Trip - CSI:Miami - "Crazy Eights"

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:eek: Whoa, mind dizzying… at first I was like, aww, look at the happy family… and then, Anni was all upset, and I can totally understand where she’s coming from. But then it turned into an argument and I was like “trouble in paradise!" :eek: :lol: But the ending has me a bit confused; Anni was hallucinating the whole thing? Oh man, something’s wrong! I hope everything turns out ok.

Lori and Katie play fighting, even though it was imaginary (right? :confused:) was funny and sweet. I loved the update, just don’t keep us in the dark for too long. I’m on the edge of my seat here!
... What the... what just happened? That was a master blaster fight that we just had. And A LOT of stuff was said out of anger...then out of nowhere, Speed comes into the room and it's midnight? Am I having a break with REALITY? However , I can see how I would feel, I mean, she's married and constantly feels left out, but at the same time, she has to realize that Tim has a living child with Katie... Such drama. I'm confused, but you know, it's kinda cool. Can't wait to see what happens next!

Clever, Geni, clever! And awesome!
some weird stuff going on with Anni huh?, I'm glad the baby's okay but what's going on with her? :confused:

I can understand how she feels a little threatened when Tim and Katie are together after all they were married twice so there's a lot of history between them good and bad, they also had a child together and lost a few children too. :(

Anni is obviously stressed out about something, maybe that's what going on? :confused:

I'm keen to know where you're going with the story Geni please update soon. :D
Yes, it was a hallucination. Gee, I need to keep y'all on your toes. :lol: ;)


Crime Scene, next morning. Art & Deco community. Street.

Calleigh: *walks under tape* Hey Tim, what do we have?

Speed: A crime scene.

Calleigh: *laughs* I knew you'd say that.

Delko: Hey I heard Anni's in the hospital.

Speed: Yeah. *snaps pictures*

Delko: Unfortunate.

Speed: I thought you weren't supposed to be working any cases yet.

Delko: I'm strictly crime scene investigating.

Calleigh: No lab?

Delko: Not even a gun.

Calleigh: Horatio hasn't cleared it up?

Delko: It's taking some time.

Calleigh: It's too bad, I kind of miss you without your gun.

Delko: *laughs* Careful, Cal.

Calleigh: *smiles*

Speed: Can we work the scene now or are you guys going to fool around in the back of the Hummer?

Delko: *clears throat* So what do we have?

Speed: Drive-by shooting. Tripp asked a witness who said the shooter crashed his car into this mini van and then fled on foot.

Delko: Well you let the car man deal with the car and you go play around with the blood drops.

Speed: How many times do I have to tell you th-

Delko: Yeah yeah vehicular accidents are about Trace. I got it.

Speed: Oh so you do listen.

Delko: One of my more endearing qualities, unlike you.

Calleigh: *opens minivan door* Hey there's blood drops on the passenger seat.

Delko: *looks over*

Calleigh: Did the witness say anything about a second passenger in the mini van?

Delko: No.

Calleigh: Then we have another victim to find.

Delko: I think Tripp said the victim had a daughter though.

Speed: So when you find her, are you going to sleep with her too?

Delko: *looks at Speed*

Calleigh: *swabs blood*

Speed: *snaps photos*

Calleigh: *opens kit, grabs things*

Delko: Directionality of the blood suggests our shooter went west. You could try snapping your camera that way.

Speed: I was investigating crime scenes before you were even finished college.

Delko: At least I didn't have to kiss H's ass when he joined the team.

Speed: *frowns*

Calleigh: Hey. The blood isn't human.

Delko: What?

Calleigh: *stands* The blood found on the passenger seat isn't human.

Delko: A dog maybe?

Calleigh: We'll have to get it back to the lab.

Speed: *walks down street*

Delko: Doesn't he annoy you?

Calleigh: *reaches into kit* Who?

Delko: Speedle. He always has to complain about something.

Calleigh: It's a two-way street, Eric.

Delko: You're saying I'm half the problem?

Calleigh: *looks at Eric* I'm sayin' you two need to let off each other for a while. You're both under a lot of stress and I think it would be better if you two remained professional.

Delko: If there's one thing he can't do lately is stay professional.

Calleigh: Well then you know what Eric? You have to take the first step.

Delko: Yeah. Yeah, you're right.

Calleigh: We've all made some mistakes that we're not proud of but we have to move on.

Delko: *nods*

Calleigh: You stick with the car and I'll go with the ballistics.

Delko: Sure.

Calleigh: *walks away*

Delko: *sigh*

Few feet away

Calleigh: *pulls bullet out of street lamp*

Speed: *photographs blood*

Calleigh: *opens evidence envelope*

Speed: So what did he say to you?

Calleigh: It doesn't matter what he said.

Speed: *stands* He's just trying to make himself look like the good guy in all of this.

Calleigh: *shakes head, writing things on envelope* Even if he is, you don't need to get involved.

Speed: He's an idiot.

Calleigh: *looks at Speed* I'm not taking sides. And right now it seems like both of you are acting like a couple children. I don't know how y'all don't kill each other. Why don't you just do your job and stop worrying about Eric.

Speed: Well it looks like you have taken sides. *walks away*

Calleigh: *continues writing on envelope*

Miami PD

Yelina: *walks over* Hi.

Horatio: *removes shades* Ma'am.

Yelina: There's a little setback in Stetler's case. They think Colton had something to do with the kidnapping so they're releasing Stetler until further notice.

Horatio: *stares at holding*

Stetler: *rubs wrists, looks at Horatio*

Horatio: *smiles nods*

Stetler: *smirks, walks away*

Yelina: So what's the plan?

Horatio: You...Leave that up to me. *walks away*


Stetler: *opens car door*

Horatio: *walks up behind Rick*

Stetler: *sigh* Horatio.

Horatio: *places hands on hips* That's a nice car. Is it new?

Stetler: *turns around* As a matter of fact it is.

Horatio: Boy the tax payer's money sure goes a long way for criminals doesn't it?

Stetler: Your evidence didn't hold up, it was the DA's choice to release me.

Horatio: Yes I understand that but now they're looking at Colton for this.

Stetler: Be glad it's not your CSI Delko.

Horatio: It doesn't make a difference who it is. I will not let an innocent man go to jail.

Stetler: So find some more evidence. Until then, I'll be at my new beachside home. You should come see it some time.

Horatio: *nods*

Stetler: *gets into car, shuts door* Have a nice day, Lieutenant.

Car drives away

Horatio: *puts on shades, leaves*


Katie: *runs in* I CAME TO SEE YOU!

Anni: How did you even know I was here?

Katie: I'm talented. Okay so I brought the whole gang since you seem to be feeling crazy.

Carly: *walks in*

Colton: *walks in*

JC: *runs in* OH MAN I haven't been in one of these rooms in forever!

Missy: You...Wanted to be in the hospital?

Megan: *walks in* Eww! Eww! Sterile! AHHH NEEDLES!

Carly: How are you feeling?

Anni: ..I don't know. That depends on if I'm hallucinating or not.

Carly: I can assure you, you aren't.

Anni: Oh good.

Katie: *holds up balloons, jumps up and down* ANNI! ANNI! SHE'S OUR GAL IF SHE CAN'T DO IT....I CAN'T FIND A RHYME FOR GAL!

Anni: I'm crazy. I'm hallucinating.

Carly: No, that's just how Katie's really acting. So do you know what happened?

Anni: No. The doctor said I've been going through some bouts of psychosis which can go hand-in-hand with stress.

Carly: What are you stressed about?

Katie: *jumping up and down*

Anni: Well right now, her.

Katie: What? No one gets stressed around me. I'm the most laid back person on the planet. Well except when I'm hyper active but that's because I drank like fifty red bulls today and WHEW let's play a game. Okay OPERATION! I need some tweezers.

Anni: Get her away from me.

Carly: Katie, knock it off.

Katie: Sorry.

Anni: Look I appreciate you guys coming here but...JC can you stop chewing the bed pan please?

JC: *drops bed pan* ...My bad.

Anni: I appreciate you guys coming to see me but I'd rather just get some sleep.

Carly: Well if you want we can leave. Right guys?

Colton: Oh yeah.

Missy: Definitely.

Megan: The gauze pads are staring at me.

Anni: Thanks.

Carly: Okay gang, shovel out.

Everyone leaves

Katie: *runs back in* Oh but I wanted to ask you a question.

Anni: Make it quick.

Katie: If you die, can I have your clothes?

Anni: *frowns*


Calleigh: *walks over* Hey Valera, you paged me?

Valera: The blood samples you gave me from the mini van?

Calleigh: Yeah it wasn't human.

Valera: Well I found out what it was. *hands over paper*

Calleigh: *looks down at paper* Mink?

Valera: Everglades Mink to be precise. They live in the shallow freshwater marshes of the Everglades. They've been hunted almost into extinction.

Calleigh: Making them a rare endangered species. Okay thank you Valera. *leaves*

Valera: No problem.


Delko: Hey do you have something?

Calleigh: *hands over paper* Blood in the van was Everglades Mink blood.

Delko: Well that's interesting because I found out what the victim did for a living. She was a biologist with the Florida Wildlife Society.

Speed: *walks over* Hey You guys should see this.

Layout room

Calleigh: What are they?

Speed: I found a bunch of broken glass on the floor of the van. I managed to put some of the pieces together. They're viles.

Calleigh: Well this is making more sense.

Delko: It is?

Calleigh: She was carrying viles of mink blood, probably for research.

Delko: Motive.

Calleigh: And opportunity.

Yay new case! You come up with such interesting cases, it’s very easy to see why people want you to become a writer for the show (no more season 4 mishaps :p).

Aww, Anni, I hope you get better soon. You know what I do when I get stressed? Play video games, namely fighter games so that you can let lose karate fury all over the computer. Or you could just squeeze a stress ball, I hear that works. But wow, Katie and the others seemed hyper when they visited Anni; humour is the best medicine I suppose. :lol:

I await an update anxiously! :D
*kicks Stetler* Making it look like I did it. :p Awww Anni...*hugs* I hope she gets well soon. :) And OoOoOoOoOoOoOoO at the new case. :D

Update Soooooooooooooooon Geni. :D
A new and interesting case! And Katie's hyper, watch out Miami. I really hope Anni's okay, and I hope that Delko and Speed get over this super-macho super-stupid fight soon, because it's super annoying. They're best friends. Ah gosh all the drama, Geni!

You should be a writer for the show, it seems nutty to me why they choose the worst possible writers, I mean look at all the people who are unhappy with it. I guess anyone could find fault in anything though. ;)

Can't wait for an update! Mink? There are mink in Miami? :lol: Wow.
*sends Axe Man after compute* Ugh, I've done my review like three times and it wouldn't go through.

ANYWAYS! Awww I caused Anni stressed. Well I wouldn't doubt it conidering the fact that I was singing and had 20 red bulls. lol. But if it was really really me in that hospital I think i'd be more like Megan. Hospitals creep me out.

I'm kinda glad that Anni was having an hallucination because it kinds disturbs me that I was looking at photo' from behind the fridge. lol.

I'm loving this whole Eric/Speed/Calleigh thing you've got going on here. Now I may be wrongin saying this but all though Speed does have a right to get upset about the whole Lori and Delko thing I kinda tihnk he's over reacting because yes Delko is a married man but Lori is ofage and she can make her own decisions. Anyways just my opinion.
bird_of_flame, I really wish I was a writer for the show but they're the pros and they write episodes ten times better than I do. :lol:

Thanks for the reviews everyone. :D


Miami Lounge


Carly: Are you high?

Katie: I ate one of the helium balloons.

Carly: Well that would explain why your voice is so high.

Katie: I'M LIVE ALVIN FROM ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS! Hey what do you call a religious chip? CHIPMONK! *starts laughing*

Megan: Actually I think she's just nuts.

Carly: That was my second guess.

Katie: *jumping on couch* SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS! OOOOOOH WHO LIVES IN A PINEAPPLE UNDER THE SEA! Okay I inversed that but what the heck, it was fun to sing.

JC: Are her pupils dialated or anything?

Katie: *falls onto floor* WHOOPSIE! *brushes self off* Hey did you know I've been wearing a sweater for like five weeks?

Carly: Yeah you never take that thing off and it's kind of annoying.

Katie: Well I did eat Cheez-its for like a month straight. It would explain the sweater wearing.

Carly: Why, because you're fat?

Katie: *GASP* Take that back! *slaps Carly*

Carly: Take yourself back.

Katie: IN TIME? Oh man that would be sweet.

Carly: Or...Whatever. I don't even know how to talk to you anymore.

Katie: Good because I'm kind of having some problems myself. OKAY who wants to help me lose weight?

Carly: I'm not helping you do anything.

Katie: Ah heck it'll be fun.

Carly: No. Whatever you want to do, it's probably illegal.

Katie: But...We used to always do illegal things together.

Carly: That was you and Anni.

Katie: Man I can't believe she's in the hospital. LET'S BUST HER OUT!

Carly: No. *grabs Katie* Sit on the couch and keep your butt glued to it.

Katie: But what if my butt sweats and then all of the glue comes off onto the couch? What if the couch has a pile of glue on it? Wait, are we sticking the glue on the inside of my pants? Because then I'll just be glued to my jeans.

Carly: We're going to tie you to the couch then.

Katie: Yeah but then won't I just bust out the fatter I get? Because there are a lot of Cheez-its in this room and a couch isn't going to keep me from them. I KNOW WHERE YOU HIDE THEM!

Carly: Who are you talking to?

Katie: The Cheez-it Burglar. He's actually really cool. He looks like a racoon but he's a giant stuffed spider. I AM THE QUEEN OF THE SPIDER PEOPLE!

Carly: Maybe you should be in the hospital too.

Katie: Yeah but see, hospitals freak me out and if I ever stayed in one too long, then I would go insane and then I'd be running down the halls screaming "LIKE A VIRGIN!" and then eventually I'll probably slip on some puke or something and fall down and I really hate tiled floors.

Carly: ...

Katie: Hey are there any Cheez-its left?

Carly: Not that I can see.

Katie: BUY ME SOME! *whips Carly with strings on sweater*

Carly: Don't hit me with those things.

Katie: *pulls strings* Hey look I'm Kenny from South Park! Okay my face kind of hurts now. *pulls down hood*

Carly: You know, you're like a three year old. I could give you a cardboard box and you'd be able to entertain yourself with it.


Florida Wildlife Service, Laboratory

Calleigh: *smiles* Excuse me, my name's Calleigh Duquesne could I have a m-

Labtech: *lifts hand*

Calleigh: ...

Labtech: *flips page of binder*

Calleigh: Um, excu-

Labtech: Shh.

Calleigh: This is a murder inves-

Labtech: Shhhh!

Calleigh: Could you just put the book aw-

Labtech: SHHH!

Speed: *closes book* This is a murder investigation and if you shush me, you'll be sorry.

Labtech: *stares at Speed*

Speed: She has some questions so it would be greatly appreciated if you could spend ten minutes out of your long and boring day for the detective.

Labtech: Fine.

Calleigh: Thank you. A woman worked here by the name of Violet Summerton. She was a biologist here, studying Minks of the Everglades.

Labtech: So?

Calleigh: She was murdered.

Labtech: How unfortunate.

Speed: Do you know if she had any enemies?

Labtech: Nope.

Speed: Any friends here?

Labtech: Nope.

Speed: *frowns* Colleagues she worked with?

Labtech: Nope.

Speed: So she was...Like you.

Labtech: *lifts brow*

Calleigh: *places hand on Speed's chest*

Speed: *backs up*

Calleigh: Do you know why she would have been transporting Mink blood?

Labtech: You'd have to ask her. But she's dead so..

Calleigh: We're asking you. And I can guarantee you we'll get a warrant for this place and y'alls work will go on hold until we finish our investigation. And that could take a while since none of y'all want to cooperate.

Labtech: ...

Calleigh: *stares at labtech*

Labtech: I'll go get Mister Whitford. He's the boss.

Calleigh: Thank you.

Labtech: *walks away*

Speed: *places hands in pockets*

Calleigh: What.

Speed: *smirks* I didn't say anything.

Miami Lab

Horatio: Eric.

Delko: Hey H.

Horatio: How's the case going?

Delko: Speedle and Calleigh are at the victim's place of work. I was just about to head out and find her daughter.

Horatio: You mind if I had a word with you for a minute?

Delko: What's up?

Horatio: Stetler was released this morning.

Delko: ...Wh-What do you mean he was released?

Horatio: The DA doesn't want to prosecute for the whole sentence unless they find the accomplice which they think is Colton now.

Delko: Colton didn't have anything to do with it.

Horatio: We can't prove that.

Delko: What and the fact that he was tied up and gagged in an abandoned building where I was says nothing for him?

Horatio: That's the thing Eric, we don't know what his condition really was since he was in the next room.

Delko: I saw the bruises.

Horatio: Right now Stetler walks.

Delko: Yeah you sure did your job. *walks away*


Lori: *knocks on car window*

Guy: *rolls down window*

Lori: You got the stuff?

Guy: How do I know you ain't a cop?

Lori: I guess you won't know.

Guy: Fourty bucks.

Lori: ...You said twenty.

Guy: Yeah well I got a girlfriend back home and it's her birthday.

Lori: I could get way more for fourty.

Guy: Looks like you need it now, sweetheart.

Lori: ...Fine, just give it. *hands over money*

Guy: *hands over bag*

Lori: *looks around*

Guy: This is only thirty.

Lori: Look it's all I have. I can pay you back tomorrow. I swear.

Guy: Fourty now, or no stuff. *grabs bag*

Lori: No! No, wait. *looks back at bench*

Alena: *sitting on bench*

Lori: *looks back at guy* What else do you want?

Guy: *smiles* Ha ha, I don't know. Depends what you're offerin'. *winks*

Lori: ...Meet me around back.

Guy: Sure. *drives away*

Lori: *looks around*

Alena: *runs over* Lori, wacha doin'?

Lori: Just stay here, I'll be back. Okay?

Alena: I don't wanna stay here. It smells here.

Lori: I'll be right back. Don't move from this spot. If anyone talks to you, call for me. Okay?

Alena: *nods*

Lori: *runs off*


Oh noes! Something is odd about Katie, not quite sure what it is. Maybe she's just sugar high, or maybe something got put in her cheezits. But who knows, all I know is that she's acting oddly and no one seems to know why. Hmmmmm is she getting into something? Time shall tell.

Also, what is Lori doing?!? That's.........wierd, that one shocked me, and left me thinking. I can't believe she would reduce herself to that just to get drugs. Poor baby worked herself too hard and let the stress get to her. And now something could happen to Alena, or she could see something that is very wrong, or something like that. Hmmm I wonder what lies ahead.

Love it Geni, update soon!!!
Holy sweet lord flippin CLoud Police! I thought Lori was going to give Alena to that dude. And seriously is she doing drugs? *sighs* Say no to drugs. Ok that sounded better in my head.

But is there something seriously wrong with me? I mean I know Speed calls me insane all the time but I'm really starting to believe it. I think I need to go back to that one place I went too. And why do I get the feeling that everybody either hates me or is annoyed with me? I swear i'm not crazy. The crazies aren't crazy.

And ohhhh look at Speed all up in tht lab tech's face. Heehee. Update soon.
oh now, see, that is what I call great entertainment! The gang in the hospital, how hiliarious! And Katie coming back in just to ask if I died, could she have my clothes... I though I was going to keel over and die. That girl is a riot!! And I thought I was insane...or not.

Speed in the labtech's grill, that was heaven for me, and Cal's little moment to shine was cool as well!

What the heck??? What's up with Stetler walkin'? I hope like you know what, someone finds something to tag him with.

And yes, Speed and Eric are acting like three year olds...well, three and half, I gave them half of a year for effort.

MY GOD>>>> what is going on with LORI??? I mean, jeez, the cloak and dagger wasn't enough? Now she is scoring in the alleyway while Alena is plainly exposed, leaving a clever plot twist for Geni to exploit!!!! ;) Geni, you genius is unfounded! You would run circles around those id- I mean, great folks at CBS....:lol:

Excellent as always!
:lol: Anni. *hugs* Gosh you make me laugh so much. Uh oh, we'd better be on the lookout for those CBS snipers now. :p

Katie, I'm pretty sure RT Katie is just a little loopy from the balloons. :lol:


Downtown, Miami

Lori: *runs back over*

Alena: Where were you?

Lori: I was getting some stuff.

Alena: What stuff?

Lori: ...Candy.

Alena: Oh. Can I have some?

Lori: No. This is grown-up candy.

Alena: Oh.

Lori: I'll be right back.

Alena: How come you're sweating and stuff?

Lori: Because I'm very excited about the grown-up candy. You could say I kind of need it. Okay? Okay I'll be right back you just stay here. *runs off*

Alena: *sits on sidewalk*

Cars drive by

Alena: *pokes ground with stick*

People walk by

Alena: *sigh*

Lori: *runs back* Okay kid let's get movin'.

Alena: Why. You're just gonna leave me anyway.

Lori: Nah, nonsense. Let's get back to the apartment.

Alena: I wanna go home.

Lori: We are.

Alena: No. I want momma.

Lori: Well she's not here.

Alena: *starts to cry*

Lori: *sigh* Ah come on. I don't have the cognitive thought for this. *grabs Alena's hand* Let's go.

Alena: NO! I want momma!

Lori: You won't see her by standing here crying.

Alena: *crying*

Lori: Ugh. Just stop it.

Alena: *shakes head*


Alena: *cries harder*

Lori: STOP IT!

Cop car pulls up

Lori: *looks around*

Alena: YAY!

Lori: Oh...No.

Patrol cop: *walks over* Ma'am we got a call that this child has been on the sidewalk for an hour.

Lori: Um...*blinks* Yeah. I went to buy something. She's okay with staying out here.

Patrol cop: Do you have any ID, ma'am?

Lori: I'm a tourist.

Patrol cop: From where?

Lori: ...Colombia.

Patrol cop: Ma'am could you step over to the car please?

Lori: Why?

Patrol cop: Because I asked you to.

Lori: *walks over to car*

Patrol cop: Have you ever been in trouble before?

Lori: No.

Patrol cop: Okay. Spread your feet for me please.

Lori: Wh-Why? Why are you searching me?

Patrol cop: Manager in the store saw you leave the child and you didn't go into the store.

Lori: I went down the street.

Patrol cop: They saw you go into the alley.

Lori: I had to take a leak, you going to arrest me for that?

Patrol cop: Actually you can get a ticket for that.

Lori: Then give me a ticket.

Patrol cop: Not until you put your hands on the car and stand still.

Lori: *places hands on car*

Patrol cop: Am I going to find anything in your pockets that might stick me?

Lori: No.

Patrol cop: *reaches into pocket*

Lori: *shakes head*

Patrol cop: *pulls out bag* What's this?

Lori: Icing sugar. I like to bake cakes in the middle of alleys.

Patrol cop: Looks like cocaine to me. You're under arrest. Put your hands behind your back.

Lori: *looks around*

Patrol cop: Now.

Lori: *places hands behind back*

Patrol cop: What's your first and last name, please. *searches for cuffs*

Lori: *sigh* Lori Vasqu...Speedle.

Patrol cop: *looks at Lori*

Lori: *stares ahead*

Patrol cop: *puts cuffs on Lori* You're under arrest for posession of cocaine.

Lori: What about Alena?

Patrol cop: She'll go with Child Services. Is she yours?

Lori: No. I'm babysitting her.

Patrol cop: And you brought her out here? You're lucky I don't charge you with child endangerment.

Lori: *nods*

Patrol cop: Stay here, I'll be right back. *opens car door, grabs radio*

Lori: *leans head against car roof*

Alena: You okie dokie, Lori?

Lori: Yeah....I'm super.

Holding cell, two hours later

Horatio: *walks in*

Lori: *looks up*

Horatio: *sits on bench* The patrol officer called me.

Lori: Good for him. Does he get five gold stars now?

Horatio: You had cocaine on you.

Lori: Yeah and I took some too. Congratulations to me.

Horatio: Is there a reason y-

Lori: No.

Horatio: *nods* How long have you been taking drugs?

Lori: *laughs* Two days.

Horatio: I understand you've been through some stress lately but this isn't the answer.

Lori: Stress. This is not stress.

Horatio: Would you like to tell me what it is?

Lori: I did it because I could. Are you statisfied now?

Horatio: Why don't I go get your father.

Lori: NO! No, I don't want to involve him.

Horatio: He already knows.

Lori: He doesn't care. No one does.

Horatio: I care.

Lori: Yeah well you're the 'hero', it would seem out of character if you didn't care about me.

Horatio: Your father's on his way. *stands*

Lori: I don't want to talk to him.

Horatio: *leaves*

Lori: *sigh*

Two minutes later

Speed: *walks in* Get up.

Lori: *looks at Speed*

Speed: Stand up or I'll kick your ass where you are.

Lori: *stands*

Speed: *grabs Lori*

Lori: AH! *trips over bench*

Speed: How dare you take Alena downtown and leave her by herself. Do you have any idea how dangerous that is?

Lori: Oh so your first concern in the child that doesn't even belong to you.

Speed: Don't be a smartass. You knew how dangerous it is to leave her out there on her own and yet you did it anyway. On top of that, you're drugged out of your damn mind so who's to say what could have happened to both of you.

Lori: Finished?

Speed: Shut up.

Lori: Don't tell me to sh-

Speed: You shut your mouth! *pushes Lori against wall*

Lori: *stares at Speed*

Speed: What the hell is wrong with you!

Lori: Nothing!

Speed: You could have gotten killed!

Lori: *looks down at floor*

Speed: Why would you do this?

Lori: Why not?

Speed: Don't you pull that garbage with me.

Lori: Because it doesn't matter to you what I do. I still end up being a diappointment. I wasn't the way you pictured the first time I came back from Colombia. And then Holly was born and I was shafted to the side and forgotten. Then I left again and...

Speed: And what? You think I didn't care? Do you know how many nights I sat alone in that apartment, staring down the hall to your empty room? Every single night I hoped, prayed you were still here. You're my little girl.

Lori: *rolls eyes*

Speed: Yes, I'm angry with you. You broke the law and I know you're smarter than that.

Lori: I'm sorry.

Speed: I really wish you were. But the fact is, you're going to do whatever you want no matter what I say. I have lost you too many times and I don't want to lose you again.

Lori: *nods*

Speed: So you're going to stay in jail overnight and I'll bail you out in the morning. Maybe the jail time will do you some good. I'll see you later. *walks to door*

Lori: Dad.

Speed: *turns around*

Lori: I really am sorry. For everything.

Speed: *nods, leaves*

My god... Lori...she is so lost, she really doesn't know what she wants. Poor girl. But, the fact remains, she left Alena out in the open, where she could get hurt, to buy coke. She does know better than that. Kudos for Speed standing up to her which is kinda looking in the mirror if you think about it. Poor Speed, he has so much on his plate. It's a miracle that he doesn't have a break with Reality himself...But he can't, he has to keep me sane! :lol:

I'm running out of adjectives , so I will just recycle now. It doesn't take away from the story however ;)... Ah, Superb, as always! :lol:
Oh that's just what Lori needed. Some good, tough, Speedle love. And I kind of feel bad, Speed doesn't seem like the affectionate kind of father, Katie is...a bit nuts at the moment, and Anni doesn't want Lori as her daughter. She's kind of lost. But yet, I feel bad for Speed, he lost his girl and then she goes and does this? I really hope she gets it together. And goes with the gang on a RT West!

Amazing, as always. I can't wait to see what happens with Anni and the baby, and with Jess (where is she?) and Alena (poor Alena...she's one of my fave characters right now :lol: so cute!) and Delko and Stetler. Ugh, he WALKS? No way. Horatio must save the day now. *waits for chessy one-liner*

Can't wait for another update! Thanks Geni! (I re-made my Wubba Monster clay thing today. it's shorter and cuter. :lol: I got another A. Thanks again.)
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