Richard Lewis: 'CSI' To Take Risks On Season 7

CSI Files

CSI supervising producer <font color=yellow>Richard Lewis</font> revealed this week what fans should expect from the 7th season of CSI.

The writers of the show are aware they're going to receive some tough competition from Grey's Anatomy, which is moving to Thursdays opposite CSI next season, so they're upping the ante. "We're going to have fresher stories, more involvement with the characters and also we're going to be trying things and taking a few risks," Lewis revealed.

More involvement with the characters is an alien concept on CSI, a show that's always put the evidence in the spotlight. The move of Grey's Anatomy, a completely character driven show, CSI may have to start getting a little more personal. Lewis promised, however, that the characters won't change. "Whether we give them a smaller portion of delectable goodies, or a bigger portion, they're still going to love Grissom."

Lewis's biggest revelation, however, may be received with mixed feelings by the fans. "And we will be adding some new characters," he promised. "No one will be leaving as of now. But you never know -- there are always stray bullets."

Ultimately, the producers aren't too worried about Grey's, considering crime drama is what's in. "The procedural crime genre has blossomed in the 21st century," added Lewis. "But I think in some ways, it's no different than in the 1940s when there were making a lot of film noirs. Then there was a big horror period in the '90s ... Sociologically, right now, crime is what we're interested in."

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Wow, so now we're getting more characters? Gawd why on earth why??

And I think personl stoylines is code for GSR and Catherine and her daughter drama, I just bet it is.

I've got mixed feelings, I'm not against the whole GSR thing but the ways its done will have a lot to do with how I feel. I' just think the cast is too large as it is, I mean there was very little Warrick or Greg last Season, and now they want to dump more on us?

How about dealing with who we got? Only conclusion is they are upping the Grissom and Sara stuff to provide an exit for WP if he leaves after 7.

If they find GOOD writers, sure why not, but please try to recall why we began watching the show.

Sigh maybe for once they will atleast mention that Nick is dating someone so it doesn't seem like he's a monk.

okay i need to scream a big "NO" right now....please tell me it's a joke, and i'm not talking about the "focus on personal lives" part but on the "add new characters"....WTF??? WHY CANT THEY DEAL with those they already have? i mean look at Greg Sanders, we had absolutely nothing this season, just a few for makes me think of Hawkes on csi ny, we got nothing from him on season 2 too.....Gos they should focus more on those characters before adding some new characters, probably useless and not entertaining....I want see more sara, i wanna see more cath etc i got the feeling that one of those "new" character will be catherine 's daughter....No offense but i don't wanna see that kind of cath drama
All I have to say is:

Yay! More personal! w00t to Sara and Gil!

And WHAT??????? to new characters... I'd rather them not add any new ones, the characters we have right now are awesome!!!
Adding new characters? We barely saw anything of Warrick and Greg. In the second half of the season it became the CSI Relays the way the the characters became interchangable with each other as they appeared for a few minutes then TAG! someone else came in for the next segment.

Here's how to up the ante: GO BACK TO THE FIRST FOUR SEASONS AND TELL STORIES LIKE THAT!!! :mad: :mad:
Well, I'm not against delving a little bit more into the characters but adding new cast members? Can I ask WHY? It's just CSI has a pretty big cast already for a show that isn't exactly based on the Characters. Oh well, let's just hope the PTBs know what they're doing...(which they probably do).

Well, I'll just hope for the best and maybe we'll get to meet Grissom's mom *lol* you never know...
I think when it comes to more personal storylines, that it means Sara/Grissom and Catherine angst.

And the whole new character bid, well..I guess that means we will see less of Warrick, Greg and Nick since they are seen as subordinate characters on the show.

I hope I'm wrong.
I don't want new characters, infact, I just screamed it out loud. I mean, they already have trouble showing all the characters in one episode, why add more?

And that's cool that they want to make it more personal, but it better not turn out just stupid. Because the way things work on TV, they go too personal, it just gets stupider and stupider until you lose interest. And well, I'd rather not lose interest in CSI.

I just hope they know what they're doing...
Oh god... this is like a nightmare from hell.

What are they trying to achieve? I thought majority of the fans already voiced their concern about CSI turning into a soap drama with last episode of season 6. Just because they now have Grey's Anatomy as their competition, that doesn't mean CSI, too, has to turn into one!!!

Besides my personal issues against canon GSR (it's one thing to date someone, it's totally different when that person is your boss/subordinate!!! Does that sound like healthy work environment to you? If fans of whatever shipper wants to advocate it off/online then fine, it's matter of personal choice but as a canon? That's godawful choice for a procedural drama like CSI!), I am very much concerned with whole 'new characters'.

Given that WP is most likely to leave after season 7, I understand that production may want to 'bulk up' but they seem to have forgotten that they FAILED to work with people they ALREADY have in season 6!!! Do a good job with what you have before you become greedy bastards and hope one of them becomes a new favorite!!!

Arrrrghhh, the producers of CSI couldn't have disappointed me anymore than what they already did with last season finale and they merrily went step-further. Thanks a lot!!! :mad:
Ok, NEW CHARACTERS? It sounds like they're trying to work in a rotation formula in case some of the core members leave after season 7 and they want to keep it going.... OH, what a mess. We don't need more characters. You can bring in more and rotate it to keep the show going, but it won't be the same quality. What this show needs is to concentrate on the characters it already has. Back in the day, it was Gris, Sara, Cath, Warrick, Nicky. Some Brass and some Greg and a little Doc Al. That worked. Now we have Bobby, Hodges, Mindy, Wendy, Sofia, Archie, David.... We really don't need more. *sigh*
um, first reaction? dumba$$.

second reaction? same.

they want to take risks? then either finish destroying the show or bring it back to what is was in s1-s4. personally i think they are going for destruction. bloat the cast even more (extra paychecks per ep), more crappy writing and the continuation of the assassination of grissom's character should do it by the end of s7.
New characters: I´d have to agree with everyone else here. Adding more characters is destroying this once wonderful show.
Sure I may hate Grissom and Sara by S7 if they stick with canon GSR (way to assasinate two characters at once tptb:mad:). And I may welcome new characters THEN.
But I hope the writers try and salvage what´s left of the CSI "core" instead and bring back early seasons feel.

Personal: I don´t mind them getting more personal with the characters they already HAVE (unless it means canon GSR/Cath drama because they have both been handled badly).

S6 was the worst one to date because it lacked team interaction and quality screentime for the (original) main cast. Also the way GSR was handled it just killed the whole idea of the show somehow (Sara´s storyarc of growing independent of her childhood and Grissom, Grissom as the well controlled science guy who´d never jeapordize the lab but still occasionally fantasized of one of his subordinates(w a bit of manipulative darkness leaking out there), all the other possible ships etc etc). .

Except for 2-3 eps (GumDrops,Rashomama..) S6 was just a series of chopped up scenes with no continuity for the team members. And then tptb topped it off by that horrible finale. I hope the do everything different in S7- but look to S1-4 for inspiration.
Hey FoxRox long time no see :( glad your still among the living ;) S/6 wasn't inspiring like some of the other seasons true- "BRTI" and "Kiss Kiss Bye Bye" and a couple of others were good- something definatley was missing- :( but the writers have moved on-nothing stays the same- anywhere on the earth- can't go back to S/1-2 3 or 4 or 5- that's history- CSI is still among the top rated show in the WORLD ;)so the wrtirs must be doing something right- and I say if fans don't like the direction it's headed or going than ---GO--- instead of 25 million we'll have 24.99 million- as far as new characters- maybe some are leaving we don't have the scivvy on as of yet and they will need some others to take their place- hang tight and wait and see ;)- I'm a die-hard regardless--- and I'm thrilled by the finale -bout' time- :p

And hats off to the fabulous writers- who try their best to give the fans stellar stories and performances- the fans who find fault- with the stories and the scenerios- you go sit and see if you can do better- topping one epsiode after another- tough job :(and I applaud them- CLAP-CLAP-CLAP :p
Well, I think I will reserve judgement until Season 7 actually starts...I can't say that I am totally thrilled about the personal shift, but I guess they are running out of compelling science/crimes - case in point - corset man...WTF was that? :confused:

If they do focus on the personal stuff, I hope that we get to see more than one millisecond of Warrick (go Yobling :devil:), but I won't hold my breath.

If they mess with next season too much at least I still have my Season 1-4 DVDs that I can run to for comfort.
This whole thing really makes me thing that CSI is going to jump the shark (go way down in ratings) this season. I'm all for some more personal story lines, as long as it doesn't take too much away from the science of the show as well BUT what is with the whole adding new characters?!?!


Those are 8 characters that should be paid attention to....well, personally, I wish they would kick Sophia off, but that's just my opinion.

I agree with the rest of you. We need more storylines for the characters that we already have rather than totally new characters!

And I think the whole reason they are doing this is stupid. If you're not doing something right, change it, if you're not doing anything wrong WHY CHANGE IT? If Grey's Anatomy is going to move to the same time, then let them. If CSI is as good a show as we all know it is, it will do just fine in the ratings. I know I'm still going to watch CSI first, GA second, so honestly, the better show will win, and I think that the better show will be CSI. If not, then I give them my consent to try to make it better, but, that could have a ripple effect and it could do worse as well.