Review: CSI: Miami--'Time Bomb'

CSI Files

The Miami CSIs work to get to the bottom of Rebecca Nevins’ death—and are surprised to learn they are being investigated by Delko.Synopsis:Rewinding to a few minutes before “Mommie Deadest” ended, “Time Bomb” opens with Calleigh realizing Delko is lying to her and following him to the marina where he’s arranged to meet Rebecca Nevins. [...]

Great review, Kristine, as always. ;)

I was disappointed to see Stetler turned into a villain. It seems like such a waste for a character that's been around for so long - especially to have him be evil in such a short story arc. Within the span of a few episodes, diamonds went missing, an investigation was launched, an ADA was blown up and a CSI was framed - and then boom, the truth comes out and it's all over and a long-term character is behind it all. I'm not sure that a longer arc would have been preferable, but it definitely seems like a waste.

The burgeoning friendship between Walter and Ryan
I think you mean burgeoning bromance. :D :D :D It's my favorite.
Kudos Kristine for finally giving Ryan/Jon a decent review without blasting his character for something.:thumbsup:However, the gushing over E/C is too much. There are fans who don't like this storyline. We are less vocal and some slightly older than others. The reasons are clear; the storyline is in your face and every moment we are reminded they are together. Oh, and every other episode they are either dying or facing some sort of crisis.:rolleyes::rolleyes: This is a crime drama, not a soap opera.

In "Time Bomb" it was so ridiculous. In the first scene, how could Delko not see that Hummer with the dept. logo following him, or how he could tell Calleigh he was downtown, while passing her in front of the station? Some CSI he is, and Calleigh what a mess she has turned out to be. If she were a man I wouyld say she was thinking with another part of her anatomy.:rolleyes: During the episode she was more worried about her boyfriend than what was going on with Ryan. The final scene was just plain pathetic; to use the words of one fan "they wanted to walk up and kick them into the ocean". TPTB couldn't use that scene to have the team come together and help Ryan staighten his apartment? Of course not that would have made more sense. Noooo it was just one more pathetic plug for that stupid story.:angryrazz:

I do agree on the friendship Ryan and Walter have developed. Ryan has been the outsider far too long and it is nice to see him with friends.:):thumbsup: I use to think that Ryan/Calleigh had great chemistry (could have been more), but over the past few years that has been destroyed. This season I have seen a few scenes with that fun banter back; but it has been very few.:(

Overall, I liked the episode; except for the overkill on E/C.
I've never commented on your reviews and I just wanted you to know that I always enjoy them. I totally agree that it was a waste of Stetler's character. It was always interesting to see him with H and I totally agree it made Horatio more human. H needs that, a lot. So it's a shame that a character so full of potential will most probably be no more.

As for the team I always perceived that none of them thought that Ryan was guilty. They all kept working to prove his innocence.

I have to say that I always enjoy your take on Eric and Cal's relationship. It's pretty much as I see it and it's refreshing to read as opposed to repetitive posts one can read thread after thread in this forum. I agree that their foundation is a strong one and I hope that since they've been shaken up quite a lot they can have the time to just be happy and enjoy their relationship.

I don't really enjoy Ryan's character so I won't comment much about that just that it was pretty obvious he would be found innocent and that it was a nice scene when he and Eric shook hands.

Great review as always :)
Kristine I have to say for the most part I and others do not enjoy your reviews; due in part to the bias you show some characters over others. I have noticed in recent reviews the effort on your part to be impartial.

I still stand by what I said earlier.
Kudos Kristine for finally giving Ryan/Jon a decent review without blasting his character for something

Ditto.there were times when there seemed to be bashing going on,or somehow the reviewer really didn't get Ryan's character.It was great to see a postive review of Jonathan Togo's portrayal of Ryan.
Agreed that the Walter /Ryan pairing is a good one. This pair has the makings of a good friendship,and I hope that continues into next season.
I didn't like that Rick went out the way that he did.Even though he was seen as a "foe",the character was always interesting.I'll miss the character.
You know. A "review" is one person's opinion. It's not meant to reflect what other fans think of certain characters or the show in general. It's one person talking about what they liked and disliked and why. It's not a summary or a news article that requires the writer leave themselves out of it. The whole point of a review is to state opinion.

Some people seem to think Kristine owes them something when she writes her reviews. She doesn't. Just because she doesn't like your favorite character or likes an aspect of the show you dislike doesn't make her "biased" or her review a bad one. It's one thing to disagree with the reviewer. It's quite another to slam her because she didn't write something with which you agree.
Just to clarify something about my position on Ryan--I have always liked the character. Just because I point out some changes in his character, or note that he has an attitude doesn't mean I dislike him. Certainly, Jonathan Togo always gives a great performance.

As for the Eric and Calleigh pairing, I'm well aware that some people like the pairing and others don't--as is true for any pairing. I can only give my opinion on it.
You know. A "review" is one person's opinion. It's not meant to reflect what other fans think of certain characters or the show in general. It's one person talking about what they liked and disliked and why. It's not a summary or a news article that requires the writer leave themselves out of it. The whole point of a review is to state opinion.

Some people seem to think Kristine owes them something when she writes her reviews. She doesn't. Just because she doesn't like your favorite character or likes an aspect of the show you dislike doesn't make her "biased" or her review a bad one. It's one thing to disagree with the reviewer. It's quite another to slam her because she didn't write something with which you agree.

I agree. I read the reviews for all three CSI shows and don't always see things exactly the same way as the review. However I understand it's her point of view and her review and so I'm fine with it. I can see that even though I may not agree the analysis is well written and the opinions are well expressed and I can appreciate it simply for that.

Like I said before, they are always refreshing to read and I truly appreciate and welcome that.
I usually don't agree with Kristine on many aspects especially those concerning E/C and I think the reason is quite clear. But I don't mind it at all because that's her opinion. Everyone is entitled to give their own opinions. She, above all, is one of those people I respect the most since her opinions are very well reasoned.

As for the whole E/C stuff I can totally understand where people are coming from (I also tend to agree with most of them because that's also how I feel about the E/C), but in general she writes exactly what she thinks in a very good way.

My only problem with reviews is that, IMHO, they should be as impartial as possible...something, which quite honestly, I am not seeing right now. But then again, I think it's quite impossible for people, who watch a show and like some characters (even actors) and not the others, to be impartial.

Unless we want a professional reviewer, we will never get such a thing, will we?

It's not meant to disrespect Kristine or anyone else, but that's my take into the "review" world ;)

And I have to say this was a very good review. I really liked it and I agree with most of it :thumbsup:
Just to clarify something about my position on Ryan--I have always liked the character. Just because I point out some changes in his character, or note that he has an attitude doesn't mean I dislike him. Certainly, Jonathan Togo always gives a great performance.

As for the Eric and Calleigh pairing, I'm well aware that some people like the pairing and others don't--as is true for any pairing. I can only give my opinion on it.

I appreciate your position.:thumbsup: We all have been complaining about the changes tptb have put Ryan through; IMO Jon is the best actor on the show with the least respect. I always cringe when I get to the part concerning Ryan. This week I was pleasently surprised with your review.

Sometime it would be nice to read a review about the imperfections of Eric and Calleigh? They have been so OOC for the past 4 seasons, I don't even recognize them anymore; or how about the fact David is being seen less and less, or Rexx Linn is hardly there anymore, or Eva; all in favor of the new characters and the promotion of E/C.

Just some thoughts!!
My only problem with reviews is that, IMHO, they should be as impartial as possible...something, which quite honestly, I am not seeing right now. But then again, I think it's quite impossible for people, who watch a show and like some characters (even actors) and not the others, to be impartial.

:rolleyes: Do you even understand what a review is? It's an opinion. Opinions by their very nature are not impartial. It might be more interesting discussing my reviews with people that don't agree with them if more of those people understood what a review is.

Unless we want a professional reviewer, we will never get such a thing, will we?

I am a professional reviewer--someone hired by a site to review something is by definition a professional.

It's not meant to disrespect Kristine or anyone else, but that's my take into the "review" world ;)

You might want to educate yourself a bit on the "review" world before offering your take. ;)
Sometime it would be nice to read a review about the imperfections of Eric and Calleigh? They have been so OOC for the past 4 seasons, I don't even recognize them anymore; or how about the fact David is being seen less and less, or Rexx Linn is hardly there anymore, or Eva; all in favor of the new characters and the promotion of E/C.

Just some thoughts!!

If she writes what you tell her to write then she's not giving a review. :rolleyes:

Instead of complaining about her reviews why don't you write your own and include things you think are relevant? That seems to me like it would be a whole lot more productive than trying to get someone else to only write what you want them to write.
My only problem with reviews is that, IMHO, they should be as impartial as possible...something, which quite honestly, I am not seeing right now. But then again, I think it's quite impossible for people, who watch a show and like some characters (even actors) and not the others, to be impartial.

:rolleyes: Do you even understand what a review is? It's an opinion. Opinions by their very nature are not impartial. It might be more interesting discussing my reviews with people that don't agree with them if more of those people understood what a review is.

Unless we want a professional reviewer, we will never get such a thing, will we?
I am a professional reviewer--someone hired by a site to review something is by definition a professional.

It's not meant to disrespect Kristine or anyone else, but that's my take into the "review" world ;)
You might want to educate yourself a bit on the "review" world before offering your take. ;)
I guess I don't even have to reply to such a post.

It's pretty clear that you and I have a completely different idea of what "review" and "professional" mean, but I would never post in the way you did. I'll stand by what I said and I'm off this thread....*pff* I even tried to defend you ;)