~Quotes You WON'T Hear #2~

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~Nocturnal Jenn~
Premium Member
Before we get started here, Lucy and I have a few guidelines we'd like you all to follow:

Please Read All Guidelines Carefully

1. Please keep all 'quotes' to 4 lines or less. 'Quotes' longer than that really belong in the Fan Fiction forum as opposed to this forum.

2. Please bear in mind the 'Adult Content' rule, and don't post things that are overly graphic. Submissions that we feel push the boundaries of this rule may be edited out.

3. Please keep the posts in good taste. Some of the 'quotes' in the last thread really pushed the limits and bordered on offensive.

4. This is not the Shipper Forum. Please don't post overly shipper type 'quotes' in here.

Ok, guys...we'll try it this way for awhile, but if Lucy and I find that the guidelines aren't being followed this thread will be locked.

Happy Posting! :)
well, looks like im the first to post in here too...well, heres mine:

(Speed sees a man in a burger outfit giving someone directions)
Speed: Whoa, hamburger helper!

hehe, i thought of that after i saw 'the pime gig', but never bothered to post it...
Tripp: *Yelling at Horatio* I'M NOT A PIG ,I'M MISTER PIG!
CSI Miami Chat:
H: All the Evidence Points to the Wife.
Speed: O RLY?
Speed: NO WAI!
Speed: SRSLY?

I had to Do that.
I was watchin MISS CONGENIALITY 2 yesterday and her little song is just great.

(In heaven)
Speed- I'm ur new partner, you have to like me, and....back me.....up....when someones shotting at me. Hey wait a minute. Damn you Horatio playing that song at my funeral was not funny. .........ok maybe a little funny.......ok maybe a lot."

Sorry i just could resist anymore.
Ha Ha brilliant i like the "you want to kiss me.." from the first film.
Still on a musical theme
Horatio in interview room with suspect
H: don't you want to confess because we're going to get you. we..
Suspect: ...never close alright geez what you get comission every time you say that and put on your glasses??
H: Looks like someones a little jealous...
*bursts into Don't cha*
Don't ya wish you had a hummer like me?
don't ya wish you wore walmart sunglasses like me?
Don't ya
* H starts dancing and shaking his ass*
H: We all loved them. They were dear friends of mine and I'll never forget about all the great times we had togerther...
Eric: Horatio...
H: Now they're gone, I'm feeling stupid for having thought this day would never come. I'm going to miss them...
Eric: Horatio...
H: Today, we are burying my beloved ones, and I wish all of you to pray with me for them and-
H *sobs*: What?
Eric: They're just a pair of shades!
H: Eric.
Eric: Yes?
H: You're fired.
:lol: x 1,675,464,678
That was so fricken hilarious meandmac & CalleighDuCaine :lol: Very well done :lol:
Those were great guys, but please remember this guideline:
1. Please keep all 'quotes' to 4 lines or less. 'Quotes' longer than that really belong in the Fan Fiction forum as opposed to this forum.
Thanks. :)
Caliegh: Horatio what are you doing?
Horatio:Finding my Gucci sunglasses to go with this brand new Gucci bag.
Caliegh: Thats not Gucci thats Louis Vurton
awww. lmao. :lol:

Frank: What are you looking for horatio?
Horatio: my shades...i dropped them into the pool *falls*
Frank: *laughs* what are you crazy or something?
Horatio: *angrily* like a fox...now help me out.
Horatio: *Looks over sunglasses in disbelief at producers* You can't take away my shades! I look too good in them!! No!!!! You mosters!!!
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