Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY.

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Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Danny: What just happened?
Aiden: Mommy and daddy are having grown-up talk now.

LMAO! I can sooo see that on the show. Aiden putting on a little kid voice.... "mummy and daddy awre habbing gwown up tawk"

Then they start making out, because....I said so.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Aiden: Mommy and daddy are having grown-up talk now.
ROFLMAO! You soooo owe me a new keyboard, coz I'm not sure I can fish out the coke and bits of lime from between the keys! :p
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Personally, I gave up drinking at the computer when I read through the boards for that very reason.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

I posted this at the other one too, but since it's for NY, here it goes again:

Flack: Okay, so we found one dead body in the elevator and one in the hallway. Dead woman in the elevator, about 30...

Aiden: Enough with the details already!

Flack: Uhm... well, one more thing though, we found a photo of the dead hallway guy in the woman's purse... you think the two murders might be connected Mac?

Mac: Naaah... coincidence!
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Danny: (grabs whip from Sheldon and stands on something high) I'm no ones bitch, I RULE! (waves whip)
Mac: Oh hell no (takels him to the ground)
Don: I'm with you on that Mac (stops fighting with Aiden and joins Mac in fighting Danny)
Aiden to Stella: What do ya think?
(before she can answer)
Sheldon:(jumping in) I've got a scalpel no telling what I'll cut off.
Stella: I think we should join in. (Aiden nods in agreement and they do that)

That image of them all piled on the floor made me think of the team playing Twister.

Sheldon: Mac, left hand to blue spot
Stella: Whoa, easy soldier
Mac: Aplogies Stella, but this postion is the only one I can be in to reach the blue spot
Stella: OK Mac, but keep your eyes looking right, or maybe even close them
Sheldon: Aiden, right hand to yellow spot
Flack: Oh I like it, bet you were real good at gymnastics at school, Aiden
Sheldon: Danny, left foot to red spot
Danny: Where’s the nearest red spot?
Flack: Over there by Mac
Danny: I can’t reach that and even if I could I wouldn’t
Flack: *snigger*
Danny: Shut up Flack
Flack: Hey, it’s not my fault some people are vertically challenged
Stella: Just make the move Danny
Danny: There’s more than one red spot on this mat
Flack: Yeh, but you’ll never be able to reach the other one nearest to you unless you can bend like Aiden
Stella: OK, I’m impressed, nice move Danny
Mac: What move? Can I open my eyes yet Stella?
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

lmao! I got something to go along with that...

Sheldon: Okay, Stella, right boob on... hang on. Who drew boobs and genitals on this?

There's snickering from somewhere on the mat.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

You know I think I'll quote something I wrote in a fic cause I realized it would never be said on the show but I could totally see them saying it:
Flack walks into an audio visual room where Aiden and Danny are working...

FLACK: “You know what I don’t get?”
DANNY: “Why women even talk to you?” Aiden smacks the back of his head...
DANNY: “Ow.”
AIDEN: “Don’t start.”
DANNY: “Start what? It’s not my fault he’s an anomaly.”

Oh OH and how about:

AIDEN: “Are you at all going to tell us why a woman showed up at PD with one of your sweatshirts?”
DANNY: “It was nothing, her apartment building was on fire, she was cold I gave her the sweater.”
FLACK: “You’re a damn super hero now?”
AIDEN: (laughing) “I do NOT need a mental picture of him in tights!”
FLACK: “And a cape, a bright red one.”
DANNY: “Shut up.”
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

ROTFLMAO...that was funny. Aiden smacking Danny on the back of his head was priceless, made me think of Gibbs from NCIS smacking Tony upside the head. That made me laugh even harder. The twister comments were awesome. Eagle_Eye..that link..was hilarious...do more
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Eagle_Eye, absolutely funny :lol: :lol:
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

:lol: Eagle_Eye, that was BRILLIANT! I can't stop laughing!
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Thanks everyone :D

I just made that on a whim while looking at screencaps...
When the inspiration hits me again maybe I'll do more.

Ooooh yeah Danny is the lab slut... and he knows it ;)
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