QUIZZES--How much do you know?

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I got 5/10 :) I surprised myself with that. I thought I would have got lower. Spelling and I have never seen eye to eye.
Oh dear, guess an English person has no chance in the food one. What are twinkies and what is a yam? Oh, actually after saying all that I got 10/12! That's crazy! Go Me. :D

6/10 on the spelling one. ;)

So what's that now?
61/102 so...59% Still a D. :( I'm an idiot. :lol:
Spelling 8/10

Both parents are librarians and it's amazing what you can pick up when you spend half your afternoon all summer long sitting in a library. :) I sat there are read and my spelling got very good from that.

*grumbles* 7/10. :rolleyes:

I'd never heard of "Make hay while the sun shines", "a pen is mightier than the sword" and "All that glitters is not gold." Are they American sayings?

Right so what's that?
68/112....60% Yeah! It's gone up! I got a C. That's a pass at GCSE! :lol:
Wow I got 10/10 on the Proverbs. I guessed on #7 and got it right.

eggbe4thechicken I would assume they are North American sayings because I live in Canada and they are said here :)
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