QUIZZES--How much do you know?

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I'm chevres cheese. I love cheese, I eat it all the time, but I have never heard of that! Well I just learned something new, I guess I'll have to find that cheese and try it.
*puts on pouty face*Wow that was mean Susan! so what if I wnat to be french?(even though I'm not) :p
<----See my icon? It represents how proud I am of being brie:lol:
The US/Canada Border 2/10
Way to go 5/10 and this ep hasn’t aired in Lithuania yet
On Cheese quiz I scored as Mozzarella The description suits me very well :D
9/10 way to go. That's alright I suppose, considering I've only watched it twice. :rolleyes:
3/10 US/canada border *waves sign saying British*
and I'm american cheese. :D Me and my family call it either plastic cheese, or square cheese though. :rolleyes: :lol:
I'm also American Cheese.

I scored 7/10 in the US/Canada border. Not bad, I am from Europe. But, OK, it was luck, because I guessed pretty much everything. :p

And "Way to Go", scored 9/10, failed the question about the waist. But, huh, here we don't us the imperial(?) sistem, and I read subtitles, so, no, I didn't remember hearing them.
On What kind of Cheese are you I got Blue Cheese and I did put down blue as my favourite colour also. Very fun quiz :)
Way to Go: 7/10
We /the Germans) haven't seen this episode/s yet....so it's a quite good result. :lol:

What kind of cheese? I'm a mozzarella....but the description doesn't suit me. :p :D
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