QUIZZES--How much do you know?

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The best bad guys 7/10
Billy the kid, Lucky Luciano and Dracula ruined my score :lol:

*i just remembered why i knew who was called "The Bandit Queen"...it was once mentioned on Dr. Quinn :rolleyes: :lol:
4/10. :rolleyes:
If you didn't think I was stupid before, now you do.
My score:
117/207 which is 56% :rolleyes:
I think it's becoming clear that I don't know any general knowledge. :(
I got 6/10 on Best of the Bad Guys. If I hadn't second guessed myself on a couple of them I would've scored higher.
Best of the Bad Guys 6/10. There were a couple I got wrong that I shouldn't have. For the life of me I couldn't remember my Batman villians! :lol:

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