QUIZZES--How much do you know?

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Grammar Pop Quiz 5/10. I'm sooo embarrassed. :eek: At least I got #7 right - it's my moms pet peeve. :lol:

8/10 Grammar quiz :lol: Oh yeah! *gloats* :D
3/10 Latin America :rolleyes:
4/10 Fairy Tales. :( I thought I did Ok as well. :lol:

Right so my grade...95/162 Oh dear, what's that? 59% *mumbles* A D. :( Well it's not a U. :lol:
:eek: I got 7/10 and I've never watched an episode of Miami or NY in my life! :lol: I just sort of guessed, lol, educated of course. :rolleyes:

...102/172...still 59%. :rolleyes:
Glad the link worked. Had to get off quickly because of some real bad storms and a tornado watch! :eek: People around here wouldn't know what to do if we got a tornado.

CSI-Miami-New York: 9/10! I'm a little miffed I screwed up on one, but I didn't remember the episode at all. :(
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