Quiz Thread #5

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Name the Letter Pairs & Words - 98/130 - like blackflag, took a few to figure out the idea

The Change Game - 19/28 - missed one by one letter :scream:

TV Show by Narrated Opening - 16/20
Jumble Gym 2 - 12/40 - :alienblush: I used to be good at things like this!

Livestock by Country - 39/60 - just guessing country names! :lol:

Parting Shots 3 - 11/20 - and it took my 3 tries to spell 2 of them correctly! :rolleyes:

New York City landmarks. I got 8/20. I should have had one more but I forgot the darn 'S'

Charles Dickens. I didn't even try :D

Fruits and Vegetables. I got 8/18.
Jumble Gym - 23/40
Livestock by Countries - 29/60
Parting Shots - 12/20

New York City Landmarks - 14/20
What the Dickens - 2/5
Fruits and Vegetables - 10/18
New York City Landmarks - 13/20

Charles Dickens - 1/5 - never even heard of 3 of them

Fruits and Vegetables - 10/18
Making Names - 0/90 I couldn't figure out how it worked! :lol:
Math Homework - 58/100 before I ran out of time.
Finish the TV Show - 40/50
Making Names - 36/90 - and I don't think I could have gotten any more! :lol:

Math Homework - 24/100 - and I'm actually proud of that! :bolian:

TV Show Titles - 34/50 + 1 bonus (I was 5 years early on my 'Tales' :lol:) - 2 more that I should have gotten and 2 that I had no chance of spelling.

Making Names - 60/90

Math Homework - 49/100 - need more time!

Finish the TV Show - 38/50 + 4 (apparently I know a lot of late-night hosts, but not their shows :lol:)
Name the female name that completes the movie title - 32/48

Magazine covers between 1965 & 2005 - 6/18 - mostly wild guesses

Name the tv show from the character that died - 10/24 - got the first 2 and thought it was easy.. then I got stuck until halfway down the second column.

Still waiting.. and thinking about getting time-shift cable again. :shifty:
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