Quiz Thread #5

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Impossible Quiz - Was impossible for me!

It shouldn't be impossible for anyone :D

US states from capitals. I got 35/50. Not bad for a Canadian :) I would have had 5 more if I could have spelled them :D

Impossible Quiz. I had 3 minutes left

Star Wars items. Nope can't name anyone of. I've seen a couple of the movies but never got into it.
Capitals by State - 50/50

The Impossible Quiz - 12/12 - That wasn't all that impossible...

Star Wars Items - 3/20 I just had to guess things I'd heard of :)
State by capitals: 50/ 50 with only 3 seconds left. Just in time.
The Impossible Quiz: 10/12. I was out of time.
Star Wars: 15/ 20. I gave up after a while. I knew the pictures, but the names.....
Capitals by State: 27/50
The Impssible Quiz: 12/12 - nice one:D
Star Wars: 4/20 - yeah, the English names of Star Wars' stuff are not my strength so to say:)
Famous Authors? 4/22 - and I was stuck on 1 for the longest time!

"I" Game: 20/31

1-10^1-10: 70/100 - then I gave up - the numbers got way too high for me. :lol:

Famous Authors: 4/22

"I" Game: 24/31

1-10^1-10: 87/100 - I gave up, my brain stopped functioning:lol:
Double B Words: 16/24

Twelvesomes: 108/144 - momentarily forgot 3 of the 12 Days of Christmas. :lol:

60 Second Blitz-countries: 15/195 - my brain goes blank on these types of things! :alienblush:

Must catch up!!!

Can you name the words below with double B's?: 13/24
Can you name the Twelvesomes?: 74/144
Can you name the most countries possible in 60 seconds?: 17/195 Ok, do they really expect you to guess them all in a minute? :wtf:

Can you name the famous people based on the titles of their books?: 7/22 Apparently not! :p
Can you name the things starting with 'I'?: 11/31 Alright, I'm not saying that the one state I had trouble remembering is the state I live in. :rolleyes::shifty::wtf::lol:
Can you name the powers of 1-10 from n^1 to n^10?: 84/100 Ran out of time. :p

Can you name the U.S. States from their capitals?: 31/50 Some more time would've been nice. :shifty:
Can you name the answers in The Impossible to Answer Quiz?
NO, YOU CAN'T!!?: 12/12 Sneaky, aren't they? :shifty:
Can you name the things shown below from the Star Wars movies: 8/20 I'm so ashamed. :p
Double B Words: 13/24

Twelvesomes: 73/144 - ahh those body systems! But I was surprised I remembered at least some of them, biology in english wasn't really my favourite:rolleyes:

60 Second Blitz-Countries: 33/195 - the countries that first came to my mind were the ones with the longest names:shifty:
1-10^1-10: 100/100 with 8:20 left and no help. I'M A GENIUS! HAHA! :guffaw:

Famous authors: I got 14... a tiny bit disappointed over myself... :p
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