Police Officer
Cast of CSI: 14/14 with 4 minutes to spare.
Disney Animals: 33/40. Okay I'm not gonna lie, I'm not a massive Disney freak but once I found the ones I knew I started guessing random animals. :lol:
Countries: 20/24. I'd have got them all with just another 15 seconds but I kept spelling Honduras wrong. :shifty:
Movie Posters: 11/24. Not a strong point of mine.
Disney Animals: 33/40. Okay I'm not gonna lie, I'm not a massive Disney freak but once I found the ones I knew I started guessing random animals. :lol:
Countries: 20/24. I'd have got them all with just another 15 seconds but I kept spelling Honduras wrong. :shifty:
Movie Posters: 11/24. Not a strong point of mine.