Quiz Thread #5

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Cat Names: 8/40 - lets just say that only 1 of those is a cat I owned by name (and I tried all former & current cats I've owned)!

Common Surnames: 22/50 - have I ever mentioned how lowsy I am at spelling names? :lol:

Fast Food Restaurants: 20/50 - and except for maybe 2 or 3 more that's all of those we have around here. :lol:

Rungs in the ladder. 32/35 :)

Words ending in 'age'. I got 12/26

Historical Bobble Heads. I got 15/24
word ladder: 17/35 - I can't stand these things even tho that is more than I got yesterday when I tried it then! :lol:

words that end in 'age': 15/26

historical bobbleheads: 19/24 - They didn't have Christophers Superman one! :lol:

wikipedia - 19/30 + 1 bonus :)

squares - 24/50 - I have problems doing squares in my head. :lol:

missing word TV titles - 39/40 - do know of the one I mised but never have I even thought of watching it! :lol:

Rungs in the Word Ladder - 35/35 with 12 seconds left!
Words that End in Age - 22/26
Bobbleheads - 20/24

Wikipedia Country Popularity - 24/30
Square Numbers - 16/50 I didn't even try once I got those. :lol:
TV Title Fill in the Blank - 39/40 I like TV. :D
Wikipedia Country Popularity - 22/30
Square Numbers - 32/50
TV Title Fill in the Blank - 33/40 not bad since I've only heard about most of them
Movies from their numberical hint. I got 19/40

TV show with a large city in the title. I got 11/24

Badly drawn people. I got 21/48. I would have had 2 more if I could have spelled the names :D
Movies from their Numerical Hint - 28/40 That was hard!
TV Show with Large US City in Title - 7/24
Famous Faces Badly Drawn - 27/48
Movies from their Numerical Hint - 15/40
TV Show with Large US City in Title - 4/24
Famous Faces Badly Drawn - 30/48
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