Couldn't agree more with you!
I'm really happy for an Emily's pregnancy possibility. I really am since I know she has always wanted a family. Even if it's not a really wedding, I don't care because if she's happy, I'm happy for her.
So, at this point, I really can't wait for her to announce her pregancy. Till that moment I'll be waiting
As for Calleigh's pregnancy, I'll always say NO, NO and NO way!!
Even if written very well (something I really doubt, knowing TPTB), Calleigh's pregnancy can really ruin both CSI:Miami and CSI:Franchise.
That would be the worst way possible to twist both the show and the character.
I mean they already made this kind of mistake with D/L in CSI:NY. I really don't want to see Calleigh delivering her baby in the firearms lab with Delko holding her hand
My personal idea of Calleigh is the one of a person who has never wanted anything to do with kids since, at first, she was really way too focused on her job. But she had lots of bad and good experiences which, surely, made her change her mind. She loves kids, there's no way to deny it. What about "Back stabbers" when she was talking with the poor victim's daughter? It was a really cute moment and the fact she stayed there for the rest of the day just to listen to what that poor child had to say really melt me.
It was just way too cute, but, honestly, I can't picture Calleigh putting family first, at the moment.
I know she's in love with Eric, but definetly it's too soon for them to have a child (even if it were a "mistake") since they still have to solve some problems like the trust one. Surely, it's not the best moment for Calleigh to have a child. Can I picture little E/C babies? OFC, but not now.
Also, Calleigh's pregancy would be very very risky both for the mother and the child. FFs come to my mind with that possibility. Calleigh always gets shot or stabbed or hurt while expecting the baby and both her and the baby's fate are at risk. No, thank you, I don't want to see another FF on tv. They already did it with "Smoke Gets in Your CSI" with the whole "I thought it was dream" stuff. I'm done with it.
Not to mention that the whole CSI:Franchise has lost its really essence.
I mean while CSI:LV was all about the crime and gruesome details (also with CSIs throwing up because they were too horrible), CSI:Miami had weird crimes with a very talented team and yeah there was team spirit and everyone had their problem, but no one dared to make them interfere with investigation.
Now, Calleigh's pregnacy would only interefer with too many things. No, thank you, I don't want it.
There are so many ways to hide her pregnancy (just put her behind a desk!) with the possibility for the actress to be still part of the cast.
AJ's pregnancy comes to my mind. They had the really brilliant idea to make JJ pregnant and the daddy was a person outside the buro. OFC putting Calleigh with Eric made this chance...impossible.
So yeah I really would prefer to see Calleigh also leaving the lab for a while because of so many possible reasons.
She could be put in jail b/c of a crime she never committed while the team is investigaing on it (oh yeah it easilcy could be the famous big storyline for CSI:Miami), she can easily go back to Lousiana because her father is dying
*cough* oh god!! TPTB, please don't read this part, I'm sorry
*cough* or she can easily be UC. They did it with Yelina. They decided to put her UC so that they didn't always have to work with Sofia Milos.
They can play a lot with Calleigh's character while Emily is on maternity leave.
I'd also rather see Emily out of the cast for a year, but I don't want Calleigh's pregancy on the show. If I had wanted it, I would have watched a completely different show like Private Practice with the best neonatal surgeron of the world.
IMHO, you can't have a pregnancy on a crime drama!
For god's sake this is CSI we're talking about! They already made this mistake. TPTB do you know that there's a motto which says "learn from your mistakes"? Please study it, it can be really helpful :lol:
As for Calleigh jumping off a building, please make Emily do it before the pregnancy