The whole debate on choice is so very complicated. I can't imagine that anyone wants to have an abortion -- it is such an invasive surgery. But at times, circumstances work against a woman and she has no other choice. There are laws in place that allow an unwanted baby to be dropped off at a hospital, police station, etc, and there will be no repercussions, but the problem is that orphanages the world over are overflowing with unwanted children. If everyone who made the argument that someone would take care of the unwanted child actually adopted one, then we wouldn't be in this situation.
Also, in the US, the choice argument goes so much further than just whether to have an abortion or not. There are people who feel the need to tell you when you should or should not have a child. I'm sorry, but when I go to have my birth control prescription filled, I don't need some proselytizing pharmacist telling me that I am a moral failure because I want to have sex but not a child.
And that brings me to the abstinence stuff. Abstinence-only teaching was a huge trend in the US for a while. But guess what? It didn't drive down the numbers of children who were having sex, but instead increased the incidences of STDs among young people. They were not being given the tools they needed in case they did, and as every horny teenager knows, in the heat of the moment you're not going to stop once you reach that point of no return. It would be a lot better if they would stop and take a second to put on that condom.
I am pro-choice to the core. While I will never have an abortion unless I was raped, I don't believe that we should tell a woman what she can or cannot do with her body. There should be no forced incubation -- that's just wrong. What there should be is mandatory counseling for a woman before she makes that wrenching decision, and that counseling should not consist of a fake abortion clinic that delays the woman until it is too late to have the procedure done, nor should it consist of someone bombarding that poor woman with images of aborted fetuses.