Pro-Choice vs. Pro-Life: The Abortion Discussion

Very good points, but I guess it just comes down to rather a person thinks it's just a cluster of cells or a human, and what exactly qualifies a living being.

but you simply cannot force your own believes and opinions onto others.

This is very true, and if this were anything other than a debate, I wouldn't even bring my opinions up ;)
I'm pro-life because there is the lovely law that if someone doesn't want a baby that it can be dropped off at a hospital, fire station, or police station. If someone doesn't want to do this than it is their choice to have an abortion. I'm not for putting laws on someone else's body because this is a very personal desicion.
Jorja_Rain said:
no one gave the child the right to "enter" (or whatever you may want to call it) the woman's body in the first place.

i have never heard it put that way but i absolutely agree with you on that point. you can take all the precautions there are out there and accidents can always happen. unfortunately, they happen a lot and will continue to happen.

i think the pro-life side is easy to understand, you feel that no life should be taken. no matter how early that life is. but unless you find yourself with an unexpected and unwanted pregnancy i dont think you can really understand what goes through a womans mind. one person may be able to carry a child to term and give it up, another may not be able to make that commitment. and i dont think anyone has the right to tell a woman what to do with her body or judge her for her choice.

its very simple, if you dont agree with it dont do it. if its what you need to do, then do it.
Im pro-choice. and I agree with most of aforementioned reasons. I think ultimatively it should be the womans decisions and noone elses.

I also dont think that making abortions illegal will make them stop from happening. it will only increase the number of abortions-gone-wrong.

I dont know whether this comes around right but IMHO it is in a way easier (but it no way easy) to abort a fetus after few weeks then to give up your baby after it was born

I dont know if I would ever decide to abort in the case of unwanted pregnacy but I would like to have a choice
For whatever another person. they should do what they seem to think is best. for someone else to decide to take an abortion is fine eand for someone else the decision to keep it is fine. I am not here to make that judgement for others.

for myself.. i think in almost any circumstance I will keep the baby because I don;t think I can bare it to let it be taken away if it was conseaved in a normal way! maybe in case of rape or something like that... But that I'll see when the time comes.
The whole debate on choice is so very complicated. I can't imagine that anyone wants to have an abortion -- it is such an invasive surgery. But at times, circumstances work against a woman and she has no other choice. There are laws in place that allow an unwanted baby to be dropped off at a hospital, police station, etc, and there will be no repercussions, but the problem is that orphanages the world over are overflowing with unwanted children. If everyone who made the argument that someone would take care of the unwanted child actually adopted one, then we wouldn't be in this situation.

Also, in the US, the choice argument goes so much further than just whether to have an abortion or not. There are people who feel the need to tell you when you should or should not have a child. I'm sorry, but when I go to have my birth control prescription filled, I don't need some proselytizing pharmacist telling me that I am a moral failure because I want to have sex but not a child.

And that brings me to the abstinence stuff. Abstinence-only teaching was a huge trend in the US for a while. But guess what? It didn't drive down the numbers of children who were having sex, but instead increased the incidences of STDs among young people. They were not being given the tools they needed in case they did, and as every horny teenager knows, in the heat of the moment you're not going to stop once you reach that point of no return. It would be a lot better if they would stop and take a second to put on that condom.

I am pro-choice to the core. While I will never have an abortion unless I was raped, I don't believe that we should tell a woman what she can or cannot do with her body. There should be no forced incubation -- that's just wrong. What there should be is mandatory counseling for a woman before she makes that wrenching decision, and that counseling should not consist of a fake abortion clinic that delays the woman until it is too late to have the procedure done, nor should it consist of someone bombarding that poor woman with images of aborted fetuses.
And that brings me to the abstinence stuff. Abstinence-only teaching was a huge trend in the US for a while. But guess what? It didn't drive down the numbers of children who were having sex, but instead increased the incidences of STDs among young people. They were not being given the tools they needed in case they did, and as every horny teenager knows, in the heat of the moment you're not going to stop once you reach that point of no return. It would be a lot better if they would stop and take a second to put on that condom.

Amen :)

What there should be is mandatory counseling for a woman before she makes that wrenching decision
This is exactly what we have here in Germany, and it does not include showings of fetuses etc., but actual counseling by a therapist to help the woman in question to make her own decision.

Btw, I like your location, I'm with you on that, too :p
Springmoon said:

Also, in the US, the choice argument goes so much further than just whether to have an abortion or not. There are people who feel the need to tell you when you should or should not have a child. I'm sorry, but when I go to have my birth control prescription filled, I don't need some proselytizing pharmacist telling me that I am a moral failure because I want to have sex but not a child.

what the hell?? just because you are in the position to support a child doesnt mean you want one. are we all to be nuns until the precise moment we want a child? my mothers friend found herself unexpectedly pregnant at 48. she already had 3 grown daughters but kept the baby. her husband left her because of that. for someone else, keeping the baby may not have been right for them.

and i know that adoption is a wonderful thing. my favourite family i babysit for all 3 boys were adopted right at birth from teenaged mothers. in fact, the mother of their first son is also the mother of their third son. so obviously she didnt learn a lesson by carrying the baby and giving it up. if youve heard the stats, there are a large number of abortions every year. in the hundreds of thousands i think in north america alone. and yes, that is incredibly sad to know that many babies never got to live. but the child care system could not possibly handled that many more babies every single year.
To me, the most important aspect of the matter is the pregnancy itself, not what happens with the baby afterwards.

If I were to give birth to a child, of course I would keep it and love it. BUT would I want to go through pregnancy in the first place? NO.

I firmly believe in birth control (in the form of lesbian sex :p ) but if I had ever been in the situation of having to make a decision I would have aborted, no matter how much I would have wanted a child.

Of course, it is important to keep all options open (adoption, financial & psychological support for young mothers etc) but abortion is still one of the most essential options. I could imagine that it is much harder to give up a child that you've carried for 9 months and given birth to in a painful ordeal than aborting it precociously. The choice is not so much on wheather or not to raise a child but on the process of carrying it out.
abortion is a very delicate topic, and it mainly refers to ethics. i'm a catholic, and i'm basically pro-life in this discussion.

i believe that it's not the baby's fault that the mother doesn't want him, and nobody has a right to kill a person, no matter how old this person is. the first natural law in every country in the world is the right to live. everybody who lives has this right, and you can't deny that to anybody. that's my stand.

although i don't know how i would be talking if this situation happened to me. one thing i know for sure, i'd be very conscience-stricken if i aborted a child.
The reason I'm pro-choice on the abortion matter is because I believe that a lot (and I'm not saying all) of people who think abortion should be illegal aren't thinking about the future of the child. If the parents are alcoholics or drug addicts, or are abusive, would it really be better if the child was not aborted? The child would be in a dangerous household, where it could be beaten or starved to death. I think that people haven't been thinking about that, and I can't say I wouldn't recommend an abortion in that case.

I also think that religion shouldn't play a role in the law of abortion at all. I think that church and state should be totally separated, and that if you don't want to have an abortion because of your religious beliefs, that's fine. Being an atheist, if someone told me I couldn't have an abortion (not that I would) because of another person's religion, I'd be mad.

And as many others have said, abstinence only education is not affective. I know that in our state, we passed a law where our sex-ed can't be all abstinence based, and I was happy to hear that. Just because you tell a kid not to have sex until they're married doesn't mean that a few won't. Better to tell them how to protect themselves from pregnancy and STDs than to assume they're all gonna wait until marriage.