"Post Mortem" Discussion **Spoilers**


Still Sanity Challenged!
Premium Member
Air Date: Thursday, November 09, 2006
Time Slot: 9:00 PM-10:00 PM EST on CBS
Episode Title: (#707) "Post Mortem"


Grissom gets a chilling surprise when he receives another exact miniature replica of a working crime scene. -- When an elderly woman is murdered, the CSIs look to the neighbor and nephew as possible suspects. Mid-investigation, Grissom receives an exact miniature replica of the current crime scene, changing his thinking on the crime. Meanwhile, Greg faces an angry courtroom when he attends the hearing to ascertain his culpability in the death of the teenager he accidentally killed while defending himself against a mob.

Series Regulars:
Gil Grissom: William Petersen
Catherine Willows: Marg Helgenberger
Warrick Brown: Gary Dourdan
Nick Stokes: George Eads
Captain Jim Brass: Paul Guilfoyle
Sara Sidle: Jorja Fox
Greg Sanders: Eric Szmanda
Dr. Robbins: Robert David Hall
Sofia Curtis: Louise Lombard
Hodges: Wallace Langham

Guest Cast:
David Phillips: David Berman
Archie Johnson: Archie Kao
Officer Mitchell: Larry Mitchell
Penny Garden: Juliana Bellinger
A.D.A. Valerie Nichols: Amy Aquino
Judge Clayton Trueblood: Randall Arney
Coroner Patrick Athens: Michael Bofshever
Marla James: Lorraine Toussaint
Aaron James: Vicellous Shannon
Henry Briney: DJ Qualls
Jason Tua: Kenneth Choi
Juror #1: Carla Jimenez
Bruce Ortolani: David Clayton Rogers
Stanley Tanner: Jim Beaver
Female Reporter: Leanza Cornett
Male Reporter: Mati Moralejo
Vasco Ruiz: Omar Leyva

Thanks To The Futon Critic

First “Post Mortem’’ Plot Details Revealed
Aww, I am so stoked about this one. But it will be hard for dear Greg.. :( Poor thing. But he's strong so.. and we'll see him a lot so thats good.

Oh.. can't wait to see Griss' reaction to anoth MCS...

Totally looking forward to this one.
Me too, I was disapointed that Greg wasn't in the promo and I hope I am not disapointed in the episode. I'm sure I won't be and it should be another nice Greg moment. (I hope).

I love this Mini crime scene story line, it's very intriging.
I don't think it will be disappointing, so I wouldn't worry Wojo, it's going to be painful to watch, but not like Fannysmackin' Greg gets beat up by the press, while not physical, absolutely psychological and emotional, and that's why it will be painful, he, of course, doesn't deserve it, but that's the press today and in a way the prosecutor or questioner or lawyer (if there is a lawyer I'm not sure there is) does it too when they bring up some things like that drink that Greg had while he was off duty, (which, they say was actually only half a drink) but they say that Greg totally nails his testimony, and the drink is discounted.

It will be emotional, so we should see some great Greg reactions, so Eric should be stellar, and the TV guide did say he stole the epi, or was the highlight of this epi.

Another spoiler said that he tells Sofia that he's having problems sleeping, I'm wondering/hoping they do show that, like he's having a nightmare about it (yep, Wojo, I really want to see that too:))

Eric should be wonderful as always, but really, poor Greg, he really was just trying to do the right thing, and he was also trying to protect himself.

According to the law (and I'm paraphrasing here) that you can defend yourself OR someone else with basically reasonable force, I know someone in law, they watched Fannysmackin' and said that what Greg did--he wouldn't be prosecuted for at all.

What really worries me more (if you've read the spoilers you know what the outcome is) is, if the spoilers are right, what the brother of the guy that died says about Greg.
Is Sara going to speak on Greg's behalf at the inquest? I haven't seen anything yet, but it would make sense if she was called to testify because she was on the scene to see his injuries first-hand. I know that Nick and Warrick will be there, but it would be a nice bit of continuity to show a solid friendship between Sara and Greg if she were there too.

It's still going to look bad that Grissom isn't there to support him.
I don't think Sara would testify simply because she didn't collect evidence. Sentimental as it would be, it makes more sense to have those who collected the evidence testify. The whole thing about being a CSI is figuring out who and how, not necessarily why, so, they need the facts. The boys collected the evidence, so, I think we're more liklely to see one of them.

I am so excited about the return of the MSCK. It has been a long time since we have had a good serial killer. I really don't count BPK because it wasn't really a constant arc, not like Paul Milander. That arc still gives me goosebumps! I'd also like to see if there is any continuation of the migraine storyline. I mean, I know that people who hurt children drive him nuts, but, if I remember correctly, the first time we saw him popping headache related medication, it was during the Milander arc. The killer was smart and crafty and manipulative, and that drove Grissom nuts. We already know that the first miniature was pissing him off, and his inability to crack whatever code may have been provided for him. Even Sara showed her concern as she stood at his door, watching him get lost in it.

I think this second miniature is going to push him even more. Last week, we saw him at a very dark place. It's difficult to be helpless when you need to be strong. He already felt helpless to save the boys because the information just wasn't coming in fast enough, but he also had the added weight of a migraine, and the best thing to do for it, is to do nothing. (Heh. Grissom having to take his own advice he gave Sara in "Strip Strangler.")

I love that we have some continuing arcs, right now. I love a sense of continuity and flow. It's so refreshing.

Also, the previews gave a really strange sense of the victim, as if she were someone we shouldn't really feel pity for, despite what happens to her. So, I'm curious to see how well that character was marketed, whether or not the previews truly captured her personality. (Or if they're somehow squeezing another freakin' case in there!)

I'm all a tingle with excitement!
I don't think Sara would testify simply because she didn't collect evidence. Sentimental as it would be, it makes more sense to have those who collected the evidence testify. The whole thing about being a CSI is figuring out who and how, not necessarily why, so, they need the facts. The boys collected the evidence, so, I think we're more liklely to see one of them.

Oh yes she did. Sara collected DNA from under Greg's fingernails and on his vest, and probably on his face and clothes too. Warrick and Nick collected evidence from the scene of the attack after Greg and the other injured or dead guys were taken to the hospital.

She could also be used as a character witness on Greg's behalf, if they are used at an inquest, and I don't know that they are.
See, I always took her, "I came for you, Greg" to mean that she came for him as a friend. Because, before that, he told her she better get to work. She didn't seem focused on collecting evidence. She seemed focused on being there for her friend. I'm not saying that she didn't collect any evidence, because she may have and we just didn't see it. I just always thought that she didn't work the scene, that she really was just there for him, to hold his hand, to keep him company until the others arrived to work the scene. She didn't even have her kit in hand, or gloves on her fingers. It was about holding his hand, letting him feel the connection of a human being who cared about him, and letting him know that he was not alone at that moment, that someone wasn't going to treat him as, "Just another victim" or "Just a piece of evidence," but as a friend.

So, if she did collect the evidence, maybe she will testify. I just figured she never did because we didn't see it, and she seemed so intent on just being there for him.
From what I've read, she doesn't testify, it's Sofia and Nick and Doc, but the spoilers could be wrong about that, but then again, they never showed her processing him, he told her about the evidence but the scene cut away, I got more that she was really there as a friend, not investigator, maybe someone else did it instead.

I forgot, Stanley testifies too. Nick did collected the evidence at the scene, Doc for what happened to the guy, Sofia was the first CSI on the scene, I don't know why she didn't process him then..but I'm still pretty sure the she doesn't testify, she could have given a statement earlier though, I guess we'll find out on Thursday.
speakerset said:
What really worries me more (if you've read the spoilers you know what the outcome is) is, if the spoilers are right, what the brother of the guy that died says about Greg.

What does the brother say about Greg? That is a new thing I have heard.

I can't wait to see this episode. Greg will be good as usual. Although I wish they had actually shown a clip of it in the promo. ;)
Can't wait for the, i know the outocome of for Greg and evberthing ting, but still, sounds awesome. What i just wrote don't make any sence, oh well
Well, Sara was the only CSI there on the scene so it would have had to have been her who collected the DNA off of Greg. Sophia is no longer a CSI; she's a cop so she wouldn't have had a kit there. It had to have been Sara. She could have gone back to her truck and got her kit after she comforted Greg. They wouldn't have left Greg laying around for Nick and Warrick to show up. They would have gotten him to the hospital even though he was stabilized. I saw it as Sara having to process Greg. It makes sense to me anyway.
It makes total sense, you're right, Sofia's status confuses me, I swear, she goes from cop to csi, to cop, to csi...all I know is according to the spoilers, Sara doesn't testify, does it mean she didn't give a statement, nope, she could have given her sworn testimony on the evidence before, maybe she had a big case and couldn't make the inquest..all I do know is that the only people who can testify to evidence collected are those who collected it, otherwise the validity of it can be questioned *but then again, Warrick would have to testify as well, maybe with an inquest the same rules that apply to a courtroom trial don't apply here*, maybe the spoilers are incorrect..maybe they didn't process him there, they could have waited to go to the hospital and do it, maybe Nick did it at the hospital then joined Warrick at the scene or Nick got to the scene after Sara and he processed him, I don't know, all I know is according to the spoilers, Sofia, Doc, Nick and Stanley testify..they could be wrong, they have been in the past..Sara was supposed to comfort him in the hospital and it took place at the scene, so if the spoilers are wrong here, I wouldn't be all that surprised.

For MMForbiddenDonut: What the brother says, according to spoilers I've seen posted in a few places, he says something to the effect that "they'll get justice one way or another" I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't say that, but after that look in the hospital, he just might.
The thing to remember is that no spoilers are absolute until the episode airs. I mean, there are so many freakin' rewrites and revisions and then edits in the editing room. I think most the spoilers we get are from writer's drafts and first full white scripts (or whatever color is first for CSI). Meaning, lots is going to change before the episode airs. That pretty white script turns into a collage of colors by the end of shooting a particular episode.

We'll all find out Thursday. :) I do think you pointed out something I hadn't thought of, though, speakerset. Sara will be on that big case with Grissom, the one where the MSCK diorama comes into play. I noticed her behind Brass in one of the promos at the crime scene. So, it could be that when they realize they may have a serial killer on their hands (because, technically, you need three kills over time for a serial label [with cool off time between kills]) Sara might not be able to go to the inquest. I mean, the Izzy Delancie case was fairly high profile, and it was never solved, and they're still trying to keep the dioramas out of the press. That'll probably be tougher this time considering the neighbor guy brought them the diorama, so it was already exposed to someone outside the department.

Greg's inquest combined with the possibility of the MSCK dioramas getting out? Especially considering Grissom's dislike for giving serial killers the glory they crave? This could be a tough ep.
speakerset said:
For MMForbiddenDonut: What the brother says, according to spoilers I've seen posted in a few places, he says something to the effect that "they'll get justice one way or another" I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't say that, but after that look in the hospital, he just might.

Thank you.

Ack. That doesn't sound good. :confused: