Poll Thread 2 - Which One?

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Cinema, because I've never been bowling. Ok, I was on a track once, but just watched others bowling.
I'll go with cinema. Bowling's ok and all but I'm not that good at it so it's not tons of fun for me to play.

Plus with a cinema all you have to get is get your favorite foods, sit down, and enjoy the film. :)
I really like both but I picked bowling. I think its a bit more fun. What would be cool is if there was a place where you could watch a movie AND bowl and the same time haha.
I went with cinema. I prefer that to bowling somehow, plus it's the one I do most often. I usually go to the cinema once a week :)
I went with cinema. When you're watching a film none of your friends can poke fun at you for your horrid bowling skills :lol:. Nothing is better then sitting on a quiet cinema and seeing you're celeb crush on a 50 foot screen. The only time I would prefer bowling if I was on a date so my guy can teach me ;).
:) I used to be afarid of thunder and lightning, but now I love watching lightning and listening to thunder.
I used to be.. it's such a coincidence, cause there's a thunderstorm now here too, it's raining! And not a little. :)
This may sound weird but I LOVE thunder & lightning storms and so does everyone else in my family :lol:. I think it's fun to sit in a safe spot indoors and just watch it happen.
Man, I'm with jorja! I love thunder and lightning. :lol: We don't get enough of it here in London. :p

Unfortunately my dog doesn't share the same enthusiasm as myself. :lol:
No I'm not afraid of them as long as I'm safely inside the house. :lol: Well thunder and lightning used to mean no classes the next day so I've come to love them. :D
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