Points of View


Disclaimer: I don't CSI:Miami or any of it's characters.
Summary: The following is a series of points of view taken from different people following the events of 'Going Ballistic'. I know there're lots of theories to explain what went on in the season finale, this is my version of it. Sorry about the fic title I really couldn't come up with anything better. :p


"It's done." The text message flashes on my cellphone. The signal that a chain of significant events have been set into motion.

I pause and take a breath. My heart is heavy, I don't like what I have to do. But I gave my word. I steel myself for the task ahead.

I slide my cell into my pocket, and retrieve the keys to the Hummer. I climb in. Calleigh didn't like it when I left in the middle of an interrogation, she's gonna hate me when she finds out the truth. I gave my word, like it or not, I will get things done.

I start the engine and pull out of MDPD. I drive to the airfield. Time to take care of things.

******************* flashback *****************

"Ryan," Horatio used my first name, must be important. "I need a favour."

We're standing outside MDPD, away from prying ears.

"Sure." Anything for H, I owe him.

"Listen to what I have to say..... then decide, ok?" Horatio slips off his sunglasses, then gives me his trademark head tilt.

"Ok." I fold my arms across my chest. Unsure what to expect. I listen intently as H tells me of this favour he needs of me. I can't believe my ears.

"What do you want to do Mr Wolfe?" Horatio asks when he finishes.

"I'll do it." I feel honoured, in a strange way. This is the second time he has asked me to do something like this for him.

"I need you remember every detail I told you, and no matter what happens, do as I told you." Horatio stresses the importance of his instructions.

"You have my word." I came through the first time didn't I? But this time the stakes are higher.

"Thank you."

He is gone in a flash.

***************** end flashback ****************

That was the last time Horatio and I spoke. I'm unsure as to whether I will speak to him again. "It's done." Those words flash in my mind again. No turning back now.

There is little traffic on the roads. It gives my brain cells opportunity to think. I try to envison what I would see. Horatio had, no.... I'm already using the past tense, I shouldn't. Horatio is my boss, mentor and friend. He had looked out for me in the past year. Being a CSI is in my blood, it's all I have ever wanted to do. I was devestated when I was fired, all because of a stupid addiction. But H got me my job back, and I owe him. No matter what the cost.

Nothing would have prepared me for what I saw as I pulled up on the desserted runyway. I jump out of the Hummer, and walk the few feet towards the motionless body on the ground.

I've seen countless bodies like this, lifeless on the ground in a pool of blood. But somehow this is different. This guy is supposed to be untouchable, isn't he? I throw my hands up in the air and they come down again, resting on the back of my head. My stomach knots itself and I have the sudden urge to vomit. Get a hold of yourself Wolfe!

I knew this would happen, but seeing Lt Horatio Caine lying face down in a pool of blood on the tarmac is something one cannot prepare adequately for. Time's awasting. My mind kicks it up a notch.

I squat beside Horatio, careful not to disturb the blood pool. I study the scene, his sunglasses lies within his reach, cracked. There is no exit wound, the bullet appears to have entered his abdomen, but there is no way to be certain unless I turn him.

Nobody can know I was here. I slip on my latex gloves, those I always carry round with me for use at crime scenes. I have to be merticulous down to every detail. I don't like lying to my friends but the situation would call for it. I need to cover my tracks well. I have some very good CSIs as colleagues.

I put a finger to Horatio's jugular. His instructions sound in my mind. The presence or absence of a pulse would determine my next step.

To be continued......
This is really good so far. I like that it's from Ryan's point of view particularly since he's my fave Miami character. :)
more soon...we know he's alive, or the show would be done, but it's still angsty lol

This isn't the show, it's my version :lol:
And with regards to your request for a sequel to my other fic MacsGirlMel, don't worry there'll be more HY fics to come.


There wasn’t a single dry eye around me. Everyone looked like they were fighting back tears. The air was strangely still, no breeze to disperse the sadness that seemed to have settled round the cemetery. Everyone had glowing remarks to make about the deceased, it didn’t come as a surprise, my brother-in-law was well liked by his co-workers.

The priest conducting the funeral said his usual last words. Words I heard before. I hardly pay attention to what he said. I know what kind of man Horatio Caine was. Lately he had seemed so conflicted, cold, perhaps now he would find peace.

I never expected it to end this way. Sure he made many enemies, but he always managed to quite literally, dodge the bullet. He had a spotless record in Miami, so it came as surprise that the first time he would get injured on duty with MDPD would also be his last. I never thought he would actually die. He always had this air of invincibility about him, and in the past when we worked together, he always gave me the feeling that I would be safe, that nothing untoward would happen. Until that fateful phonecall. The call that left me dumbstruck. That left me feeling like someone had kicked me in the gut and winded me.

It took me a long while to gather the courage to tell my son. He was, still is, devastated. It's fortunate that Horatio's parents died years ago. I can't imagine how they'd feel losing both sons in the line of duty in the span of a few years. I know I'd lose it if I lost Ray Jr.

The 21-gun salute is fired. It jolts me out of my thoughts. I never understood why they had to do that. Fire off the very bullets that caused the demise of the person being buried. It does little to comfort the grieving loved ones, I should know. Their sound only compounded my grief at Ray’s “funeral”. The guns fire again, such irony. They unsettle me as they did when I "burried" my late husband.

My gaze falls on the blonde teenager beside his mother. He looks sad, but angry. Julia. I never trusted her, and I got a nagging feeling she might have had something to do with this. The last time Horatio and I spoke he mentioned his concern over his son’s custody. He feared for the boy’s safety. His mother had found a boyfriend with a less than perfect rap sheet. Not that she was an angel herself.

She looked impassive beside her son. Perhaps she didn’t feel the loss as much as I did. Kyle looked like he might cry, but he never got much of a chance to know what he was missing. My son does. Horatio had been more than an uncle to Ray. The appearance of Kyle made us drift apart but Horatio still made an effort to call Ray albeit not as often. As for us, we lost contact. He had more important things in mind. And I had convinced myself to move on. Move on from what? What did we have? Nothing. Nothing but shared looks, harmless flirting and the briefest of touches. All teetering on the non-exisistent, so fleeting, nobody would have known it was there. Was it wishful thinking on my part? We felt something for each other, didn’t we? Now I’ll never know for sure.

The funeral is over. I throw a hand round Ray. He is trying to stay strong for me. I'm so proud of him. People come round to offer condolences and kind words. It's funny how they don't do the same with Julia or Kyle. Maybe it's because they used to be my colleagues.

The last person to come round is Ryan. He lingered in the shadows, waiting for the crowd round me and Ray Jr to disappear. He walks slowly towards me, hands in his pockets.

I expect the usual, 'I'm so sorry for your loss'.

"Can I have a minute?" Not the phrase I was expecting.


Ray Jr takes his cue. "I'll wait in the car."

We wait for Ray Jr to get out of ear-shot. Ryan motions for me to follow him. We stop in the shadows of a tree. Why the secrecy? I immediately sense something is up. Is Horatio doing what Raymond did? He was so angry at his brother for faking his death. It would be hypocritical for him to do the same after condemning his brother's past actions. But the thought although angering me, gives me hope.

"I um... " Ryan begins. "I'm really sorry about H."

I nod. "Thanks."

"He ah... he wanted me to tell you, he's ah really sorry."

He wanted Ryan to tell me? What? Does Ryan have the ability to speak to the dead now? Then I remember, Ryan was the one who found Horatio.

"You were with him, at the end?" I ask. I need to know for myself although others have told me of how he died.

"I was."

It's heartbreaking and comforting to know his last thoughts were of me.

"Was he..... did he suffer?" The question sounds stupid. Of course he did, he was shot and lay dying until Ryan found him.

Ryan folds his arms across his chest. He looks uncomfortable, maybe I'm asking him to talk about things he'd rather not remember.

"He umm.... he was, but in the ambulance they gave him something, morphine probably, he was... ah, he was in and out of it, but he seemed more comfortable after that."

The thought of his last moments causes more heartache. I'm glad he had the wisdom to speak to me without Ray Jr.

"Horatio, he died in the ambulance. They couldn't save him.... I was err... I was too late." Ryan looked guilty.

"I know you must have tried your best." My turn to console him. "He wouldn't want you to beat yourself up over it."

"You too."

Ryan reaches into his jacket pocket. He pulls out an envelope.

"He wanted you to have this."

For a moment I do not understand. Sure Ryan was the last one to see him alive but he was gravely injured. How could he have the time to pen something down? My eyes question Ryan.

"Take this, read it at home, ok? Ryan presses the envelope into my hand.

I nod wordlessly.

"I gota go." Ryan sighs.

I watch him leave. He has left me with more questions than answers.

This isn't the show, it's my version :lol:

Yes but you are like us, a sucker for H/Y. You wouldn't do anything like that to them. Right? RIGHT?!! :wtf:


don't worry there'll be more HY fics to come.

Can I just say "WHOEEEE" :thumbsup:

Loved the update. A very good hint of "something's fishy". He pulled a Ray didn't he?! Good boy H, lil but stupid concidering you were pissed at Ray for doing that. BUT you do have the decency to tell Yelina (the note!)

I'll be looking forward to the next update!
If H did fake it, I hope he does let Yelina know. God knows she doesn't need to go through that whole thing again. Good chapter.
Thanks for the comments and feedback. :)


It had been an exhausting day. I was tired and I felt drained. Emotionally more than physically. I had sat with Ray on his bed until he fell asleep. We both had been trying to make sense of all this.

I run myself a bath, and while I wait for the tub to fill with water, my thoughts wander to Horatio. We had drifted apart in the past year. It was to be expected since we saw so little of each other and only talked now and then over the phone. Mostly about cases he needed my help with. But I found that since his shooting, my thoughts have been very much preoccupied with him again. The fact that we are no longer as close as we used to be, I think helped me come to terms with his demise. I'm not as affected as I thought I would be, in this case absence did not make the heart grow fonder. Or so I thought. What Ryan told me this afternoon threw a spanner into the works.

In the past we never acted on our mutual feelings for each other because Horatio couldn't get past the fact that I am his sister-in-law. Then Ray died. We never talked about it again because I assumed..... did he already get past the fact? Perhaps he was unsure about me, about if I still felt the same as before Rio? What if he was waiting for me to show him some sign? People say that before you die, your last thoughts are of the people you love the most. I was one of the last people Horatio thought about. It's agonizing to think that he never would know how I feel about him.

I should not play this game of "what if?" It's too painful on the heart. The tub is filled. I slowly take off my clothes and lower myself into the water. The warm water feels relaxing, and I lie back, allowing the tension to slowly dissolve in the steam. My thoughts inevitably travel back to Horatio again. I remember the first time we met. I was captivated by his charm and good manners. When I got a chance to look into his blue eyes, I knew he would cause me pain.

It was the week before Ray and I were to be married. Horatio had flew in from New York. Ray had invited him over for dinner. After dinner Ray discovered we were out of beer. He had left us alone and run out to buy his favourite beverage. We had sat side by side on the couch. The uncomfortable awkwardness that usually exisits between two people who had just met for the first time was notably absent. We were comfortable in each other's presence.

***************** flashback *****************

"How'd you like Miami so far?" I asked, making small talk.

"It's nice," Horatio smiled at me and I melted. "A welcome change from New York. At least it doesn't rain as much."

"Wait till a hurricane hits us." I laugh. He laughs along but I could tell he was studying me.

"I um.... Ray he.... he didn't.... I.... " Horatio laughed. He seemed to turn a little red. "I um.... I'm usually more coherent..... um.... more coherent than this."

He had given me the impression he was a very confident man. I found his schoolboy shyness very amusing, and at the same time I'm flattered.

Horatio took a breath. "I mean.... Ray never told me how beautiful you are."

I feel the heat rushing to my cheeks. I lower my head and smile. "Ray forgot to tell me how attractive his big brother really is."

Our eyes meet and we are unable to tear our gaze away from each other. There is a connection, something that happens between two people and I can feel the tension in the air rising. He lowers his gaze to my lips. We lean towards each other, with only one intent in mind.

At the very last moment, before our lips meet, Horatio turns his head ever so slightly. He has more self-restraint than I do. Yet his eyes tell me he is afraid he has offended me. There is an unspoken understanding between us. We would not hurt the person who loves us both very much, we did not dare to tempt fate.

***************** end flashback ***************

Looking back I wish we did kiss. At least I would now know what it's like. But I'm grateful for Horatio's self-control, I know that if we had kissed that first time we met, an uneasiness would have been created between us. If we kissed, Horatio and I wouldn't have developed the strong friendship we had when we worked together at MDPD a couple of years later.

I remember the envelope Ryan handed to me. I had brought it into the bathroom with me, wanting to read it in private. I reach for it and carefully open the sealed envelope. There is a single sheet of paper inside, I instantly recognize Horatio's handwriting. It looks like this was written in a hurry, yet I know he must have put much thought into it.

Dearest Yelina,

if you're in possesion of this letter, it means I must be dead or dying. I'm sorry for all the pain and inconvenience this must cause you and Ray Jr. I know that you two don't need to go through this again. But I hope you understand that I had been left with no choice.

Ron Saris, the man you warned me about, he and Julia got married. He's after her money, he will kill her for it. It bothers me, but not nearly as much as it bothers me that after Julia is dead, Kyle is the only person standing between him and all her money. I would do anything to protect my son, even give my life. I know you would too, for Ray.

Ron wants me dead. I obliged him. I went out of my way to make myself a target, even made myself alone, at the airfiled. I made sure he knew I would be there. I made sure that taking a shot at me would be irresisitable. I needed him to go down for my death. Given the time I had, this is the only way I can make sure Kyle is safe. You understand, don't you?

My greatest regret is never knowing what it's like to be with you. You're exquisite and I'm a better person to have known you. I don't think it's possible to love a person as much as I love you. I love you more than life itself, and if it was you in Kyle's situation I'd give my life in a heartbeat. I wish I had the guts to tell you sooner, but at least, now you know.

Take care of yourself and Ray Jr. Know that I have loved you since the day we first met, and always will.


I drop the letter on the floor. He loved me...... he loved me. The words repeat in my head. The pain in my heart is unbearable. The hot tears start to roll down my cheeks. There's no holding back now and I sob uncontrollably.


We did it. We got them. Juan Ortega and Ron Saris. We have them for Horatio's shooting. So why do I still feel so empty? We got what H wanted. But the team has lost a great leader. I have no doubts Calleigh will do a good job, but she has very big shoes to fill. Everyone is more subdued since the funeral. The arrest of H's shooters brought some relief from all our anger and grief, but now that we got them, the single purpose we worked together for, to catch our boss's killer, is over. We need to move on from here, solve crimes, catch the bad guys without H. It's weird. We need time to get used to it. And we have a pretty annoying new ME to get used to.

I want to fix things. I hope I can fix things. I know some of us wish we could go back to the old days. Maybe we can. If anything the shooting brought us closer together. Horatio would've liked that.

"What's up with you?" Calleigh walks into TRACE, disrupting my thoughts.

"What?" I feign ignorance.

"We got them. But you don't seem too happy."

"Oh I am happy." It's just that this business isn't concluded... yet.

"You know, it must have been hard for you to find Horatio... and you were with him when he died."

"Yeah," I fold my arms arcoss my chest defensively. "But I'm ok, really." It's all this lying I can't take.

"If you wanna talk...."

"Thanks Cal, I know where to find you." My signal for her to leave me alone.

I know she's worried. I've kept to myself alot since the shooting, mostly so I don't have to tell too many lies.

She leaves. I have somewhere to be. Now that we caught them, and put the smoking gun in Ron Saris' hands, hopefully this business can be concluded soon.

Now to take care of unfinished business. It's what Horatio wanted me to do.

Sorry it's so short, but all will be revealed soon..... I gota run but I'll update again soon, hopefully.
GregNickRyanFan I didn't like that new ME, I mean the guy. He was really annoying to me. :lol: I hope he isn't the permanet replacement for Alexx.


The doorbell rings. I'm not in the mood for company. The past couple of days since I read Horatio's letter had been very hard to say the least. I re-read the letter numerous times. Each time I do, it tears me apart more. Why didn't I tell him sooner, what if I had told him when I had the chance. It eats me up that he will never know how I feel about him. I know I shouldn't play the game of "what if" but I can't help it. I know I musn't wallow, I have to think about Ray Jr. The doorbell rings again. With a sigh I answer the door.

"Sorry to bother you."

It's Ryan. I shake my head. "You're not."

"I take it you read the letter?" Ryan asks.

"Yeah." I'm not sure if Ryan knows of it's contents.

"I uh... I didn't read it, if that's what you think, but I know H told you about his plan."

"He did."

"It uh... there's one more thing H wanted me to do."

I can't imagine what it would be.

"I need you to come with me." Ryan turns to the Hummer parked out on the road.

I really don't want to go, but my insticnts tell me to trust him. What else could Horatio have possibly wanted Ryan to do for me?

"Give me a minute, I need to tell Ray."

A couple of minutes later we're in the Hummer. I suspect Ryan feels uncomfortable with the initial silence so he fills me in.

"I didn't agree with Horatio's plan. It was too dangerous.... but after all he had done for me... I agreed."

"I understand." I assure him. It took me awhile to understand his plan too but the part about giving his life for Kyle, he was right, I'd do that for Ray Jr too.

"He wanted to get shot... it was crazy, I tried to tell him to use blanks, but he wanted something that would hold in court, you know... to get Ron Saris. He said I should go get him when he was sure Ron would take a shot at him, I thought I'd get there in time.... I did, he was still alive when I got there.... but his instructions were to make it such that everyone thought he was dead. At the very least we would get Ron on charges of attempting to murder a police officer."

His last sentence gave me hope. I realised Ryan had driven me to Miami General.

"You mean?" I scarcely dare to ask.

"Horatio isn't dead."

I blink and let the news sink in. I'm not sure what to think. Anger, happiness all wash over me. How could he? And he was so mad at Ray for faking his death, he's doing the same?

"I'll take you to him." Ryan leads me to the intensive care unit. I can see Horatio behind the glass doors of the room he's in. He doesn't look very alive to me.

"He didn't want to die, I was his back-up plan. I guess I was too late... the umm, he's still in a coma, they aren't sure when he'd wake. We've got Ron Saris now, and Horatio's instructions were that if he didn't die, then you had to be the first to know we had planned this."

I'm touched, but still angry. I had been so depressed the last couple of days since the funeral. I can't believe it's the second fake funeral I have attended. I need to comfort Ryan.

"At least he's still alive, we still have hope, so... you weren't too late."

Ryan nods. "I've been here everyday since. He'll have another visitor now."

"And the others?" I ask about the rest of the team. They should know the truth too.

"I'll tell them soon." Ryan nods towards the room. "He's been waiting for you."

I turn and hug Ryan. What he did for Horatio couldn't be easy on him. "Thank you."

I take a breath then slide the room door open and walk in. I'm greeted by the steady sound of beeping monitors, and the swooshing sound of the ventilator pumping air into Horatio's lungs. In addition to the tube down his throat, a myraid of intravenous tubes run into Horatio's arm and neck. His chest is swathed heavily in bandages. So that's where he was shot. Wires monitor his heartbeat.

My inital anger subsides a little. Ray faked his death for selfish reasons. Horatio did it to save Kyle. And it was a long time before I found out about Ray. With Horatio, it had been only a little more than a week. I had been grieving, still was. With Ray I had got over the grief and when I found out he was still alive, I wasn't sure how to react. With Horatio, it is different. Finding out that he is still alive makes me feel jubilant. The past couple of days I had been wishing he was still alive so I could tell him how I feel. I've got my chance. I shouldn't waste it by being angry.

He doesn't seem very alive, I tell myself again. Don't get your hopes up. I'm afraid to get my hopes up only to be disappointed again. But I would hope for the best.

I pull a chair and sit myself next to the bed. I watch the rise and fall of his chest, study his motionless form. He looks like he has lost alot of weight, his skin colour is pale. But he looks peaceful, at least he doesn't seem to be in pain.

I work up the courage to take his hand in mine. The coldness of his skin shocks me. I move my other hand up his arm, and trace his jawline. His face doesn't feel as cold. I half-expect his eyes to open, but nothing happens.

I lean towards him and call his name, "Horatio."

Still nothing.

"Hey," I take a moment to compose myself. "I'm here now. You can do this, it's not that hard.... just wake up. You did it. They got Ron Saris. Kyle is safe. But I'm sure Ryan told you that already."

I feel a little silly. I don't even know if he can hear me.

"I'm here for you. Just wake up." I want to utter those three magic words that I regretted not telling him earlier, but I hold back. I would save it for when he wakes up.

I kiss his forehead lightly, then sit back down on the chair. I would call Ray Jr with the news soon. But for now I'm content to be with him, to watch the heart monitors beep and tell me, there' still hope for us.

Angsty:lol: I'm a sucker for that. TBC......