Poetry, Anyone?

i sometimes find that my poems are depressing....so i came up with this little crap one:

you handed me the bottle
and told me to take a drink
i asked you what it was
you said what do you think?
i said i thought it was alcohol
you said that i'd be right
and we both got pissed
and danced the whole night
next morning i woke up
in the bed next to you
i looked at you blearily
and said, what did we do?
you replied, i dont know
but my head sure is sore
i looked all around me,
we were on my bedroom floor
i siad, i dont remember anything past
dancing with you in the rain,
but meet me tonight
and we'll do it all again!

well that was wierd
I understood the whole poem, Detective! Me is proud, both on myself, because I understood German, and on you, cuz' you wrote a great poem! :)
Through the days too cold to feel
My heart rips to pieces when I realize it’s real.
You’re too far away for me to hold
As I lay devoured by the bittersweet cold
But just then I remember why it’s you I chose
Because my heart seemed to want what I feared the most
Because my life needed more distance to keep me amused
Needed more loneliness to keep me confused
With you here inside me I fought through the wars
I won them and succeeded and brought back these scars
With each scar a memory I once feared to know
With each day I faded and could not let go
Through it all you’ve seen me when I was unseen
You offered me passion you fed me these dreams
i may once live without you my sun would always rise
At least it would on the outside but darkness would reign inside.
With much regret I’d wonder what could have been done
What I could have said to keep you believing you are m only one
Inside me there is fire that feeds off of your love
A burning ode to passion a heart I pray to trust
I never could find comfort nor did I have a home
At night I would rest this body of nothing but flesh and bones
In you I found my spirits and so I have to say
You have walked the distance, thank you for not resting along the way.
Your both poem are so really fantastic and marvelous, Det._Burn ! :)

The second in german is so awesome and the text is great !
I love your words ! ;)

Futher so !!!!!!!
All the poems here are just beautiful and I haven't read one yet that I didn't like. Who knew a bunch of CSI fans could have such soul? ;)

Anyway, here are a few of my own, I know that they're not that great, but I'm in a sharing mood. Let me know what you think!

I am me
I am all that I have sometimes
When the chip on my shoulder begins to hurt
When the world feels like it is crashing in my heart
I'll always have me
There will never be a day
that I am alone as long as I always have me


Today was long
really really long
I hope tomorrow
goes a little faster


Today was bad
really really bad
I hope tomorrow
is a little better


Today I cried
really really cried
I hope tomorrow
I am a little happier


Today you left me
really really left me
I hope tomorrow
you will love me...
just a little.


My mom's happy poem...
Mom always says
"You need to smile more"
Its kind of hard to smile
with your foot slammed in the door
But Mom, here you go
I'll write a happy poem
Written just for you
With my smile bought on loan
I'll laugh a little louder
giggle a little more
and maybe someday,
get myself out of that door


The sound of quiet
is peaceful

a soft whisper
in your ear

a gentle song of love
nobody else can hear

The angel on your shoulder
never talks so loud

as in the peaceful state
when you can't hear a sound

When the world gets to much
and your feelings torn apart

Just close your eyes, plug your ears
and listen to your heart.


And this last one I wrote for my best friend. She moved to California and I miss her more then anything.


The end of something that someone will miss
A new start on life that doesn''t include you
the shatter of precious crystal in your heart
An end to the old, the start of a new

Its all there inside one tiny single word
A tear and a smile, a hug and a wave
Its a word that hurts you into your very soul
It tears two people apart and pulls them away

A Goodbye doesn''t mean I''ll see you again
A goodbye means that its over and done,
I''m looking for something to make me happy,
and I''m sorry but your just not that one.

You say Goodbye to a lot of friends
you might even say if everyday
but this goodbye is different
please don''t say it, please just stay

But if you need to go, and I know that you do
Don''t say goodbye, don''t start the end
Keep me with you, safe in your heart
until forever runs out of days as your friend


I've got about a thousand more - no kidding. Poetry was how I expressed anger and fear and love and... well the entire range of human emotions. I didn't always have someone that listened or understood. Paper was always a great ear and it never judged.

Please let me know what you think!
Wow, Turtlebaby. Those are impressive. I love every single of your poems. Honestly, I think they're some of the best that have been posted in here. Please share some of that other thousand!
new poem...today i got bored in history!

i went to a pharm party
with some other kids from school
i stole my mom's piankillers
i thought i was real cool
we pooled the meds together
a rainbow bowl of pills
this was how we got our kicks
this was how we got our thrills.
downing the pills by the handful
we all got pretty messed up
knocking back the alcohol too
cup after cup after cup.
the innocence of the pharm parties
has pretty much disappeared
i do hard drugs, i'm my worst nightmare
i'm everything i ever feared.
i go around begging now
i just need money for a fix
and to think it all started out
with wanting to get some teenage kicks.
Thanks MiaCharlize! I'm really glad you liked them, I don't share my writings often... I never think that they're - grown up enough. If that makes any sense. They rhyme to much...lol. But even when I try not to, the rhythm finds its way into them. *shrug* Ah well, what am I gonna do about it.

And now, by request, I offer up a few more. If there is no bold title, then most likely it didn't have one to begin with.

I cry

I cry when I'm mad
when my heart is on fire
when the tears are so hot
they burn down my face

I cry when I'm happy
when my heart feels so light
and the tears are so smooth
they leave no mark on my cheeks

I cry when I'm scared
when my heart beats so quick
and the tears fall so fast
they barely touch my skin

I cry when I'm sad
when my heart breaks in two
and the tears feel so real
as one after another they fall to the floor

The next couple I wrote for my little sister Michelle. There is a 16 year gap between us and I always feel like I missing the most important years of her life. She's six now, and one day when she's old enough to understand them, I plan on giving these to her.

My Angel
I have a little Angel
She doesn't have wings of gold
Her halo isn't bright,
if I let the truth be told
Music doesn't follow her but
her laughter makes me glad
She's never been to heaven but
I've loved her from the start
She's my baby sister
Forever in my heart


I have a little Angel
She's as cute as can be

She is my baby sister
and she is but three

She loves to dance around
and sing her silly songs

But she loves it even more
when you sing and dance along

There's a sparkle in her eyes
that never goes away.

She never does get mad enough
to never want to play

I have a little angel
I've loved her from the start

And everyday she grows
She's forever in my heart


I never wanted to pass through your life
but it seems that’s what I do
I know you through others stories
I want to know you through you

You change so much each day
You’re learning so much more
Your the littlest, my baby sister
and I treat your world like a revolving door

I’m sorry baby, that I’m not there
to read you stories or tuck you in
but what I feel like I’m missing most
is those great big hugs you love to give

There’s so many years between us
my childhoods gone, but yours is just beginning
I’m sorry I couldn’t do it with you
but its not ours to live, its yours to be living

You were just a baby when I left
and to prove how much I love you
You were the one I cried for
and guess what? You missed me too

You wanted me to stay with you
You never wanted me to leave
you cried when I did...every single time
but now the only one crying is me

I cry because you don’t miss me
not like you did, long ago
I know I’m not the best sister
but believe me baby, I love you more then you will ever know

I don’t want the door to stick
as revolving doors sometimes do
I want to be part of your life forever
the most important person in our world is you

Now - your my baby sister
and I know your busy with your world
Your friends, your family, and your sisters still at home
but don’t forget me ok? Your my favorite baby girl
I love you.

And this one came from an experience with me being an all out *ss hole to some of my best friends - I wasn't having the best week.

I’ve got something to say
More then an apology to you all
Its my war I’ve been fighting
My cliff from not to fall.

I haven’t treated anyone right
I’d hate me too, the way I act
And I’m sorry, you're my friends
If I could, I’d take it all back

Everytime I hurt you,
if I ever made you cry
That was never my intention
for now, I can’t do better, but I’ll try

You read into my sorrows
and then you feel bad
but none of you caused them
I promise, its my fault I’m so sad

Its my knack for hurting others
thats got me hurting me
I love you all more then life
but from my demons, alone, I must get free

I hope you can forgive me
when light again shines through
because now you know I’m sorry
And I will always, and forever, love you


And this one... you know what I love about writing poetry? When you go back and read it you can feel exactly what you were feeling when you wrote it. Everything becomes vividly clear in my memory. Even if everyone else doesn't understand it, I will always remember how I felt when I wrote it. Anyway, this one came from a fight I had with a man that I was very sure I was falling in love with.

Tomorrow I’ll love you
as much as a I do today
tomorrow I’ll need you
in just the same ways

Tomorrow is mine
to build together with you
Tomorrow is ours
to start everything new

Tomorrow will be better
as soon as out hearts forgive
Tomorrow we’ll learn
what its really like to live

Tomorrow I’ll miss you
and admit that I am wrong
But just for today, don’t forget me
I haven’t left, I’m not leaving, I’m just gone


Is it just me, or do I seem to have an awful lot of bad days? :rolleyes:

Turn my world upside down
dump the orange juice on the floor
Scream out loud scream out strong
Slam my heart in the car door

A man walking down yesterday’s street
a smile on his pathetic pathetic face
Makes me feel like burning stained glass
He never felt the torching of his faith

The days, the sun, so Angry
The night, the moon, so Sad
Watch the world just strut by
Kick out, trip it, now a crazy mans laugh

Falling Falling to my knees
Rocks dirt, gouge my skin
the pain feels so good
I move, more pain, I laugh again

The roses are wilting
everything good dies
Nothing pretty Nothing pretty
everything ugly through pain filled eyes

Fall down from my knees
again I laugh, shot in the back
Release, Relief, peace of mind
‘Thank You” I whisper as my world turns to black.


Ok so one more? lol - I warned you that I had quite a few. I'm feeling giving - what can I say.

Our Choice
Fate deals us all
the very best of hands.
Its up to us to pass
or throw and not take that chance

It's our own choice when opportunity
passes us by. Is our fault for standing
steady and not reaching for the sky

We make our lives our own. We mold our
everyday. Its not fates fault that we
dream of tomorrow instead of living in


Again, let me know what you think.

[/egotistical tyraid]