Photos #6 - Lights, Camera, 'Snap'!

mimic: I love your pictures! Your dog is cute, and as already said, you're so pretty ;p What's your doggie's name?
Thanks! I actually have two dogs, Maggie and Bandit, who are 11 and 9 respectively (and both girls). Technically they're my parents dogs, not mine, but I was in middle school when we got them, so I consider them mine. :D
Aww..he's so cute! My old dog was a britany spaniel but he looked very much like your dog. I love the Video:lol:
I only ride the big one tara! I think barney and rubble would break too if i rode them! :lol: My friend is allergic to horses i'd hate it! It must be horrible to not be able to go near a horse without having a bad rection to them! :(

I'm allergic to horses and that doesn't stop me!! I've been riding for almost 6 years, I'm hoping I'll become immune to them one day!

Me and Cosmo
Gawd, so many cuties on this forum! :luvlove:

I was curious and had to poke around on this thread, but then I felt like a creep for looking at everyone's pictures and not sharing mine..

But I'm sick with a tooth infection and my cheek is kinda swollen from the root canal.. so you get this craptastic pic of me saying "hi!" to you guys. Don't mind my ratty sweatshirt lol... and I'm not as angry as I look, just in pain and stoned on medicine. :rolleyes:
Great pics everyone :D

fatalze, I just had my wisdom teeth out not long ago, so I totally sympathize with you.
fatalze: I sympathise with you too...I had my wisdom teeth surgically removed (meaning they put me under general anesthesia) a few years ago and I was chipmunk central for a week...gorgeous time in my life ;p But I think you look totally fine, to be honest :) You have the same ginormous headphones my brother does...they drive me nuts, personally. ANYWAYS (back OT), hope you feel better soon- put up some more pix when you get a second ;p
Thanks for the well wishes Dragonfly and Criminologist! And thanks for the compliment, haha. I feel for you both.. I've never had to have my wisdom teeth removed, they basically aren't strong enough to even attempt coming in.. but I've had lots of other dental work and some extractions in trade.

And I adore my ginormous headphones. They're the only kind that can block out the sounds of multiple rodents running on slightly wobbly spinny-wheels. Besides, they don't give me a headache. XD

I promise, I'll snap and share some more pics once I don't look like a pill popper anymore. ;)
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fatalze: No problem, girlie! I hope you're feeling better! I've had 6 surgeries since my wisdom teeth (these ones on my legs) and I have many many many pictures of me CLEARLY on Vicodin and those are pill poppin' licious...I can post one if you want ;p THen we could both have bad pix up ;) Anyways, Feel better soon!
I'm getting there, Criminologist! Ha, that's a real mouthful. Btw, feel free to call me Becka, if you can remember. (I'm terrible with names, so I just assume everyone else is too lol)

I found a non-drugged picture of myself! I forgot I had some stored away in the depths of my HDD. This one is a little tiny bit touched up, since I used it for one of my self-portrait assignments in a digital photography course, but at least I don't feel like I look stoned in it.

And you should totally share a pill poppin' photo. :D And save some Vicodin for me next time, all they gave me were these lousy Darvocet.
I only ride the big one tara! I think barney and rubble would break too if i rode them! :lol: My friend is allergic to horses i'd hate it! It must be horrible to not be able to go near a horse without having a bad rection to them! :(

I'm allergic to horses and that doesn't stop me!! I've been riding for almost 6 years, I'm hoping I'll become immune to them one day!

Me and Cosmo

Aww your horse is lovely! My friend is really bad though she just has to walk past a field with horses in and her face gets all swollen and her eyes all watery. She tried riding my horse but after 5 mins was finding it hard to breathe! At least you can ride :)