Photos #5 - Smile For The Camera!

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Dolphin said:
Nice pictures, everyone! ;)

heartagram69, you look lovely with curly hair.
lol thanks, im not really a fan of it, but then agen i guess i would want it curly if it was straight, but all i want is straight hair, ROFL.

its not too bad sometimes, but i need to style it as soon as i get out of the shower or it gets boofy and unruly, haha.
My sister and me today, with slight hangovers about to travel back on the Eurostar after our little holiday (at least we got lots of Christmas shopping done):

Two tired girls
MissRoosFox said:
Love the pic, Elsie! Did you go to Paris?

No, we actually went to visit the Lille Christmas markets. It was really good, we had a great time. We go away together every November, but always somewhere fairly easy to get to as my sister won't fly anywhere! We went to Paris last year. Next year we are thinking of going to Holland or Germany.

Having looked again at the pic I realise that I should have brushed my hair better this morning, and probably put some more makeup on! :lol:
You should come to Holland :p

Awh, Els, I didn't even notice the thing about your hair.. your hair looks lovely, don't worry. Lille is a nice city, by the way.
:lol: I just took these pics last night and I swear, I didn't mean for them to turn out like this :p With this camera, even the slightest movement makes the pictures come out blurry, so I took some lying down on my brother's bed so my hands wouldn't shake. This was the result:

Supermodel #1
Supermodel #2
Supermodel grin xD

And NOT laying down... :rolleyes: This is the result of me letting my hair air-dry and then combing it out just a teeny bit

Tada! 2
OMG! Quoth_the_raven, you look soo pretty! I wish my hair would look that nice when it air dried... Whenever I do that nowdays though, it goes poof and I got a big furrball on top of my head instead of hair.
You're so pretty, Ann, and you know it. I love your hair, and your eyes are beautiful too. But I like your brother's bed more...

j/k :p
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