Photography Competition: Water - WINNERS UP!

Re: Photography Competition: Water

Yes I've got it! I'll go check all the entries and send replies back tomorrow! I promise :lol: I think though :rolleyes:
Re: Photography Competition: Water

i have a few for water just got to pick a fave.

quick question about the next theme does it have to be the full park or can it be just one ride?
Re: Photography Competition: Water

Decided to give this challenge a try, and seeing I have no theme parks where I am too, the water challenge seemed like the way to go.....
Re: Photography Competition: Water

Yeah I got a few for water...hard to pick the one I want to submit.
Re: Photography Competition: Water

I'm still hoping to enter this one. I guess it just depends on if the weather cooperates with me tomorrow :rolleyes: so that I can get the shot I want.
Re: Photography Competition: Water

Every one that sended in a photo should have had a reply back! Not that it is an invitation to send in your photo to late! But I won't check for photos before (my) saterday mourning (GMT +1) And I will accept all entries that are by the rules and are in my inbox at that moment!

I need quit a few entries still for the water theme! Come on you guys I know you can do it! :rolleyes: And uh make sure you read the extras mentioned in the first post made ;)!

For the theme-/amusemnet-/rollercoaster-/fun-/ -fair/-park. I have already had a lot of people say that they are going to pass that theme. So I do wonder if I will have enough entrants by that deadline so the ones planning to enter... Can you give a sign!? I would apreciate that!

@Crazy_Steph: One ride, full park... it would both fit the theme! You can decide that!

Wow, the water theme is already the 7th theme I am running. Time flies!
Re: Photography Competition: Water

I plan to enter the theme park one. And I sent in my water one.
Re: Photography Competition: Water

Thanks for the info on the theme park comp, i'll have to have a dig around now to see if i can find a decent picture
Re: Photography Competition: Water

Darn. I had an idea for the water one, but I missed the deadline...oh, well. I'll have to see what I can come up with for the amusement park one.

Can't wait to see the water ones!
Re: Photography Competition: Water

---- VOTING TIME ----
You can decide who's the best photographer in this round! Read the rules, watch all the photos and vote!

---- RULES ----

1) First, and most importantly, please look at ALL of the photographs submitted before deciding on which ones get your vote. All you have to do is click on the link to each photo. This is so everyone has a fair chance of getting a vote and therefore a banner.

2) Don't vote for your own photo - why anyone would want to do such a silly thing is beyond me, but if you do, I will know and your photo will be disqualified from the competition.

3) The same thing applies if you reveal which photo is yours. This competition is an anonymous one.

4) Don't tell your friends which photo is yours so that they'll vote for it - that is a sad and pathetic thing to do, not to mention unfair on all the other competitors.

5) I don't want to see any unnecessary negative comments about any of the photos (i.e. no bashing). There is no need for it.

6) Please only vote for 3 photos.

You should give your first vote to whichever photo you like best, your second vote to whichever photo you like second best etc. It is important that you do it like this. Whoever has the most points at the end of voting wins, with the contestant that has the second highest number of points getting second place, etc.

---- PHOTOS ----

Good luck to all the entrants, and thank you for your photos. Fantastic work you guys! Here they all are:

Water #01

Water #02

Water #03

Water #04

Water #05

Water #06

Water #07

Water #08

Water #09

Water #10

Water #11

Water #12

Water #13

---- IMPORTANT ----

Please PM me if you don't see your photo!