Photography Competition: Pets Corner - WINNERS UP!


Okey dokey, on we go with the photo comps. This week we're going to use pets as our subject :)

Here are the RULES please read them very carefully before taking your photograph and submitting it for entry.

1. The photograph must have an animal that is somebody's pet in it somewhere. I don’t mind if it isn’t your pet – it can belong to someone else, like a friend or a relative, but if anyone tries to submit a pic of a rhino at a zoo or something, I won't be amused :p

Also please, please, please do not send in a pic that you've already posted somewhere on this board, such as the pets thread here in Misc, or a pic of your pet that your friends at this board have already seen. If in doubt, go and take a fresh photo.

2. You have until 11 a.m. GMT Sunday 10th December to submit your photograph. I am afraid that I will not accept late entries from anyone.

3. You are only allowed to submit ONE photograph[/b].

4. The photograph you submit must be your own work, i.e. it has to have been taken by you. Don’t submit something your friend or family took, or something you found on the internet. It is a very sad and unfair thing to do.

5. The photograph must NOT be manipulated in any way using Photoshop or any other such programme. This competition is about how good a photograph you can take, not about what you can do with an image using Photoshop, etc. That is what the Fan Art forum is for.

6. Entries must be no larger than 600x480 pixels. If they are, I will ask you to re-size it.

7. This competition (like the icon challenges in Fan Art) is an anonymous one – this means you MUST NOT POST YOUR PHOTOGRAPH HERE. If you do, it will be disqualified, otherwise your friends will see it and may vote for it even if there are better photographs submitted. In addition to this, don’t go around telling people which photograph is yours and getting them to vote for it – that is a very sad and lowly thing to do, and the voting for this competition should be unbiased.

Once you have taken your photograph, you should upload it to your own web space, such as a Photobucket account, and pm me the link.

If people consistently do not follow these rules, or I see signs of any unfairness, I will not hesitate to stop these competitions. The rules are to make things fair, so please do follow them so everyone can enjoy the competitions.

Winners (1st, 2nd and 3rd) may each receive a banner, available from meupon request via PM. Any questions, please either post them here, pm or email me.

Now that you have READ THE RULES, you can go find some pet animals to snap :D
Re: Photography Competition: Pets Corner

Only one photograph? Are you sure? Cause I'm not going to be able to choose! I have so many great pics... *runs off to start sorting through hundreds of pet pictures*
Re: Photography Competition: Pets Corner

Which animals do you refer as pets, exactly? Cause I know someone who has had a pet duck in the past :lol:
Re: Photography Competition: Pets Corner

Lizzy_004 said:
Which animals do you refer as pets, exactly? Cause I know someone who has had a pet duck in the past :lol:

Ducks are fine, as long as the pic is of the duck that was kept as a pet, and not some wild random one you just snapped out in the countryside :p
Re: Photography Competition: Pets Corner

^ Why do I get the feeling I'm going to be flooded with about 500 entries for this comp? :lol: *runs and hides*
Re: Photography Competition: Pets Corner

Ey, you started the competition yourself, don't start crying, wibbsy. :p

I don't have any pet pics and I lost my camera. I know, stupid. But maybe I'll be able to enter anyways
Re: Photography Competition: Pets Corner

^^ Because you probably will get 500 entries. :lol: :p

I'll see what I can dig up, my pets are pretty photogenic. :D *adds to the pot of entries to drive wibbs insane* ;)
Re: Photography Competition: Pets Corner

Pets you say!! I'll see what I can do...I have loads of pics, I went mad when I first got my camera...those poor little pets now hate having their picture taken. 'no, not the flash, you evil woman'... :lol:
Re: Photography Competition: Pets Corner

OOOHHH another one I can enter :p
I have lots of pictures of my cats :devil:
I promise I'll just send in one :D
Re: Photography Competition: Pets Corner

erm, i have a very distinctive pet. so even though i have pictures of her that havent yet been posted here im sure some people could figure it out :lol: even though i have two newly acquired pets i have no way to take a photo or get it on my computer as i am at school until the 12th. *sigh* thanks a lot wibble :p
Re: Photography Competition: Pets Corner

Allmaple nice to see this here, post from our pet´s :)
oh sure, i give from my dog Kato (hope it´s right) he´s CSI Fan :D

new CSI member

:) hope it´s correct with the pic