I can't stand Peyton. Oh, God, so pathetic. Why is she always crying? Every time something happens it's like, here come the waterworks!
And I kinda lost a little bit of respect for her when she went back to Mac. "Hi, um, I still love my wife, and I'm a workaholic, and I know we've been together FOR A YEAR, but yeah, every time we have sex I'm thinking of another woman, and every time the lab needs me, you know I'm gonna be here. But if you don't mind being third on the list of things that are important to me, you know, can you take me back? Oh, bear in mind that Stella will occasionally be more important to me than you. And I mean occasionally like, always. So basically you're like, number four. Still, number four isn't so bad, right? You still get a ribbon for participation. Yeah, come on, let's give it another go. It's been a year. Wait, what's your name again? No, no, I got it, I got it."
And she actually took him back! Jesus Christ. Whatever. I'll take the ball buster over Sally Sensitive any day.