Petersen, Fox, Dourdan Leave, Larry Fishburne In *No Spoilers* Closed

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Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

Someone has told me that those episodes are fake...

but we're not supposed to be talking spoilers, right? ;)
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

OH god, please gag me with a spoon about Lady Heather..!!! I've had enough of her. I liked her in one episode but after that, it was oh puke...

But we're not supposed to be talking spoilers..

Well, I think CSI will go on a different context. Change is good!!!
Re: Who Will Fill Grissoms Position???

I hope the following does not qualify as a spoiler; the article was not linked in spoiler format. After reading the linked “Post Grissom Plans” article, I wonder why Nina Tassler assumes the character would be male. Is it because of the DNA thing, you think? True, most captured serial killers have been male. But why not a woman? There are probably female serial killers out there, but they probably haven’t been caught because women are trained from birth to be really good at cleaning up after themselves!!! :lol: In addition to my two previously named favorites, Lance Henriksen and Mary McDonnell, I could see Andrea Parker, the, uh, charming Miss Parker from “The Pretender” in the described role. That character was a genius who could definitely become a serial killer after the way she was brainwashed by her horrible father; and AP played her to the max

Agree with you a hundred percent. Why not bring in another female CSI? The show was male dominated for so long, why not let the females take lead for a change?
Anyway, I love Andrea Parker. I just adored her in Pretender. She was such a strong character and I could really picture her on CSI (including her short skirts).

With the serial killer thing? I have to agree with you GregNickRyanFan. It's too much like Dexter. Not a good and original idea. Let the new CSI have issues, we're used to that (;)) but don't let her or him be a serial killer!!
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

I think the real problem at this moment is the lack of a place to discuss spoilers. With the producers and writers talking to the press recently, maybe it is time to reopen the spoiler lab. People are excited about new info becoming available and are likely to get it in where they can if no proper venue exists.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

If they start filming in mid August the season premier is Oct 9 and WP play starts November 13. seems a tight schedule, how long do they take to film an episode.
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Re: Who Will Fill Grissoms Position???

I don't know if this has already been said, but for me, I say they go back to the beginning and put Brass back in charge.
Re: Who Will Fill Grissoms Position???

I don't know if this has already been said, but for me, I say they go back to the beginning and put Brass back in charge.

Brass? I never thought of him. No, he hated the job, I don't think he'd do it plus I don't think that he's qualified enough. Don't get me wrong, he's a great cop but he's just not a scientist!
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

I'm going to miss Grissom. Don't get me wrong--he was never my favorite character, but he added something to CSI that made me want to watch it. He dealt with people differently than I'd ever seen on TV, and it interested me. He wasn't your usual supervisor. He was just ... Grissom, and I'm going to miss that.
But good luck, Billy. Don't stay away for too long.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

I think the real problem at this moment is the lack of a place to discuss spoilers. With the producers and writers talking to the press recently, maybe it is time to reopen the spoiler lab. People are excited about new info becoming available and are likely to get it in where they can if no proper venue exists.

I totally agree, news is coming out, and fans want to discuss it, and there's really no place to do that, so the 'articles' with the news are being posted, but we're not allowed to hone in on it and say anything, for fear of retribution, if everyone would just have manners and be nice, and not insult others for their opinions!
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

I think the real problem at this moment is the lack of a place to discuss spoilers. With the producers and writers talking to the press recently, maybe it is time to reopen the spoiler lab. People are excited about new info becoming available and are likely to get it in where they can if no proper venue exists.
Well now y'all had one but some decided that bickering making inapporperiate comments or going off topic, were just sooo much better. Apparently some of that is still there, does that mean we won't reopen the lab? no it doesn't mean that, it means that the lab will be watched a whole lot closer for a while. I will look into opening the Lab again this week.

On another note:
This thread is not for spoilers, ship talk, or not arguing about whether or not an ep list is fake or real. As to ep list understand this until proven fake (ie CBS shows it) the names of the season 9 eps stands, as does the rule that Spoilers are subject to change. Now back to topic, which might I add is about Petersen leaving and your thoughts on it. Thank you. ;)
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

Only problem with the spoilers on this website is that they come courtesy of a certain website that shall not be named and they are centred around GSR and such which riles us nonGSR fans because the GSR fans then tie up the thread with their zealousness.

So, perhaps when the Lab gets opened up Destiny can put in BOLD, FLASHING RED, NEON qualifiers even putting it in her signature that none of the details have been confirmed by the writers, and that scripts do change-I'm being funny.

Anyways, I've talked with some people about BP leaving and their response is 'oh well, lots of shows have survived their main character leaving and even did better-like NYPD Blues. Some have said that after having seen George Eads in Grave Danger,they'd love to see more of him.

The show must go on..hopefully.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

So, the spoiler for ep 5 says "Grissom spends the night" at Lady H's... umm... didn't we already have this in her last ep? He stayed with her all night cause she was suicidal and he's her friend and wanted to make sure she didnt hurt herself. Why are they rehashing the whole "he stays the night" thing? I know the context may be different, but yeesh! Been there, done that! Let's move on please!
The bar is just incase.

Some have said that after having seen George Eads in Grave Danger,they'd love to see more of him.

I agree totally with that! But, I also wanna see more of Eric/Greg as well. Remember those puns Grissom was always coming up with? Maybe after Grissom leaves, they can give all the pun-y stuff to Greg (with Brass keeping his always entertaining one-liners of course).
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Re: Who Will Fill Grissoms Position???

I didn't think Brass was supervisor. I thought in the beginning he had the job that Ecklie now has. Head of the lab which was Grissom's boss (basically). Now Ecklie is sort of Grissom's boss. But yeah, Brass hated that job.

I agree about Andrea Parker. She'd be great as a CSI. I can see her being kind of like Catherine (not with the same background personally) and they would clash sometimes on cases. I mean with the new girl coming in and Wendy being added as full time cast member, there will only be three full time female cast members and yet there will be (at least for the first ten eps) griss, greg, nicky, brass, doc robbins, hodges and superdave for guys in full time cast member mode. 7 guys to 3 girls? Why don't they even it out a little bit by adding another female after Grissom leaves rather than another guy? I could see Andrea Parker doing the role.
Re: Who Will Fill Grissoms Position???

i dont think anyone can EVER fill Grissoms place im not looking forward to seeing someone take his place at all. i'm so glad Grissom wont be gone forever though thats such a relief cant wait to see it all unfold..

i was so sad to hear that Grissom would be leaving especially since we have just lost warrick,,, my goodness did i cry on that episode. maybe just my hormones mind ha.
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