Petersen, Fox, Dourdan Leave, Larry Fishburne In *No Spoilers* Closed

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Re: Who Will Fill Grissoms Position???

I don't like this whole Csi/Serial Killer business. It's just a copycat of Dexter. The writers of CSI need fresh ideas and do NOT need to copy off of other shows! But, I went to see Dark Knight earlier and the kid from Journeyman was on there which made me think of Reed Diamond (who played the kid's uncle on that show) and I thought, he'd be a perfect edition to CSI. He's well known enough to possibly bring in new viewers, but not big enough to demand huge huge sums of money like a box office name might. So, I'm thinking he'd be good. Not to mention, he's not bad on the eyes either. :) But, I think they should totally ix nay this whole serial killer thing. I hate that idea with a purple passion!
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

Gary Sinise he's good too, different, [apples & oranges] and no offense but doesn't have the handsome look's that Billy does.

I have to disagree slightly with the above statement. I think that both Billy and Gary are equally handsome. :) I don't think one is better than the other. I think they are equal. That is all I wanted to say. :)
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

[...] But i can't see him doing much after CSI, cause he is as typed casted as William Shatner [...]

I don't know what his future is going to be, it is a challenge to leave a show that is doing well (especially at his age). Maybe your idea of working as an actor is only performing for big network or studios, but it is not limited to that, he will perform in theater in Chicago or elsewhere. Not everyone has such a low opinion about his ability and thurst for acting.
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Re: Who Will Fill Grissoms Position???

Confidentially speaking, there is no replacement for Grissom. He is unique.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

Xfcanadian, I wouldn't said Gary Sinise is a better actor then Billy Petersen. They are both good actors, they are equal and good actor. I remember Gary Sinise play the bad guy in the movie it called Ransom, it starring Mel Gibson, Rene Russo and guess who was also in it, he is on CSI and he played the Detective, he is Paul Guilfoyle (I can't spell his last name.) He played the cop too and he is the good guy and he doesn't have much of a part.

Do you the movie called To Live and Die in LA? Gary didn't get the part and it wasn't for him to recommended the Producers to hired Billy Petersen to play the movie. You probably wouldn't have in Tv show later on.

Billy will be stay behind the scene and he won't leave the show.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

To eachs ones own, and it's great that some prefer CSI/NY,[ and that we've got a NY thread topic] over the original CSI, but it always will be the best one, to me William Petersen is one of the greatest actors on the earth, and he was born to play Grissom, and on comparing him to Gary Sinise he's good too, different, [apples & oranges] and no offense but doesn't have the handsome look's that Billy does. I feel that the character has evolved and risen to the heights & pinnacle of & in this show, showing his soft romantic personal side, the last two seasons especially S/7 with the miniture house, thing going on, intriguing and so fascinating "who's doing this" extremely mysterious, and I loved this season with the exception of the 4 eps he wasn't in... maybe he feels at this is the time to bail, he's after all 55, and wants to pursue new aspects of his career, and he'll be great in what ever he does, and his movies were a credit to his beginning of this show. Jerry Bruckheimer and Antony Zuiker knew these stunning movies and thought he'd be perfect for this "character" Grissom, and boy did they hit paydirt:thumbsup: and everyone I've ever talked to about him always mention 'TLADILA" and "Manhunter" plus so many more. And after watching him on this show and owning most of his movies, he hardly comes across, as the 'jealous' type. jealous of what? being the highest paid actor in TV, calling the shots of what he can do etc. he's a kind compassionate loving man, it's just he feels, time to move on to other projects! I will continue to follow him, and his career and wish him the best, and hope he does return for an occassional guest spot:bolian:


I think the big mistakes was letting him have such control over the show because lots of people I know also say that in season three, the show became the Sara Grissom show and that turned them off. They wanted to see other characters 'soft side'.

And with all due respect, every freakon' season, BP kept doing the 'old, I don't wanna do this anymore' routine to the opinion where I was sayin' 'oh for god's sake man , leave already!' He had a plum role in the show and all he could do was complain!

I have nothing against him, personally, but I got real tired of the 'next season' is my last shlick.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

Thanks, myfuturecsi; I thought I was the only one who felt that way. I like WP and his character portrayal is great, but enough with the whining. He got everything he wanted then walked away, anyway. It's such a cutthroat business, I guess he had to think really hard about walking away from such a plum role. If he wants to do theater, then I understand. But if he wants to do movies or other TV roles I think he should remember David Caruso's experience after he walked away from NYPD Blue. It took until CSI Miami for him to get back to regular work.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

I like WP and his character portrayal is great, but enough with the whining. He got everything he wanted then walked away, anyway.

Not sure where all this is coming from. I dont recall any "whining." Like any actor he negotiated a contract. Part of this particular contract was that he would agree to come back for this last season but only for 10 episodes. He also agreed to come back for some guest appearances and to remain as producer. The only reason he is still with the show is because he cared about it and the cast. So he got everything he wanted including partially leaving by the 10th episode. The producers wanted him back year after year because he is the heart of the show. Now they'll try to fill that with some big named actor and maybe they'll succeed but I dont think WP wanting to do plays and to direct is that surprising since that's what he did last year when he took his sabbatical from the show. Its no secret that he bought a condo in Chicago and wants to be back there. Good for him.

As for his acting. Well everybody can have their own opinion but I saw him in the play last year and I have seen all his movies. He is understated and wonderful in just about every role I've ever seen him in.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

Not sure where all this is coming from. I dont recall any "whining." Like any actor he negotiated a contract. Part of this particular contract was that he would agree to come back for this last season but only for 10 episodes.

For awhile now, he'd been talking about how grueling the production schedule is for the show. That's why he took the sabbatical to do the play in Rhode Island last year. The show shoots on an 8 days per episode schedule, and oftentimes they work twelve hour days.

My understanding is that Petersen had a pay or play contract with the network, and was intrigued by the character of Grissom and the premise of CSI. My understanding is, he'd not done much TV before, so didn't understand the commitment.

I do agree, I like the first three seasons best. After the hearing thing, something was missing for Grissom, he wasn't the same, which is what I didn't like. I thought that case wise, the Miniature Killer arc was a really good thing. It was a nice exploration for the show. I didn't like the Warrick/Gedda arc as much, but that's because it spelled the end of Warrick on the show. It was more about the deterioration of Warrick Brown; which I think also had a lot to do with Gary Dourdan's personal problems.

I used to be a big fan of his, but with Grissom's character going down the tube, and his interviews showing a rude arrogent side to him, not too mention doing a 'without a trace' cross over, because he is buddies with the lead actor of that show (that is such a kick in the face to csi fans), i am not really a fan anymore. His protests over the spin offs just scream jealousy to me. I could be wrong, but that is the way he comes across.

I agree. There's something about the way he's been over the past couple of years in interviews and in character. I think it started with his hearing. He'd lost some of his humanity, IMO. I'm actually neutral towards the whole GSR thing, which I thought was actually done well save for the introduction of it, but his character has undergone a shift that I don't quite understand, and it was before GSR.

I also agree about the WOAT crossover. He's complaining about the Spin Offs, and all the procedurals being something that hinders CSI, but he does the crossover. I didn't know he was buddies with LaPaglia, but yeah.

Then, don't get me started on the Two and a Half Men crossover. I liked the first half, but then I wanted to throw rotten tomatoes at the screen.

I can understand him wanting to bail, especially because of the grind, and with all honesty, I'd seen this coming for awhile, but...please, do it right, do it true to the characters, and please, do it over a whole season.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

I never remember him 'whining' either:wtf: he was talking about the spin-offs and didn't like that aspect, at least he's honest, and says what he means and means what he says, , & the "Crossover" ep. outstanding, riveting, to see these two different stars together.. loved it! was probably the best of the season, and his relationship continuning showing his personal side awesome! I really got into him in S/4 and the rest from there on, and his strength and so sure of himself as time went on he got better and better, such an overpowerful aura.. in my opinion, very appealing and complementary to this character. and his movies and his plays I feel a little sad for the people who don't see the greatness that he is! but that's the way it goes, and then there's the fans who adore him forever, regardless of his decisions and his issues! He is the heart of CSI:thumbsup:

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Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

I swear if they have him engaging in S&M crap with Lady Heather I will scream. I will NOT be happy with that. But, if that happens, I don't think that Sara will be too happy with him and maybe she leaves angry with him for his "night" with Lady Heather. Then Grissom decides he needs to leave either to go after Sara or because he's screwed things up too much and it bothers him to stay there.

On another note, man they should really have Lady H make a visit to Miami. Can you imagine Lady H and Super H in the same scene together? :lol: Too funny! :D
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

So now these episodes listed a while back are the correct/accurate titles? :rolleyes:and I thought we weren't supposed to talk or speculate about these or any 'ship' talk, and this is about WP leaving, and we should stay focused on that aspect, and not what if's, any body besides GameFace going to see him in his play later this year, [lucky girl], after his departure? I hope he's having some R & R on his summer break before he starts filming again:bolian:
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Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

The episodes listed a while back are fake as they have not resumed production and have not written any episodes past episode 4.

I was not talking about anything shipper. I was just talking about Billy leaving, a minor spoiler (as it was already mentioned) about it leading to up to his absence.
Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good

The episodes listed a while back are fake as they have not resumed production and have not written any episodes past episode 4.

I was not talking about anything shipper. I was just talking about Billy leaving, a minor spoiler (as it was already mentioned) about it leading to up to his absence.

According to that blog from the Chicago Tribune, production starts up again in mid-August which would mean that they do have episodes written or almost written. So these story titles could be true, but maybe not all of them. They would have to have these scripts written because of the all the research and setup needed before actual filming starts.
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