Peter Lenkov

CSI Files

<p>Season five of <i>CSI: New York</i> has seen the show's 100th episode, the marriage of two regular characters and plenty of action for the Manhattan CSIs. <font color=yellow>Peter Lenkov</font> took time out of his busy schedule running the show to preview for CSI Files what's coming up as the season races towards an exciting conclusion--one that involves both the death of a major character and a cliffhanger--as well as to discuss some of the significant episodes of the past year. Some spoilers ahead! <p><b>CSI Files:</b> Season five is almost finished! What's coming up in the final episodes of the season?<p><b>Peter Lenkov:</b> Episode 525 will deliver on every level--character, action, stakes, emotion... it's everything fans have come to expect from one of our finales. And did I mention it's <i>big</i>?!<p><b>CSI Files:</b> Mac (<font color=yellow>Gary Sinise</font>) has found himself a powerful adversary in Robert Dunbrook (<font color=yellow>Craig T. Nelson</font>). What is it about Dunbrook that really gets under Mac's skin?<p><b>Lenkov:</b> Dunbrook thinks he owns New York. He thinks he can do what he wants. Can buy his way out of trouble. And unlike the bad guys Mac goes after week-to-week, Dunbrook knows how to keep his hands clean.<p><b>CSI Files:</b> We've heard that the Greek coin storyline is going to take Stella (<font color=yellow>Melina Kanakaredes</font>) to Greece. Can you tell tease anything about that episode?<p><b>Lenkov:</b> All I can say is we wrap it up for good in 524. Everything is answered, even some questions about Stella's background. Melina wrote a very special episode, her first for the show, and I think fans will love it.<p><b>CSI Files:</b> Will we see Stella's fireman boyfriend, Brendon Walsh (<font color=yellow>Ethan Erickson</font>), again?<p><b>Lenkov:</b> We love seeing those two together, but I'm not sure it's something we're going to spend much time developing. We have a lot of great ideas for Stella... we'll probably execute those first.<p><b>CSI Files:</b> Lindsay (<font color=yellow>Anna Belknap</font>) is about to give birth! Can you give us any hints as to what the baby's name will be?<p><b>Lenkov:</b> It's not <i>Peter</i> and it's not <i>Kristine</i>. You can bank on that.<p><b>CSI Files:</b> Lindsay went to Montana to visit her family. Will they be coming to New York to see her at any point?<p><b>Lenkov:</b> We've talked about it... almost wrote a few scenes this season... then shelved it. I imagine it will be brought up against and perhaps filmed in season six.<p><b>CSI Files:</b> What kinds of challenges will Danny (<font color=yellow>Carmine Giovinazzo</font>) and Lindsay face as new parents?<p><HR ALIGN="CENTER" SIZE="1" WIDTH="45%" COLOR="#007BB5"><p>To read the full interviews, please click <A HREF="">here</A>.<center></center>
...heeeeeey, an unexpected treat on lunch here. :bolian: Imma gonna hafta come back to this, but had a chance to read thru it quickly. Only have a moment to comment briefly (though that's bound to be a good thing... :p).

I hope the finale is much more engaging than the lead up to it was in Past/Present/Murder. I by far enjoyed CT. Nelson's first appearance over the last ep.

Glad to hear that they have lots of upcoming ideas for Stella in the future, and that not all of them revolve around romance.

Glad also to hear PL's at least not averse to writing in something along cuddly lines for Hawkes, though who knows if/when that will ever come to pass :lol:

I appreciate his commentary also about continuity and waiting and developing storylines like that with Marty Pino, and also Samantha, and his brief acknowledgements of DL and Rikki, even if the answers feel predictable. As enjoyable as the interview was he didn't really give us too many tidbits that've never been whispered of prior, but what can ya really expect him to do. :p Supposed I'm less impressed but equally unsurprised by his answers on Danny's family as well.

Fun stuff re: Flack and Angell, and I was personally interested in his words on the WGA strike and how it impacted him and the show, and how it coloured the Blu Flu line as well.

All the more intrigued by 'Yahrzeit' now, and happy to hear there's an ongoing/renewed commitment to character, and at least a nod to continuity. We'll see how it goes.

Thanks very much for the interview! :D
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No matter how many times they try to spin DL as developing naturally and progressing in a manner that makes any type of Earth logic I just don't believe it. I have a hard time believing that they believe it. I just don't see how professional writers, directors, etc can think this story line has made any amount of sense or given viewers a clear understanding of how these two got to where they are now and where they could go from here. I realize they aren't going to trash their own story line, but refusing to acknowledge huge plot holes and having to tell the audience about their relationship rather than show them just makes no sense to me.

I'm actually curious how they'd respond to a direct question about what they think of some fans thinking the story has huge holes and has been told to us instead of shown to us.
Great interview Top! :)

I'm really excited to see what the finale and next season will bring!

Oh! And thanks for finally getting that "family of cops" thing cleared up!
He could be a politician the way he answers questions! Despite the direct questions he managed not to give anything away.

CSI Files: Danny and Lindsay were on shaky ground as a couple last season. Why the rush to altar for the pair? Lenkov: I think both were able to finally sort out their feelings. It wasn't spontaneous; they've had plenty of time to imagine what that sort of commitment means.

Oh, really? Danny ambushing Lindsay gave her lots of time to think about what that sort of commitment means? hmmmmmmmm, thats an interesting take on it.

CSI Files: Rikki (Jacqueline Pinol), the woman Danny had a brief relationship with in the fourth season, was originally slated to return this year. Can you tell us how what the storyline for her would have been if things hadn't changed? Lenkov: How about I rain check this question and answer it when CSI: NY wraps it's final episode years from now. The storyline was super cool, but something I'd like to keep close, in case we can still work it in some day.

It would be interesting to know what the 'super cool' storyline they were planning was.

Lenkov: Bill Haynes and I had been talking about this show for some time, but felt the science behind the episode would need to be believable. Our drug maker had to have a certain skill set and background to do his work. And believe it or not, I am always looking for ways to bring continuity to the show. I don't like dropping things, but sometimes you have no choice. In this case, I'd been looking for a way to explain why you didn't see Marty Pino in the ME's office anymore. It was the key to unlocking this story, not just because an ME would fit the bill for such a character, but it also made the investigation very personal to everyone on our team.

Really???? :wtf: you could have fooled me!

CSI Files: In "The Party's Over," Danny mentioned coming from a "family of cops," but in season two's "Run Silent, Run Deep" we found out his brother was a member of a gang that was multi-generational ( "Tanglewood"). What exactly is Danny's background? Lenkov: "Family of cops" was meant as uncles, aunts, cousins, not just immediate family. And we like the idea of Danny coming from a complicated family... that's not just black and white. There's a lot of grey there.

'Grey' is one way to describe it, Back-tracking is another! I wish TPTB would understand that these 'grey' areas need to be explained on screen in the actual show not in the interviews they give.

All in all a nice interview Kristine, I just wish he had given a little more info and less predictable answers.
CSI Files: In "The Party's Over," Danny mentioned coming from a "family of cops," but in season two's "Run Silent, Run Deep" we found out his brother was a member of a gang that was multi-generational ( "Tanglewood"). What exactly is Danny's background? Lenkov: "Family of cops" was meant as uncles, aunts, cousins, not just immediate family. And we like the idea of Danny coming from a complicated family... that's not just black and white. There's a lot of grey there.

'Grey' is one way to describe it, Back-tracking is another! I wish TPTB would understand that these 'grey' areas need to be explained on screen in the actual show not in the interviews they give.

All in all a nice interview Kristine, I just wish he had given a little more info and less predictable answers.

I know, right? It was really nothing new and all very, very generic. And as you say, the back tracking is annoying as heck, as is the supposed continuity, which in all honesty has been less than stellar.

But, as ever, kudos to Kristine. :)
(Edited to remove some things because I think they are better posted on LiveJournal than in here. The harshness and ranting doesn't contribute to the overall discussion.)

Thanks for the interview, Kristine! I didn't think we'd get much new info, but Peter did give us some info, so I'm happy with that. ;) And with only a few episodes left in the season, I guess they don't want to give away too much more than we already know. :)

Now, to comment on some specific answers. :)

Lenkov: All I can say is we wrap it up for good in 524. Everything is answered, even some questions about Stella's background. Melina wrote a very special episode, her first for the show, and I think fans will love it.
I'm looking forward to seeing 5.24 since Melina wrote it - but I still have my doubts about how the storyline itself will go. I guess we'll see. ;)

Lenkov: We love seeing those two together, but I'm not sure it's something we're going to spend much time developing. We have a lot of great ideas for Stella... we'll probably execute those first.
As Elwood said upthread, I'm glad to hear that romance isn't on the top of the list of priorities for Stella. There's a lot of places her character (or any of them, of course) could go. I'm curious about what they have in mind.

CSI Files: Lindsay (Anna Belknap) is about to give birth! Can you give us any hints as to what the baby's name will be?

Lenkov: It's not Peter and it's not Kristine. You can bank on that.
I think it kind of sucks that the only real *surprise* for this whole storyline is what the kid's name will be. :(

CSI Files: Lindsay went to Montana to visit her family. Will they be coming to New York to see her at any point?

We've talked about it... almost wrote a few scenes this season... then shelved it. I imagine it will be brought up against and perhaps filmed in season six.
I really wish they wouldn't keep getting rid of plans to include family members (or ignoring the possibility altogether). Saying 'maybe we'll do it next season' is so noncommittal. I really want to see their families!

CSI Files: Danny and Lindsay were on shaky ground as a couple last season. Why the rush to altar for the pair?

Lenkov: I think both were able to finally sort out their feelings. It wasn't spontaneous; they've had plenty of time to imagine what that sort of commitment means.
And, as is usual with Danny and Lindsay, they must have done this separately rather than together.

I guess TPTB have no choice but to work with it, though. Maybe some of the complications coming up will acknowledge that they did move forward very quickly.

Lenkov: ...And believe it or not, I am always looking for ways to bring continuity to the show...
I am glad they know we're always clamoring for stuff from previous seasons - and that they want to bring stuff up as much as we want them to bring it up. :)

CSI Files: At the beginning of the season we got a glimpse into Detective Flack's (Eddie Cahill) somewhat contentious relationship with his younger sister, Sam (Kathleen Munroe). Are there any plans for her to return?

Lenkov: We have talked about Sam recently, but we want to make sure if we bring her back, there's something new to mine. We truly enjoyed that storyline, but want to make sure we have something solid before we just commit to it.
Unfortunately, this is starting to sound like Rikki (and Louie). First we're definitely going to see her again, then we might see her again - I'm guessing in a few seasons we'll have to acknowledge that no, they do not plan to revisit this storyline. :( I really hope I'm wrong, though - I'd love to see how Flack deals with Sam being an alcoholic, and how that affects him as a brother and as a cop.

CSI Files: In "The Party's Over," Danny mentioned coming from a "family of cops," but in season two's "Run Silent, Run Deep" we found out his brother was a member of a gang that was multi-generational ( "Tanglewood"). What exactly is Danny's background?

Lenkov: "Family of cops" was meant as uncles, aunts, cousins, not just immediate family. And we like the idea of Danny coming from a complicated family... that's not just black and white. There's a lot of grey there.
Hopefully they'll expand and develop this onscreen. :)

CSI Files: Mac, Stella, Danny, Lindsay and Flack have all had love interests on the show. What about Hawkes? Is there any chance the good doctor will be locking lips with someone soon?

Lenkov: Everyone would like to see Hawkes get a little love.
Make it happen! :lol: He totally deserves it. :D

CSI Files: Is it true the finale will end on a cliffhanger? Which characters will be directly affected?

Lenkov: True... and you know I can't tell you much more than that. All I can say is everyone will be affected.
I hope the cliffhanger isn't that (now that we know Dunbrook is dirty) the money Dunbrook gave the NYPD has to go away and it puts the characters' jobs in jeopardy. That's not to say it won't be interesting if that's how they go, but I want something that makes me bite my nails - I mean, I'm pretty sure they aren't going to lose their jobs since the show is coming back. ;) We'll see, though. I hate not knowing! Give me more spoilers! :lol:

Anywho, thanks again. :)

(If anybody wants the original content of this post, they can PM me about it or something - I didn't edit stuff out because I'm ashamed I said it or anything, I just realized this wasn't the best place for it - and that it wasn't encouraging the kind of discussion we need in here. :))
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I am truly dissapointed (not by the questions but for the answers) I can't believe his answers :(

Note: the fireman is NOT Stella's boyfriend (probably in another alternative universe but not this one).
Melina wrote the episode and he is right: it will give us great pleasure because we know it comes from her

I won't comment on anything else (i don't care Danny, Lindsay or the baby storyline)

Debbs :(

ps: Thanks Kristine :)
So much negativity here.... :(

Guys, please understand that he can't give too much away about upcoming storylines. Much as we all love spoilers--myself included!--no writer wants to give too much away about upcoming storylines because they want us to watch.

The idea of asking a few questions about what's coming up is to give a brief preview of what's in store for the rest of the season and get everyone excited about May sweeps. I don't ask the questions with the intent of getting majorly detailed spoilers--it's just a taste heading into May sweeps. If all works out, I'm going to try to run brief ones with writers from CSI and Miami in the same vein.

Questions about past episodes are obviously going to be more detailed. Personally, I found Lenkov's answers about both the Pino episode and the blue flu one really interesting.
Sorry, Kristine. Looking back, I was pretty harsh. :(

I totally enjoyed the interview, so I hope that came across. I know he can't give too much away - and who wants that? - but I want to know everything now now right now! :lol: Hello, my name is Faylinn, and I am a spoiler addict.

The rest of it is frustration spilling over from discussion and speculation elsewhere. Fact is, I really don't have intimate knowledge of how making the show works, so it's easy to get frustrated over things that I shouldn't. I love this show - I don't think I'd want to slap it so hard if I didn't love it. :p There's no other show out there that makes me so happy - or gets me so riled up. I think I might be happy if there was a lot of extra content online, webisodes about the characters to fill in the blanks they leave on the show, a new tie-in novel every few months, maybe some tv movie-type episodes - things like that. I don't want much, do I? :lol:

Anywho, sorry if I came off so negative before. *feels guilty* I know you worked hard to get this interview to share with us, and I know Peter is awesome for granting an interview to our humble little site. ;) So thanks to both of you. :)

Top41 said:

Personally, I found Lenkov's answers about both the Pino episode and the blue flu one really interesting.
I did too. I hated to see Pino come back as a baddie because I liked him, but I can definitely see their reasons for using him. And the Blue Flu tying in with the writers' strike was interesting - and very true. I didn't really finish that episode with a clear idea of which side I 'agreed' with. Which was a bit frustrating, but then I guess that's kind of the idea. :lol:

Ghawazee said:

Note: the fireman is NOT Stella's boyfriend (probably in another alternative universe but not this one).
Well, to be fair, she has gone on at least one date with him and, whether we view that as making him as her 'boyfriend' or not, that may very well be how the writers see it. *shrug* We always want more proof onscreen than the writers can give us in 42 minutes.
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Thanks for the interview, Kristine.

Geez, Lenkov made me roll my eyes again and again. Fay has expressed many of my ideas, so I'll keep it brief.

-If you don't want to get Stella and Mac or Flack together (what? I'm a Smacked whore with a tinge of Fiesta. Bear with it), fine. If you wanna pair her with someone else, fine! But at least give her someone who doesn't go putting his jacket under dead people's heads in order to make them feel more comfortable. That bland, brainless fireman was nothing but a nice body. How about someone like Frankie minus the psycho side?

-So now the shotgun wedding wasn't spontaneous, but something thought through. Hmmm... I would pretend to believe it, but I can't be bothered. Sorry, try later.

-The baby's name supposed excitement is overkill. Just name her Claire Lindsay Jessica Montana Messer-Monroe and move on!

-Danny comes from a family of cops and that's it. Right. You know, my mother's cousin's husband is an engineer. May I say I come from a "family of engineers"?

"And believe it or not, I am always looking for ways to bring continuity to the show"
*falls off chair laughing*
*bangs head against the floor and realizes he was serious*
*starts sobbing and runs to her mommy*
I understand that they can't give too much away and I wouldn't want them to give too much away.

I wasn't happy with his answers to the DL questions - or the question about Danny being from a family of cops - because once again they're telling us about the relationship and the back story instead of showing us. And they're filling in massive plot holes with spin and expecting us to swallow it hook, line and sinker.

The spin about Danny's family would be interesting if I thought for one milisecond they were ever going to follow up on it, but I don't. They created a convienent spin on his back story to justify one badly written throw away line from one episode and will most likely never bring up that aspect of his life again instead of making it an intriguing part of the character and his life. That's just lame.
Kristine, don't feel bad. Actually it was a quite eclectic questionanaire and he answered the best he could considering we are almost in May.
I'm glad he mentioned they would only bring back Sam if they have a solid storyline. It means they could tell about certain things that happened in S5 and it will be fixed in S6 (well at least i hope it will be extended to all storylines)

Fay---> probably it's the only proof the Smacked Family does NOT want at all:lol: I expect an intelligent and caring man for Stella *coughmaccough* not the dumbest guy of the block (for God's sake when i remember Brandon Walsh put his jacket under a dead body's head!:lol:)
PerfectAnomaly said:

once again they're telling us about the relationship and the back story instead of showing us. And they're filling in massive plot holes with spin and expecting us to swallow it hook, line and sinker.
I do wonder how much of it is intended to come across a certain way but doesn't because of a combination of fitting it into the confines of an episode and editing and all that jazz. I mean, there's frankly only so much they can show - and if they keep saying this is what they're going for, I don't know why it doesn't come across that way when I watch it. I suppose a lot of it has to do with our viewpoint as we watch the episodes...

Plenilunio said:

-The baby's name supposed excitement is overkill.
I don't think it would feel like overkill if we hadn't known so much about the story beforehand. Casual viewers might have been completely surprised and on the edge of their seats about everything - but we had spoilers ages in advance. Granted, there's not much they could do about revealing that Lindsay would be pregnant once Anna's pregnancy became public knowledge because they'd have to deal with it onscreen somehow - and the question of whether they'd get married had to be dealt with as soon as the pregnancy was revealed (because that does still matter to a lot of people, much though a lot of us think - or wish - it wouldn't). I do think they've tried to build up as much excitement as they could for the whole thing. The wedding did get an extra million viewers over the previous episode, and I suppose the episode where Lindsay has the baby will do the same.

PerfectAnomaly said:

The spin about Danny's family would be interesting if I thought for one milisecond they were ever going to follow up on it, but I don't.
Well, if they're making a concerted effort to include continuity, we may very well see it mentioned again next season. I still wish they'd bring up Louie, but maybe they can kill two birds with one stone? And Lenkov did say they might bring up Lindsay's family next season - if they do, I hope we might get more about all of their families. I'm especially interested to see some more Flack family stuff - particularly his father.
So much negativity here.... :(

Guys, please understand that he can't give too much away about upcoming storylines. Much as we all love spoilers--myself included!--no writer wants to give too much away about upcoming storylines because they want us to watch.

The idea of asking a few questions about what's coming up is to give a brief preview of what's in store for the rest of the season and get everyone excited about May sweeps. I don't ask the questions with the intent of getting majorly detailed spoilers--it's just a taste heading into May sweeps. If all works out, I'm going to try to run brief ones with writers from CSI and Miami in the same vein.

Questions about past episodes are obviously going to be more detailed. Personally, I found Lenkov's answers about both the Pino episode and the blue flu one really interesting.

I didn't mean to sound too negative or anything. I don't expect him to give away major spoilers or anything like that, I just found some of the answers very predictable and formularic. I think it is possible to give some insights as to how things operate behind the scenes without giving away any spoilers.

The back tracking answers that annoy me slightly, I think I would prefer it if they admitted that somethings hadn't been fully explained on screen for whatever reason or that the D/L storyline was hurried to fit in with Annas pregnancy etc. That would come across more credible to me instead of this D/L's organic relationship idea, that to me, is totally at odd to what is shown on the screen.