Personality Type

That is a cool test thanks LoneWolf13 ...i found out I'm have an ISTJ personality (Introvert, Sensor, Thinker, Judger), and Police detective was one of the careers which is super awesome... :p
IIFP (Introvert, Intuitive, Feeler, Perceiver) Things below that appeal to me are hightlighted in bold.

Careers for an IIFP
Human resources professional
Physical therapist
Legal mediator

Employee development specialist
Religious worker (Yeah, I can see that! :lol: :lol:)
College professor: humanities
Massage therapist
Social worker
Fashion designer
Holistic health practitioner
Editor/art director (web site)

How to love an IIFP
Appreciate my uniqueness and sensitivity.
Be a patient and supportive listener.
Respect my privacy and my need for emotional intimacy.
Be reassuring and gentle in your words and actions.
Try not to force decisions too quickly, or bug me about being messy.
Above all - respect my feelings and never demand that I compromise my values.

Parenting an IIFP
encourage them to talk about their ideas; listen quietly and give them your undivided attention
allow them to watch from the sidelines: give them plenty of time to play alone or day dream
respect the intensity of their feelings; appeal to their desire for harmony in times of conflict
(Where was this list when I was a child?)
It was hard to choose because I'm a bit of both sides of all the questions. I'm an (Introvert, Intuitive, Feeler, Perceiver)

People of this type tend to be: quiet, reserved, and kind; deeply passionate, sensitive, and easily hurt; loving and dedicated to those close to them; creative, original, and imaginative; curious and flexible in small matters; nonconforming.

The most important thing to INFPs is their deeply held beliefs and living in harmony with their values.

People of this type tend to be: friendly, charming, and outgoing; quick-witted, energetic, and irreverent; ingenious, imaginative, and creative; curious, flexible, and unpredictable; logical and analytical.

Well, the imaginative, creative, and unpredictable describe me, but I am so far from Logical, that when I listen to the song with the similar name, irony suddenly shows up and claims me as a victim....
I already posted that I'm an ISFP but I'll go into it in greater detail:

Career Choices:

Great careers for ISFPs

Here are just a few popular and often satisfying careers for people whose Personality Type is ISFP.

Primary care physician

Occupational therapist

Designer: interior / landscape

Massage therapist

Customer service representative

Fashion designer




Registered Nurse

Dental hygienist

Travel agent / tour operator

Home health worker

Medical assistant

Alcohol and drug addiction counselor

How to love an ISFP:

Be a patient and supportive listener; make it safe for me to speak my mind.
Appreciate my gentle, nurturing nature and ability to find joy in simple pleasures.
Express your love and affection freely and often!
Demonstrate your devotion in thoughtful actions.
Try not to nag me about order, or force decisions too quickly.

Above all - Show me you love me exactly the way I am.(or try not to piss me off heh)

SpeedReading ISFPs

The key to success lies in your ability to quickly size others up, and speak their language. Here are just a few clues for SpeedReading (understanding) and SpeedReaching (communicating with) ISFPs.

How to Spot ISFPs:

gentle, soft-spoken, and modest
relaxed, easygoing, and accommodating
unassuming and not terribly assertive
fun loving, caring, and sensitive

Tips for Communicating with ISFPs:

Avoid confrontations! Be cooperative and gentle
Stress the practical ways they can be of assistance to others
Make projects fun - enjoy the moment with them
I am an INFJ (Introvert, Intuitive, Feeler, Judger).

People of this type tend to be: creative, original, and independent; thoughtful, warm, and sensitive; global thinkers with great passion for their unique vision; cautious, deliberate, and planful; organized, productive, and decisive; reserved and polite.

The most important thing to INFJs is their ideas, and being faithful to their vision.

Great careers for INFJs:

Here are just a few popular and often satisfying careers for people whose Personality Type is INFJ.

* Special education teacher
* Alcohol and drug addiction counselor
* Universal design architect
* Holistic health practitioner
* Diversity manager/trainer
* Speech/language pathologist
* Career counselor
* Environmental attorney
* Director of religious education
* Therapist
* Editor / art director (web sites)
* Writer
* Mediator / conflict resolver
* Planned giving officer
* Religious educator

How to Love an INFJ:

* Appreciate my unique vision and many creative ideas.

* Respect my deeply held beliefs and values.

* Share your feelings and express your opinions.

* Give me time alone to pursue my interests and passions in depth.

* Try to keep our home orderly.

* Above all - trust my inspiration and encourage me to make my dreams come true.

Parenting INFJs:

The Joys and Challenges of Raising INFJs:

They are creative, imaginative, and ethereal but are also perfectionists and single-minded. While they are often careful, private, and reserved, they may give up on their projects if they get too much outside input.

What works with INFJs:

* respect their need for privacy, quiet, and time alone to play, think, or dream

* express your love in little, thoughtful ways like love notes; talk one to one

* ask for their input and ideas ahead of time; include them in decision making

Parents of INFJs: they'll know you really love them when you...
send them a love note; have a regular date to spend time alone together.

SpeedReading INFJs:

The key to success lies in your ability to quickly size others up, and speak their language. Here are just a few clues for SpeedReading (understanding) and SpeedReaching (communicating with) INFJs.

How to Spot INFJs:

* reserved, proper, and cautious at first

* creative, visionary, and complex

* decisive with strong convictions and values

* thoughtful, figurative language

Tips for Communicating with INFJs:

* Present your idea in terms of your vision with an emphasis on the larger goals

* Appeal to their creativity

* Expect a careful consideration and then an in-depth discussion of ideas

What a cool test...for me it's actually pretty accurate.
I'm an ISTP

People of this type tend to be: logical, pragmatic, and matter of fact; quiet, unassuming, and autonomous; realistic, pragmatic, and aloof; impulsive and curious about the physical world; flexible and resourceful; objective and unemotional.

The most important thing to ISTPs is the freedom to act independently and follow their impulses. :)
Footyliz said:
Well I'm ESTJ, which is pretty accurate, except that I was pretty close to being either on the T or F bracket!
I did this before a few years ago and I have got a lot closer to being an F in the last few years, maybe that shows I'm maturing :)

Me too on the T and F. It was half-half. I used to easily fit into a Feeler but now I'm moving towards what does that mean...I'm..."Immaturing"??? :rolleyes: :lol:
I'm an ISTJ, though it was rather split on the Thinker or Feeler. :)

Life as an ISTJ
(Introvert, Sensor, Thinker, Judger)

People of this type tend to be: cautious, conservative, and quiet; literal, realistic, and practical; careful and precise; logical, honest, and matter of fact; resistant to change and comfortable with routine; hard working and responsible.

The most important thing to ISTJs is being of service, working hard, and being responsible.
(Introvert, Sensor, Thinker, Perceiver)
People of this type tend to be: logical, pragmatic, and matter of fact; quiet, unassuming, and autonomous; realistic, pragmatic, and aloof; impulsive and curious about the physical world; flexible and resourceful; objective and unemotional

wow, thats me exactly!

Some careers:

Computer programmer

Commercial pilot

Crisis hotline operator

Police officer

Software developer

Information services manager


Emergency medical technician

Commercial artist

Private investigator

Fire fighter

Physical therapist

Lawn service manager


Animal trainer
People of this type tend to be: kind, humble, and highly empathetic; thoughtful, faithful, and affectionate with those they know well; sensitive to criticism and easily hurt; quiet, soft-spoken, and gentle; adaptable, responsive, and curious; realistic and down to earth.
The most important thing to ISFPs is feeling peaceful and harmonious with the people and places that matter most to them.

Some careers:
Primary care physician
Occupational therapist
Designer: interior / landscape
Massage therapist
Customer service representative
Fashion designer
Registered Nurse
Dental hygienist
Travel agent / tour operator
Home health worker
Medical assistant
Alcohol and drug addiction counselor

How to Love
Be a patient and supportive listener; make it safe for me to speak my mind.
Appreciate my gentle, nurturing nature and ability to find joy in simple pleasures.
Express your love and affection freely and often!
Demonstrate your devotion in thoughtful actions.
Try not to nag me about order, or force decisions too quickly.
Above all - Show me you love me exactly the way I am.

hold and snuggle them a lot; speak to them with a soft and gentle voice; give your full attention when they speak to you
support their feelings and allow them to express themselves in their own time and style
model assertiveness and create an atmosphere where they are safe to practice these budding skills

gentle, soft-spoken, and modest
relaxed, easygoing, and accommodating
unassuming and not terribly assertive
fun loving, caring, and sensitive

Tips for Communicating
Avoid confrontations! Be cooperative and gentle
Stress the practical ways they can be of assistance to others
Make projects fun - enjoy the moment with them
Fingerprints said:
That is a cool test thanks LoneWolf13 ...i found out I'm have an ISTJ personality (Introvert, Sensor, Thinker, Judger), and Police detective was one of the careers which is super awesome... :p

I'm glad you like the test :D

LiquidCrystal said:
I LOVE MYERS-BRIGGS!!! Did you know Gary Dourdan and Marg Helgengerger are INFJ's like me?

There is also a test at It's longer and more in depth...also free.

There are also more descriptions at,, and my personal favourite

Awesome more quizes! (the thread is growing, muhahaha! :p) I'll have to check these ones out! Thanks for posting them :)