I am an INFJ (Introvert, Intuitive, Feeler, Judger).
People of this type tend to be: creative, original, and independent; thoughtful, warm, and sensitive; global thinkers with great passion for their unique vision; cautious, deliberate, and planful; organized, productive, and decisive; reserved and polite.
The most important thing to INFJs is their ideas, and being faithful to their vision.
Great careers for INFJs:
Here are just a few popular and often satisfying careers for people whose Personality Type is INFJ.
* Special education teacher
* Alcohol and drug addiction counselor
* Universal design architect
* Holistic health practitioner
* Diversity manager/trainer
* Speech/language pathologist
* Career counselor
* Environmental attorney
* Director of religious education
* Therapist
* Editor / art director (web sites)
* Writer
* Mediator / conflict resolver
* Planned giving officer
* Religious educator
How to Love an INFJ:
* Appreciate my unique vision and many creative ideas.
* Respect my deeply held beliefs and values.
* Share your feelings and express your opinions.
* Give me time alone to pursue my interests and passions in depth.
* Try to keep our home orderly.
* Above all - trust my inspiration and encourage me to make my dreams come true.
Parenting INFJs:
The Joys and Challenges of Raising INFJs:
They are creative, imaginative, and ethereal but are also perfectionists and single-minded. While they are often careful, private, and reserved, they may give up on their projects if they get too much outside input.
What works with INFJs:
* respect their need for privacy, quiet, and time alone to play, think, or dream
* express your love in little, thoughtful ways like love notes; talk one to one
* ask for their input and ideas ahead of time; include them in decision making
Parents of INFJs: they'll know you really love them when you...
send them a love note; have a regular date to spend time alone together.
SpeedReading INFJs:
The key to success lies in your ability to quickly size others up, and speak their language. Here are just a few clues for SpeedReading (understanding) and SpeedReaching (communicating with) INFJs.
How to Spot INFJs:
* reserved, proper, and cautious at first
* creative, visionary, and complex
* decisive with strong convictions and values
* thoughtful, figurative language
Tips for Communicating with INFJs:
* Present your idea in terms of your vision with an emphasis on the larger goals
* Appeal to their creativity
* Expect a careful consideration and then an in-depth discussion of ideas
What a cool test...for me it's actually pretty accurate.