Pen Pals maybe!??

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Mayte said:
Will it be via e-mail or traditional? By the way, I´m from the south of Spain, so if anyone is interested...
^^Nice to see another Spanish around. :)

btw.No need to exchange email adresses you can pm each other.
Hormiga said:
No need to exchange email adresses you can pm each other.
Yeah, but it's more fun if you exchange email addresses because you might be able to IM each other. CatherineWillows and I talked on MSN for like two hours last night, which is way better than PMing. ;)
I agree, emailing/IMing is much better. I've put my MSN/Email in my bio. Feel free to contact me :)
You know, this isn't really much different from Contact Thread, where people share contact info. So I think I quote the first post here in that thread and you can continue the discussion there. Alrighty? Questions can be PMd to me.
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